The Invention Of Vita-Wonk Question Answer

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Oh, intrepid explorers of the curious and the marvellous, gather 'round! We're about to embark on a journey—an intellectual safari, if you will—through the wondrous landscape of The invention of Vita-Wonk. This isn't just any expedition. It's a quest filled with enigmas wrapped in riddles, all nestled within the pages of NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 7. 

Imagine, if you will, a potion so peculiar, a concoction so rare, it can reverse the ticking hands of time itself! This, my dear learners, is the essence of The invention of vita-wonk. But what questions does such a fantastical narrative pose, you may wonder? Fret not, for The invention of vita-wonk question answers are akin to magical keys ready to unlock the mysteries of this enchanted narrative.

Delve we must, deeper into the heart of the narrative with The invention of Vita Wonk Question and Answers. Each question a stepping stone, each answer a leap towards understanding the alchemy behind Vita-Wonk. How did such an invention come to be, you ask? Ah, curiosity—that most splendid spark!

Our adventure through Class 7 The invention of Vita-Wonk question answer promises not only to illuminate the peculiarities of the tale but also to awaken a sense of wonder and inquiry. Shall we then peek into the The invention of vita-wonk class 7 worksheet with answers? Oh, what treasures of knowledge await amongst those carefully crafted questions and meticulously mined answers!

"For the truly brave," whispers the wind, "extra quests lie ahead!" And thus, we're drawn to The invention of Vita-Wonk class 7 extra questions, a trove stretching beyond the horizon, challenging the limits of our imagination and testing the mettle of our intellect with The invention of Vita-Wonk class 7 MCQ.

Embarking on this journey through Class 7 English Chapter 7 Question Answer isn't just about finding out what Vita-Wonk is; it's about the joy of discovery, the thrill of comprehension, and the sheer delight of seeing the world through the wizened eyes of experience and wisdom encapsulated within The invention of Vita-Wonk summary.

So, fellow adventurers, are you ready to dare, to learn, and to venture forth into the realm of the extraordinary? With The invention of Vita-Wonk Question and Answers as our map and our indefatigable spirit as our compass, there's no telling what educational treasures we might uncover!  Let the expedition begin!

the invention of Vita Wonk

"The Invention of Vita-Wonk" is a chapter from the NCERT English textbook for Class 7. The story follows a scientist named Professor Branestawm who creates a potion that can cure any illness. However, the potion has some unexpected side effects, leading to chaos and hilarity. Through the story, students can learn about the consequences of playing with science and the importance of responsible experimentation. The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 7 provide a detailed analysis of the story, helping students understand its themes and literary devices.

the invention of Vita Wonk summary

''The Invention of Vita Wonk" by Roald Dahl is an excerpt taken from the novel "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator". The lesson is a fun filled incident that happens in the life of Willy Wonka and Charlie. They get into orbit accidentally, where they face dangerous aliens called Knids. They also have to save the astronauts who are stuck there.

When Charlie's grandparents refuse to move because of their old age, Willy Wonka gives them a potion named Wonka-Vite, which reduces their age, to the extent that it turns into minus. The entire lesson then focuses on how they try to bring back their grandparents. Wonka collects a variety of items from all things old, especially from trees, since trees are the longest-living thing in the world. He then proceeds to collect various other things from various people and animals. He tests it on the Oompa-Loompa volunteers, which yields results. He makes Vita-Wonk, which proves it as an antidote and finally brings the grandparents back.

the invention of vita wonk question answers

Question 1. Choose the right answer.

       i.          Mr Willy Wonka is

(a) a cook (b) an inventor (c) a manager.

Answer: (b) an inventor

     ii.          Wonka-Vite makes people

(a) older (b) younger.

Answer: younger

   iii.          Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing which will make people

(a) younger (b) older.

Answer: (b) older

Question 2. Can anyone’s age be a minus number? What does “minus 87” mean?

Answer: No, anyone’s age cannot be a minus number. It is calculated from the day we are born.

Minus 87 means that the person will have to wait for 87 years to take birth.

 Question 3: Mr Wonka begins by asking himself two questions. What are they?

a.     What is _____________________?

b.    What lives _____________________?

Answer: Mr Wonka begins by asking himself two questions. They are:

a.     What is the oldest living thing in the world?

b.    What lives longer than anything else?

Questions (Page No. 102)

(Working with the text)

Question 1.

a.     What trees does Mr Wonka mention? Which tree does he say lives the longest?

b.    How long does this tree live? Where can you find it?


a.     Mr Wonka mentions the following trees:

·       Douglas fir

·       Oak

·       Cedar

·       Bristlecone pine

He says that the Bristlecone pine lives the longest.

b.    This tree lives for over 4000 years. It can be found upon the slopes of Wheeler Peak in Nevada, U.S.A.

Question 2. How many of the oldest living things can you remember from Mr Wonka’s list? (Don’t look back at the story!) Do you think all these things really exist, or are some of them purely imaginary?

Answer: Here are the oldest living things that are enlisted by Mr Wonka:

A 4000-year-old bristlecone pine

A 168-year-old Russian farmer

A 200-year-old tortoise

A 51-year-old horse

A 36-year-old cat

A 207-year-old giant rat

A 97-year-old grimalkin

A 700-year-old cattalo

A 36-year-old-flea

I think most of them exist while some might be purely imaginary.

Question 3. Why does Mr Wonka collect items from the oldest things? Do you think this is the right way to begin his invention?

Answer: Mr Wonka collects items from the oldest things because he had to invent an item that can make people older.

I think researching on the oldest things is still a good idea as it can give him an insight into what might be the reason behind their long life. But, collecting little things from such species is not a great idea to begin his invention.

Question 4. What happens to the volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention? What is the name of the invention?

