English Dialogue Writing: Format and Examples for Class 7

English Dialogue Writing: Format and Examples for Class 7
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 writing Dialogue in english is an essential skill for any writer, whether you're working on a novel, screenplay, or even a blog post. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of dialogue writing, including style and format, and provide examples to help you improve your skills and create compelling conversations between your characters.

What Is Dialogue Writing?

Dialogue writing is the art of creating conversations between characters in a story, play, or movie. It is an essential element of storytelling that helps to develop characters, advance the plot, and engage the audience. Dialogue can be used to reveal a character's personality, motivations, and emotions, as well as to convey important information to the audience. Good dialogue should sound natural and realistic, while also being concise and purposeful.

dialogue writing in English

Dialogue writing in English is a crucial skill for any writer looking to create engaging and realistic conversations between characters. It involves understanding the nuances of language, including tone, pacing, and word choice, as well as the formatting and structure of dialogue. With practice and attention to detail, anyone can master the art of English dialogue writing and create compelling stories that resonate with readers.

dialogue writing in English class 7

Dialogue writing in English is an important skill that is often taught in class 7. Students learn how to create realistic conversations between characters, using proper punctuation, formatting, and language. They also learn how to convey emotions and tone through dialogue, and how to use dialogue to advance the plot of a story. With practice and guidance from their teachers, students can develop their dialogue writing skills and become confident writers.

Types of Dialogues

There are several types of dialogues that can be used in writing, each with its own purpose and style. Some common types include:

1. Direct Dialogue: This is the most common type of dialogue, where characters speak directly to each other.

2. Indirect Dialogue: This type of dialogue is used to summarize what was said, rather than quoting it directly.

3. Monologue: A monologue is a long speech given by one character, often used to reveal their thoughts and feelings.

4. Soliloquy: Similar to a monologue, a soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, revealing their innermost thoughts and feelings.

5. Interior Monologue: This type of dialogue is used to reveal a character's thoughts and feelings, often in a stream-of-consciousness style.

6. Group Dialogue: This is a conversation between three or more characters, often used to reveal relationships and dynamics between characters.

Format of a Dialogue

 dialogue does not have any distinct format. However, some rules need to be followed to avoid confusion while pairing a statement with its speaker.

      When the names of speakers are not mentioned, the dialogues should be written within quotation marks.

     Example: “I have an appointment today.” “What time is it?”

         In such cases, attributions like „he said‟, „she replied‟ etc. should also be included.

     Example: “I do not trust that man,” he said.

       An attribution when used at the beginning of a sentence should always be followed by a comma (,).

     Example: She said, “This is the clue we were looking for.” 

    When the names of the speakers are included, they should be followed by a colon mark (:). 

    Example: Rita:                How may I help you?

                 Mr Rao:           Could you tell me the way to the boardroom?


Dialogue writing examples

Here are some examples of dialogue writing to help you master the art:

Direct Dialogue:

"Hey, how are you?" asked John. "I'm good, thanks for asking," replied Sarah.

Indirect Dialogue:

John asked Sarah how she was doing and she responded that she was good. Monologue: "I can't believe this is happening to me. Why does everything always have to go wrong? I try so hard and yet nothing seems to work out. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm not good enough," said Jane. Soliloquy: "To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?" said Hamlet. Interior Monologue: I can't believe I'm doing this. What if I mess up? What if they don't like me? I need to calm down and just focus on the task at hand, thought Sarah. Group Dialogue: "So, what are we going to do about this?" asked John. "I don't know, but we need to come up with a plan fast," replied Sarah. "I agree, but we need to make sure we're all on the same page," added Tom.

dialogue writing in English between two friends

Friend 1: Hey there! How was your weekend? I missed you at the park yesterday.

Friend 2: Oh, hey! My weekend was good, but I couldn't make it to the park. I had a family gathering. How was it?

Friend 1: Ah, that's alright. Family gatherings can be fun too! The park was great. We played football and had a picnic. I wish you were there.

