Class 7 English Chapter 5 Garden Snake Question Answer

Premium Class 7 English Chapter 5 Garden Snake Question Answer
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Welcome to the verdant realm of Garden Snake, fellow trailblazers of Class 7!  Are you ready to sneak through the grass with curiosity, dart your tongue at knowledge, and shed the old skin of 'just another chapter' for something truly extraordinary? If so, slither alongside as we delve into the delightful world of Garden Snake Class 7—where every word coils and questions spring to life!

Now, you might ponder, what could be so enthralling about a Garden Snake Class 7 Question answer session? Ah, but that’s where the magic slithers in, my dear brainy bunch! Each Garden Snake Class 7 question answer you uncover is like finding a new twist in the garden maze—exciting, unexpected, and just a hint whimsical. The serpentine journey through Class 7 Garden Snake question answer isn't just about getting the 'right' answers; it's about exploring the rich undergrowth where meaning lurks, waiting to be discovered by the keenest of eyes.

Need a glimpse before we venture further? The Garden Snake class 7 summary gives you just enough peek at the plot without giving away the garden's secrets. Similarly, the echo of Class 7 Garden Snake summary whispers the essence of our slithery subject in just a few choice lines.

Hiss-torically speaking, our Garden Snake question answer adventures won't be complete without the grand treasure trove—the Garden Snake class 7 worksheet with answer. This marvelous map leads you through the terrain of thought and learning, promising intellectual treasures at every turn.

And for those insatiable knowledge-nibblers, the Garden Snake class 7 extra questions are ripe and ready for the picking—a feast of facts to enrich your minds and tickle your fancy.

So, lace up your adventurer's boots, spark your wits to a fine flicker, and let’s crawl into the compelling cosmos of Class 7 English Chapter 7 question answer. By journey’s end, not only will you have unraveled the snake's secret garden, but you might just find you've grown a whole new appreciation for the ground beneath your feet and the words on the page! 

Garden Snake poem  summary

In the poem "Garden Snake" by Muriel L Sonne, the speaker talks about an incident that happened when he was a child. He sees a snake in the garden and gets scared. He runs away thinking that it might be dangerous. The poem talks about how misconceptions can mislead a person. The speaker's mother tells him that the garden snake is harmless and good. It eats insects around the place, thereby protecting them from transmitting diseases. The speaker realises his mistake and allows the snake to pass by. He realises that no creature can cause harm unless it is disturbed or attacked. The speaker emphasises on co-existing peacefully with all creations.


Questions (Page No. 137-138)

Garden Snake class 7 question answer

Question 1. Answer the following questions:

a.     Pick out the line that suggests that the child is afraid of snakes.

b.    Which line shows a complete change of the child’s attitude towards snakes? Read it aloud.

c.     “But mother says that kind is good…” What is mother referring to?


a.     The line that suggests that the child is afraid of snakes is:

“I saw a snake and ran away…”

b.    The line that shows a complete change of child’s attitude towards snakes is:

“I’ll stand aside and watch him pass,”

c.     The mother is referring to the “garden snakes”.

Question 2. Find the word that refers to the snake’s movements in the grass.

Answer: “Wiggles” is the word that refers to the snake’s movements in the grass.

Question 3. There are four pairs of rhyming words in the poem. Say them aloud.

Answer: The four pairs of rhyming words in the poem are:





Question 4. A snake has no legs or feet, but it moves very fast. Can you guess how? Discuss in the group.

Answer: A snake wiggles and that’s how it moves very fast although it does not have legs or feet.

Question 5: Can you recall the word used for a cobra’s long sharp teeth? Where did you come across this word first?

Answer: The word used for cobra’s long sharp teeth is “fangs”. I have heard this word while watching Discovery channel.

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  • Garden snake class 7

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