Answer: The volunteer began to wrinkle and shrivel up all over. His hair started to drop off and his teeth started to fall out. He suddenly became a seventy-five year-old man!

The name of the invention was Vita-Wonk.

Questions (Page No. 103-104)

(Working with language)

Question 1. What do you call these insects in your language?

Add to this list the names of some insects common in your area.

Answer: (Write the names of these insects as spoken in your language.)

Some other insects that are found commonly in our area are: bee, spider, lizard, etc.

Question 2: Fill in the blanks in the recipe given below with words from the box.

shred cooker times tomatoes half onion oil

Easy Palak–Dal


·       One ________

·       One cup dal

·       Two thin green chillies

·       ________ a teaspoon red chilli powder

·       Eight small bunches of palak

·       Two ________

·       Salt to taste

Wash and cut the vegetables; ________ the palak. Put everything in a pressure ________. Let the cooker whistle three ________, then switch it off. Fry a few cumin seeds in ________ and add to the palak–dal.


·       One onion

·       One cup dal

·       Two thin green chillies

·       Half a teaspoon red chilli powder

·       Eight small bunches of palak

·       Two tomatoes

·       Salt to taste

Wash and cut the vegetables; shred the palak. Put everything in a pressure cooker. Let the cooker whistle three times, then switch it off. Fry a few cumin seeds in oil and add to the palak–dal.

Question 3: A ‘family tree’ is a diagram that shows the relationship between the different members of a family. Fill in the family tree below with names, ages, and other details you think are relevant (you may even stick photographs, if you have them). Put your family trees up in the class.

Answer: Do it yourself.

Question 1. Using Do for Emphasis


Charlie asks, “What did happen?”


This is a way of asking the question “What happened?” with emphasis.


Given below are a few emphatic utterances. Say them to your partner. Let your partner repeat your utterance without the emphasis. Your partner may also add something to show she/he disagrees with you.

YOU: I did study.

PARTNER: You studied? I don’t believe you. Look at your marks!

YOU: I did go there.

PARTNER: You went there? Then…

YOU: I do play games.


YOU: He does read his books.


YOU: You do say the most unbelievable things!


YOU: The earth does spin around.


YOU: We all do want you to come with us.


YOU: Who does know how to cook?


YOU: I do believe that man is a thief.


Answer: YOU: I did go there.

PARTNER: You went there? Then how was I unable to find you there?

YOU: I do play games.

PARTNER: You play games? Then why don’t you participate in them in the school?

YOU: He does read his books.

PARTNER: He reads his books? But he is never able to answer the questions correctly.

YOU: You do say the most unbelievable things!

PARTNER: I say the most unbelievable things? Why do you feel so?

YOU: The earth does spin around.

PARTNER: The earth spins around? How can you be so sure?

YOU: We all do want you to come with us.

PARTNER: You want me to come with you? Then why did not you guys call me earlier?

YOU: Who does know how to cook?

PARTNER: I do not. But can’t say about my elder sister. I think she knows how to cook.

YOU: I do believe that man is a thief.

PARTNER: You believe that man is a thief? What makes you think so?

Questions (Page No. 106)


Question 1.

a.     Make a list of the trees Mr Wonka mentions. Where do these trees grow? Try to find out from an encyclopaedia. Write a short paragraph about two or three of these trees.

b.    Name some large trees commonly found in your area. Find out something about them (How old are they? Who planted them? Do birds eat their fruit?), and write two or three sentences about each one of them.


a.     Mr Wonka mentions the following trees:

·       Douglas fir

·       Oak

·       Cedar

·       Bristlecone pine

Douglas fir is found in coastal regions from west-central British Columbia southward to central California.

Oak is found in cool temperate to tropical latitudes in Asia and the America.

We can find Cedar in the mountains of the western Himalaya and the Mediterranean region.

Bristlecone Pines are found in higher mountains of the southwest United States. There are such bristlecone pine trees which are over 4000 years old.

b.    Some large trees found around my area are:

Eucalyptus trees, Neem trees, Peepal trees and Banyan trees.

Eucalyptus trees are largely found in my area. They are used to prepare eucalyptus oil that has medicinal uses.

Peepal and Banyan are worshipped. Some of them have existed for more than 150 years.

The Neem tree in front of my house was planted by grandmother 50 years back. It is a huge tree now.

Question 2. Find out something interesting about age, or growing old, and write a paragraph about it. Following are a few topics, suggested as examples.

·       The age profile of a country’s population — does it have more young people than old people, or vice versa? What are the consequences of this?

·       How can we tell how old a tree, a horse, or a rock is?

·       What is the ‘life expectancy’ of various living things, and various populations (how long can they reasonably expect to live)?

Answer: The age of any living thing is calculated from the day it is born. It determines how much it has lived till date. There are some countries where more people are of old age rather than young.

For instance, countries like Italy where there are more old people rather than young people. Whereas India is a country where the number of youths is higher.

The age of a tree can be calculated by counting the number of rings in its trunk. Carbon dating process can be used to find the age of a horse, a rock, etc.

In conclusion, the chapter "The Invention of Vita-Wonk" in Class 7 English presents an intriguing tale that captivates readers with the concept of a miraculous formula. This chapter explores the process through which Mr. Wonka, a brilliant scientist, invents Vita-Wonk. By analyzing the comprehension check questions, students can gain a deeper understanding of the story and its underlying meaning.

The invention of Vita-Wonk is a fascinating subject, with its summary encapsulating the essence of the chapter. It delves into the significance of Mr. Wonka's initial creation, Wonka-Vite, which reverses the aging process, making individuals younger. The narrative then takes an unexpected turn as we witness the series of events that lead to Mr. Wonka's ultimate invention of Vita-Wonk, a formula capable of making people older.

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