English Essay Writing Format and Examples For Class 7

English Essay Writing Format and Examples For Class 7
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Are you looking to improve your essay writing skills? Look no further! This comprehensive PDF guide provides you with the proper format, helpful tips, useful tricks, and real-life examples to help you create impressive essays. Whether you're a student or a professional, this guide will equip you with the tools you need to excel in your writing endeavors.

What is an Essay?

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it. 

Understand the Essay Structure and essay writing format

Before diving into the writing process, it's important to understand the structure of an essay. A well-structured essay consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present supporting evidence and arguments, each focusing on a specific point. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main points and leave the reader with a strong impression. By understanding the essay structure, you can effectively organize your thoughts and present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner.

Parts of an essay

Types of essay

  1. Narrative Essay: This type of essay tells a story or describes an event, person, or phenomenon in detail. It often utilizes the first-person point of view.

    Example of narrative essay: A narrative essay could recount the writer's first day at school, detailing their emotions, actions, and the events of the day.

  2. Descriptive Essay: Descriptive essays paint a picture using detailed observations and descriptions. They’re often subjective and evoke the senses of the reader.

    example of descriptive essay: A descriptive essay about a beach could detail the feeling of sand underfoot, the sound of waves crashing, and the scent of the salty sea air.

  3. Expository Essay: This type of essay explains or describes a topic using facts, statistics, and examples. There is no place for personal opinion in an expository essay

    Example of expository essay: An expository essay could explain the process of photosynthesis, the causes and effects of global warming, or the history of the Roman Empire.

  4. Argumentative/Persuasive Essay: These essays make a case for a particular viewpoint, backed up by evidence and facts. They aim to convince the reader of the writer's stance.

    Example: of argumentative essay: An argumentative essay could argue in favor of renewable energy sources, providing evidence and statistics to convince the reader of their effectiveness and environmental benefits.

  5. Analytical Essay: An analytical essay analyzes something, such as a piece of literature, an event, or a film. It often includes an interpretation of the subject and breaks it down into its core components.

    Example of analytical essay: An analytical essay could analyze the themes and symbolism in a novel like "To Kill a Mockingbird".

  6. Compare and Contrast Essay: This type of essay analyzes the similarities and differences between two subjects.

    Example of compare and contrast essay: A compare and contrast essay could examine the similarities and differences between two novels, two historical periods, or two scientific theories.

  7. Cause and Effect Essay: This essay explores the cause of a particular event or situation and its effects or consequences.

    Example of cause and effect essay: A cause and effect essay might explore the causes of childhood obesity and its effects on a person's health and social life.

  8. Definition Essay: This essay provides a detailed explanation of a term or concept.

    Example of defination essay : A definition essay might explain what "democracy" or "feminism" is.

    essay writing topics - Samples more essay writing examples are provided in pdf

    English essay independence day

    Title: The Celebration of Independence Day in India

    Every year, on the 15th of August, the people of India celebrate Independence Day. It is a very important day for our country, marking the end of British colonial rule in 1947. On this day, we remember the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to ensure our freedom.

    The day begins with the hoisting of our national flag, the Tricolor, at various locations across the country. The Prime Minister of India raises the flag at the Red Fort in Delhi, a historical site that witnessed many events during our struggle for freedom. This ceremony is followed by the singing of our national anthem, "Jana Gana Mana", which fills every Indian heart with pride and patriotism.

    Parades and cultural programs are a significant part of Independence Day celebrations. Schools and colleges across the country conduct special events where students perform dances, songs, and dramas, all showcasing our rich heritage and diversity. Children dressed in the colors of our flag, saffron, white, and green, radiate the joy of freedom.

    We also see a variety of traditional Indian art during the festivities. Rangoli, a colorful form of art done on the ground, can be seen adorning the streets and homes. People fly kites, symbolizing freedom, filling the sky with a multitude of colors.

    However, Independence Day is not just about celebration. It is a day for reflection, a day to remember the bravery and determination of our leaders and freedom fighters. People like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Bhagat Singh, and countless others who fought relentlessly against the British rule. Their teachings of unity, non-violence, and resilience still echo in our hearts.

    On this day, we also appreciate the progress we have made as a nation since 1947. From advancements in science and technology to strides in education and healthcare, we celebrate our achievements while acknowledging the challenges that lie ahead.

