The Ant and the Cricket Question Answers

The Ant and the Cricket Question Answers
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The Ant and the Cricket Poem Summary

A cricket suddenly realized that it was winter already and he had not stored food for the hard winter days. He had spent the warm summer days singing and enjoying himself. Now his cupboard was empty, and the ground was covered with snow.

Trembling with cold and dripping with wet, he set out to seek help from the ant, who had been working throughout summer to save food for himself. He asked if he could borrow a mouthful of grain and a shelter for the rain. The ant said, though he was a servant and a friend to the cricket, ants do not borrow or lend anything. He also asked why the cricket did not save food during the summer, to which the cricket replied that he was singing. The ant asked him to dance till the winter ended, in a sarcastic manner. The ant shut the door and turned the cricket away.

The poet says this could be a true incident, for there are many two-legged crickets also in this world - referring to lazy people who while away their time, without thinking about their future.


The ant and the cricket question answer

Questions (Page No. 23)

(Working with the poem)

Question 1. The cricket says, “Oh! what will become of me?” When does he say it, and why?

Answer: The cricket said the line, “Oh! what will become of me?” when he found out that winter had arrived but his cupboard was empty. He could not find a single crumb on the snow-covered ground, neither could he see a flower nor a leaf on the tree. He wondered that as it was getting cold and he had nothing to eat in order to survive, he would die of starvation very soon.

Question 2.

a.   Find in the poem the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Shakespeare).

b.   What is your opinion of the ant’s principles?


a.  The line from the poem that means the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” was “But we ants never borrow; we ants never lend.”

b.  From the ant’s principle, we learn that we should save enough for the future, so that we might not need to borrow or lend from anyone in times of need. We should toil hard when the sun shines and make the best utilization of time and available resources.

Question 3. The ant tells the cricket to “dance the winter away”. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why?

Answer: When the ant told the cricket to “dance the winter away”, she meant the cricket didn’t utilize his precious time and the available resources during summer to save up enough for the cold season. He was making merry and dancing his way when the sun was shining bright. Therefore, when the ant mentions about the word ‘dance’, she means that the cricket should try to dance and sing in the winter just as he did during the summer and not bother her by asking for food and shelter. Hence, the word ‘dance’ in context is associated with the irresponsible and careless nature of the cricket who made merry when the sun shone bright, but didn’t save adequate food to survive in the winter season.

Question 4.

a.  Which lines in the poem express the poet’s comment? Read them aloud.

b.  Write the comment in your own words.

Answer: The lines in the poem that express the poet’s comment are, “Folks call this a fable. I’ll warrant it true”.

The above comment as mentioned by the poet in the poem is a fable which has a moral behind it. In this story, the cricket is the one who has a very carefree nature and believes in making merry and dancing his way when the sun was shining bright during the summer season. He was so engrossed with dancing and singing that he didn’t save anything for the cold season. On the other hand, the ant used to toil hard every day during the summer and saved enough grains for the future so that she has enough food stock to survive the freezing cold winter season. Hence, the moral of the story is that we should always be prepared to work hard and ready to face adverse situations, as and when they arise. Otherwise, our condition would become like the cricket who didn’t save enough for a secure future.

The classic tale of the ant and the cricket unfolds a timeless lesson of hard work and prudence that resonates deeply with students, especially those in class 8 studying this poem. "The Ant and the Cricket" is a notable part of their curriculum, and the question answer format used in the educational setting helps to embed the poem's moral more profoundly.

Every time we delve into the narrative of the ant and the cricket, we're reminded of the contrast between the ant's industrious nature and the cricket's carefree demeanor. The cricket and the ant represent two diametrically opposed philosophies of life. While the cricket enjoys the summer, playing and singing without a thought for the future, the diligent ant works relentlessly, storing food for the harsh winter.

When it comes to Class 8 English, "The Ant and the Cricket" is a staple in many schools. This poem often prompts an array of questions, which are answered in class discussions or in written assignments, thereby enhancing understanding and reinforcing the moral values it portrays. The poem not only appeals to students but is also a favourite among teachers because of its potential for sparking engaging discussions.

For a Class 8 student, the English poem "The Ant and the Cricket" is not just a verse; it serves as a basis for a multitude of exercises that revolve around comprehension and interpretation. The questions answers method, frequently employed in the Class 8 curriculum, assists in ingraining the poem's moral and the poet's message in the young minds.

In the realm of the Hindi poem for Class 8, the same essence can be observed as in "The Ant and the Cricket." Like the ant and cricket's tale, Hindi poems of this level impart valuable life lessons in a captivating way. Therefore, both English and Hindi poems serve as enriching facets of the Class 8 syllabus.

"The Cricket and the Ants" showcases an alternate perspective, offering a different angle to the narrative. Nevertheless, the underlying moral remains consistent across both versions – the value of hard work and foresight.

Examining the tale from an artistic point of view, "The Ant and the Cricket" drawing activities allow students to express their understanding of the poem visually. By doing so, they bring out their interpretation of the characters and the narrative, thus adding a layer of depth to their comprehension of the poem.

In addition to the primary questions, the ant and the cricket poem also encourages more complex inquiries. These extra questions foster critical thinking skills and often stimulate deeper discussion among Class 8 students. To further assist learning, the ant and the cricket Class 8 PDF question answer resources are widely available, serving as effective study aids.

The Ant and the Grasshopper story, the precursor to "The Ant and the Cricket" poem, is another favourite among readers. This tale, too, reiterates the importance of preparation and hard work. In essence, whether you approach it from the perspective of the ant and the cricket, the ant and the grasshopper, or even the cricket and the ants, the essential message of this timeless tale remains the same, fostering the values of diligence, foresight, and the essence of preparedness in its readers.

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