Friend 2: Sounds like you had a blast! I wish I could have joined you. Did you win the football game?

Friend 1: Haha, well, we didn't exactly win, but we had a lot of fun. It was more about enjoying the game and spending time together. You know how much I love playing football.

Friend 2: Absolutely! Football is your passion. By the way, how is your new guitar? I remember you were so excited to start learning.

Friend 1: Oh, my guitar! It's fantastic! I've been practicing every day after school. I can even play a few basic songs now. It's challenging, but I'm determined to get better.

Friend 2: That's awesome! Maybe someday we can have a jamming session together. I've been learning the drums, so it could be a lot of fun.

Friend 1: Definitely! We could form a band or something. It would be amazing to create music together. We'll be the coolest musicians in town!

Friend 2: Haha, I like your enthusiasm! But seriously, it would be a great idea. We could start practicing together and maybe even perform at the school talent show.

Friend 1: That's a brilliant idea! Let's talk to our music teacher about it. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to help us. This could be the start of something incredible.

Friend 2: I'm excited just thinking about it! We'll have to put in a lot of effort and practice, but I believe we can do it. Together, we'll rock the stage!

Friend 1: Absolutely! With our determination and friendship, there's nothing we can't achieve. Let's make our dreams come true, my friend.

Friend 2: Cheers to that! I'm glad to have you as my friend, always supporting and inspiring me. Together, we'll conquer the world!

Friend 1: Cheers, my friend! Here's to our friendship and all the adventures that lie ahead. Let's make the most of our journey together.

Sample Dialogues

Monu:  Excuse me sir.

Rahul:  Yes, how may I help you?

Monu:  could you tell me which railway station is the nearest?

Rahul:  Sure! The grant Road railway station is the nearest one from this place.

Monu:  Okay. And how do I reach there?

Rahul:  Oh its quite simple. You walk straight for about ten minutes. You will reach a traffic signal. There you will see a small park in the centre of the road.

Monu:  And after that?

Rahul:  You cross the road and take the bylane which has Irani hotels on both sides. You walk for another two minutes and there you will see the railway station.

Monu:  Thank you sir. You have been very helpful. Have a good day.

Rahul:  You are welcome.


In conclusion, dialogue writing is an essential skill for students in class 7, as it helps them develop their communication and language abilities. By practising dialogue writing, students can improve their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure while also enhancing their creativity and critical thinking skills.

Engaging in dialogue writing topics allows students to explore a wide range of subjects and express their thoughts and ideas effectively. Whether it's crafting a message for class 7th or completing a dialogue, students can learn to convey their messages concisely and with clarity.

To excel in dialogue writing in English, students can refer to examples of dialogue writing and dialogue writing exercises with answers provided in textbooks or online resources. These examples offer valuable guidance on formatting, punctuation, and the proper use of dialogue tags.

One example of dialogue writing could be a conversation between two friends discussing their weekend activities or planning a musical collaboration. By using vivid descriptions, realistic character interactions, and appropriate dialogue tags, students can create engaging and relatable dialogues.

Moreover, dialogue completion exercises for class 7 help students enhance their reading comprehension and analytical skills. These exercises require students to understand the context of the conversation and provide an appropriate response or continuation.

As students progress in their dialogue writing skills, they can also experiment with different writing styles, such as incorporating humour, suspense, or emotions into their dialogues. This allows them to engage the readers and make their dialogues more engaging and memorable.

In addition to classroom activities, students can practice dialogue writing outside of school. They can create dialogues based on real-life situations, write dialogues for short stories or plays, or even participate in dialogue writing competitions to further refine their skills.

In summary, dialogue writing is a valuable skill for class 7 students to develop their communication, language, and creative abilities. By referring to dialogue writing examples, practicing dialogue completion exercises, and exploring various dialogue writing topics, students can enhance their writing skills and express their ideas effectively. So, let's encourage students to embrace the art of dialogue writing and witness their growth as proficient writers.

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