    Independence Day is a reminder to us, the people of India, that our freedom was hard-earned. It encourages us to uphold the values of our Constitution and to work together towards a better India. As we unfurl our Tricolor high and watch it sway in the breeze, we should make a promise to ourselves - to contribute, in whatever small way we can, to the prosperity and well-being of our nation.

    In conclusion, Independence Day is much more than a national holiday in India. It is a celebration of freedom, a tribute to our brave leaders, and a commitment to the growth and development of our country. As we join in the celebrations this 15th of August, let's remember and cherish the essence of Independence Day and strive to keep the spirit of unity and freedom alive.

    English essay pollution

    Title: The Growing Concern of Pollution

    In our modern world, pollution has become a concerning issue that's impacting not only the health of humans but also the planet. This harmful phenomenon occurs when contaminants are introduced into the environment, causing a disturbance in the natural balance. Pollution takes many forms: air, water, soil, and noise, each contributing to a less secure and healthy world.

    Air pollution, arguably one of the most dangerous forms, is primarily caused by industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust, leading to the release of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. These gases not only exacerbate climate change but also cause severe respiratory diseases. The World Health Organization estimates that around seven million people die annually due to exposure to polluted air.

    Water pollution is another pressing issue. Industries, agriculture, and domestic waste often lead to the contamination of water bodies. Chemicals, plastic waste, and untreated sewage harm aquatic life and make water unsafe for human consumption. This causes numerous health problems and impacts the livelihoods of those who depend on these water bodies.

    Soil pollution, though less discussed, poses serious threats as well. When harmful substances like pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial waste seep into the soil, they degrade the quality of land, affecting agriculture and disturbing ecosystems. It results in the loss of fertile land and the decline of crop quality, threatening food security.

    Noise pollution, typically overlooked, affects both health and behavior. Unwanted sound can cause hearing loss, hypertension, stress, and sleep disturbance. In urban areas, traffic noise, construction works, and loud music are some of the major sources of noise pollution.

    Addressing pollution is not a responsibility that lies solely on the shoulders of governments or corporations. As individuals, we too have a role to play. We can reduce air pollution by opting for public transportation, carpooling, or using electric vehicles. Water pollution can be mitigated by minimizing the use of plastic, properly disposing of chemicals, and conserving water. Soil pollution can be controlled by reducing the use of pesticides and recycling organic waste. As for noise pollution, maintaining a reasonable noise level in residential areas can make a significant difference.

    Raising awareness about the perils of pollution is also crucial. Many people aren't aware of how their actions contribute to the problem or of the simple steps they can take to reduce pollution. Educational programs, community workshops, and social media campaigns can play a vital role in spreading this awareness.

    In conclusion, pollution, in all its forms, is a severe threat to our planet. It not only affects our health but also poses significant risks to our environment. However, by taking collective action, raising awareness, and adopting sustainable practices, we can work towards a less polluted, healthier world. Let us remember that every small step counts and can make a substantial difference in the fight against pollution.

    English essay on my hobby

    Title: The Joy of Reading: My Hobby

    Each one of us has a hobby - an activity we turn to for pleasure, relaxation, or creative stimulation. For me, that hobby is reading. Reading has always been more than just a pastime. It's a doorway to different worlds, a source of knowledge, and a springboard for imagination.

    From a young age, I found myself drawn to the world of books. The sight of neatly arranged books in a library or a bookstore always filled my heart with a sense of curiosity and joy. Picking up a book, flipping through the pages, smelling the print on the paper, I would find myself transported into a realm of endless possibilities.

    Books come in various genres, each providing its unique experience. Fictional stories, ranging from fantasy to mystery, have always been my favorite. They enable me to travel to places I've never been, meet characters that do not exist in the real world, and experience adventures beyond reality. Reading J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter', for instance, allowed me to journey through magical realms, while Agatha Christie's 'Murder on the Orient Express' kept me on the edge of my seat with its thrilling plot twists.

    Non-fiction books, on the other hand, offer insights into reality. Biographies inspire me with tales of real-life heroes, and science books arouse my curiosity about the universe's wonders. Reading Yuval Noah Harari's 'Sapiens' broadened my understanding of human evolution and our history as a species.

    The beauty of reading extends beyond the thrill of stories or the pursuit of knowledge. It improves my language skills and expands my vocabulary. I've also found that reading enhances my empathy as it allows me to view the world from different perspectives.

    My hobby of reading has also shaped my routine and my living space. I dedicate at least an hour a day to read, often before bedtime, as a way to unwind. A corner of my room has been transformed into a reading nook, complete with a comfortable chair, a reading lamp, and a small bookshelf housing my growing collection.

    In our fast-paced world, where screens often dominate our attention, picking up a book might seem old-fashioned to some. However, for me, it's a retreat. Each time I open a book, I leave behind the noise of the outside world and embark on a journey of exploration and imagination.

    In conclusion, reading is more than just a hobby for me - it is a passion and an integral part of my life. It offers me an escape, enriches my knowledge, fuels my imagination, and gives me a deeper understanding of the world around me. As George R.R. Martin once wrote, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one." I believe these words perfectly encapsulate the joy of reading, and I am grateful for the countless lives and worlds my hobby has allowed me to experience.

    English essay my mother

    Title: The Beacon of My Life: My Mother

    Every person has an important figure in their life to whom they owe a great deal, and for me, that person is my mother. My mother, a source of endless inspiration and strength, has profoundly shaped who I am today.

    My mother is a woman of medium height with an aura of grace and tranquility. Her deep-set eyes sparkle with kindness and wisdom, and her smile radiates warmth and comfort. She has a radiant personality that draws people to her, making them feel instantly at ease and accepted.

    Her qualities go far beyond her physical appearance, however. My mother is a well of patience and perseverance. She handles every challenge with a calm mind, always looking for solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. Her strength and resilience have often inspired me to face my own challenges with the same tenacity.

    I vividly remember when I was struggling with my studies in middle school. I felt discouraged and on the brink of giving up. It was my mother who stood by me, helping me manage my time better, and patiently explained difficult concepts until I understood them. More importantly, she taught me that setbacks are stepping stones to success and encouraged me to face obstacles with a positive attitude.

    My mother's wisdom is another aspect of her that I deeply admire. From life decisions to moral dilemmas, she always seems to know the right thing to do or say. Her guidance, drawn from her own experiences and understanding of the world, has helped me navigate my way through life.

    Besides being a wonderful mother, she is also a dedicated professional. As a teacher, she is committed to providing the best education for her students. Seeing her juggle her professional and personal responsibilities with such finesse has instilled in me a great respect for her and the understanding that women can indeed excel in their careers while also managing a household.

    In conclusion, my mother is a beacon in my life, guiding me through the tumultuous journey with her unwavering support and love. Her life lessons, her resilience, and her love have played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today. As I grow older, my admiration for her continues to deepen, and I aspire to become as compassionate, strong, and wise as she is. My mother is not just my parent but my role model, my guide, and my best friend. I am, and will always be, grateful for her presence in my life.

    English essay my best friend

    Title: An Unbreakable Bond: My Best Friend

    Friendship is one of the most beautiful aspects of life. A good friend stands by you in good times and bad, making your life richer and more fulfilling. I am fortunate to have such a companion in my life - my best friend, Alex.

    I met Alex during our freshman year of high school. We were both new students, trying to navigate the intimidating corridors and unfamiliar faces. Our mutual feelings of being outsiders in a new environment brought us together, and we quickly became friends.

    Alex is the embodiment of the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." On the outside, he is a quiet, introverted individual. But once you get to know him, you realize that he is full of fascinating ideas and has a genuinely kind heart. His dark eyes light up when he talks about his passions, and his laughter is infectious, making you want to join in his joy.

    One of the most memorable experiences we shared was our epic cross-country road trip the summer after our junior year. We traversed scenic routes, camped under the stars, and discovered small-town diners that served the best homemade pie. The journey, filled with laughter, deep conversations, and unforgettable sights, strengthened our bond.

    In times of hardship, Alex has been my rock. When I went through a rough patch, he was there to lend a supportive shoulder. He didn't offer empty platitudes or try to fix everything; instead, he simply listened, allowing me to express my fears and frustrations. His patience, empathy, and unwavering support helped me find my footing again.

    Alex has taught me a lot about friendship. His loyalty has shown me the importance of standing by your friends, no matter what. His open-mindedness has encouraged me to consider different perspectives, broadening my worldview. His perseverance and dedication to his dreams have inspired me to strive for my own.

    Looking ahead, I am excited about the future of our friendship. We may take different paths in life, but I am confident that our bond will remain strong. I look forward to sharing more adventures, supporting each other through life's ups and downs, and growing together as individuals.

    In conclusion, Alex is more than a best friend to me - he is a brother. His understanding, support, and companionship have been invaluable in my life. Our friendship, rooted in shared experiences, mutual respect, and genuine care, is one of my most cherished relationships. As we journey through life, I am grateful to have Alex by my side, and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

    English essay my family

    Title: The Foundation of My Life: My Family

    Our family is the first community we know and one that deeply influences our development and identity. For me, my family is the cornerstone of my life, providing me with unwavering support and love.

    My family is a small, close-knit unit of four: my father, mother, younger sister, and me. Each one of us has a distinct personality, but our shared values and mutual respect bind us together.

    My father, the pillar of our family, is a hardworking man who has dedicated his life to providing us with the best opportunities. Despite his busy work schedule, he always finds time to engage with us, making sure he's present in our lives. From teaching me to ride a bicycle to helping me with college applications, he has always been there for me.

    My mother, the heart of our family, is a nurturer and guide. She manages our home with precision and care, ensuring everything runs smoothly. More than that, she is our confidante, always ready to listen and offer advice when we need it. Her resilience and empathy are traits that I deeply admire.

    My younger sister, a bundle of energy and laughter, is the light of our home. Even though we argue now and then, as siblings do, our bond is strong. We share secrets, dreams, and fears, and I feel a great responsibility to guide and protect her.

    Our family traditions further strengthen our bond. Every Sunday, we have a family dinner where everyone helps with the cooking. We share our week's experiences, discuss current events, and often indulge in friendly debates. These meals are a time of connection and togetherness that I cherish deeply.

    Holiday traditions are another important part of our family life. Every Christmas, we decorate our house together, bake cookies, and exchange gifts. These traditions create a sense of continuity and shared history that brings us closer together.

    However, our family is not just about joy and harmony; we have faced our share of challenges. We've weathered financial hardships and health scares, but these trials have only made our bond stronger. We lean on each other for support, standing together through thick and thin.

    Looking ahead, I know that life will bring changes. But the love, support, and shared memories that my family provides will remain constant. I am proud to be a part of my family, and I cherish the foundation of love, understanding, and respect we've built.

    In conclusion, my family is the backbone of my life. They have shaped my values, supported my dreams, and provided a safe harbor of love and understanding. I consider myself fortunate to belong to such a wonderful family. As I navigate through life, their love and lessons will continue to guide me, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

    English essay environment

    Title: Our Shared Home: The Environment

    The environment in which we live plays a crucial role in our existence. It provides us with natural resources, supports biodiversity, and maintains the balance necessary for life on Earth. However, human activities and our pursuit of economic growth have led to unprecedented environmental degradation. This essay aims to explore the importance of our environment, the challenges it faces, and the responsibility we hold to protect it.

    The environment comprises all living and non-living elements that exist naturally, encompassing air, water, land, plants, animals, and other natural resources. It's an intricate web of relationships, where each element plays a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. For example, plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, helping regulate our atmosphere and climate. Water bodies support marine life and serve as crucial water sources for humans and wildlife alike.

    Regrettably, our environment is under severe stress due to human activities. Industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation have led to pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. Our rivers and oceans are choking with plastic waste, air quality in many cities is harmful, and countless species are on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss. Climate change, driven by excessive greenhouse gas emissions, threatens to disrupt weather patterns, cause sea-level rise, and lead to more frequent and severe natural disasters.

    The consequences of environmental degradation are not remote or abstract; they impact our daily lives. Pollution causes numerous health issues, from respiratory problems to cancer. Deforestation contributes to global warming and decreases the availability of clean air. Biodiversity loss can disrupt ecosystems, affecting agriculture, food security, and our economies.

    However, it's not too late to address these issues. We can take steps at both individual and collective levels to safeguard our environment. At the individual level, we can reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste. We can opt for public transport, cycling, or walking instead of private vehicles to decrease carbon emissions. At home, we can conserve water and energy by making mindful choices, such as fixing leaks, using energy-efficient appliances, and turning off lights when not in use.

    On a larger scale, governments, corporations, and communities can work together to enact and enforce environmental regulations. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, should be prioritized over fossil fuels. Forests should be protected and expanded, and sustainable farming practices should be encouraged. Investments in green technologies can drive economic growth while reducing environmental harm.

    In conclusion, the environment is not just a backdrop to our lives; it's our life-support system, and its health directly influences our well-being and survival. As inhabitants of Earth, we have a moral and practical responsibility to care for our environment. It's imperative that we shift our mindset from exploitation to stewardship, understanding that a thriving environment is essential for a sustainable and prosperous future. Each one of us has a role to play, and every action—no matter how small—counts.

    English essay education

    Title: Empowering Lives: The Role of Education

    Education is often considered a fundamental human right, and rightly so. It is the catalyst that can ignite potential, drive societal progress, and elevate an individual's quality of life. This essay delves into the importance of education, its evolving nature, and the challenges it faces today.

    Education's value cannot be overstated. It transcends the simple acquisition of knowledge and skills; it molds character, instills values, and encourages critical thinking. Education helps individuals understand the world around them, equipping them with the tools needed to solve problems, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to society.

    Moreover, education serves as a powerful equalizer. It can break the shackles of poverty, giving individuals a chance to rise above their circumstances. For example, a well-educated person is more likely to secure gainful employment, which can lead to financial stability and improved living standards. Furthermore, education promotes social mobility, gender equality, and fosters understanding and tolerance among diverse groups of people.

    The landscape of education has changed significantly over the years. The traditional model of a teacher imparting knowledge to students in a classroom has been supplemented with new modes of learning. Technological advancements have given rise to e-learning platforms, which offer flexible, personalized learning experiences that were unimaginable a few decades ago. This digital shift has been particularly useful in making education more accessible, even in remote or underprivileged regions.

    However, the education sector is not without its challenges. Globally, there are still millions of children who lack access to basic education due to poverty, conflict, or discrimination. Even in developed nations, there are issues like educational inequality, where children from disadvantaged backgrounds struggle to achieve the same academic success as their peers from more affluent families.

    Additionally, the relevance and quality of education in many parts of the world are concerns that need addressing. Our rapidly evolving world demands new skills and competencies, but many educational systems are failing to adapt, leaving students ill-prepared for the future.

    To overcome these challenges, it's crucial to invest in education at all levels. Governments should prioritize education in their budgets, ensuring schools are well-equipped, teachers are well-trained, and education is accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Moreover, the curriculum needs to be continuously updated to reflect the demands of the modern world, incorporating areas like digital literacy, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

    In conclusion, education is a potent instrument that can transform lives and societies. It is not just about literacy or numeracy, but about fostering individuals who can think critically, act responsibly, and continually adapt in an ever-changing world. As we grapple with complex global issues like climate change, economic inequality, and political polarization, the importance of a well-rounded, inclusive, and quality education has never been more evident. It's our collective responsibility to ensure that everyone, everywhere, has access to the life-changing power of education.

    English essay global warming

    Title: Rising Temperatures, Rising Concerns: Global Warming

    Global warming, defined as the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature, has become one of the most pressing challenges of our time. This phenomenon, largely driven by human activities, threatens the stability of our climate and has far-reaching implications for humans and the natural world alike. This essay will delve into the causes, impacts, and potential solutions for global warming.

    The primary cause of global warming is the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane, trap heat from the sun, creating a 'greenhouse effect' that warms the planet. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for electricity, transportation, and industry, as well as deforestation, have significantly increased these greenhouse gas concentrations.

    The effects of global warming are widespread and alarming. Rising global temperatures have resulted in more frequent and severe heatwaves, which can lead to devastating wildfires and human health crises. The warmer climate also leads to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, contributing to sea-level rise that threatens coastal communities and small island nations.

    Global warming also exacerbates extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, leading to catastrophic damage and loss of life. Moreover, it disrupts ecosystems, causing species extinction and loss of biodiversity. For instance, warmer ocean temperatures endanger coral reefs, a critical habitat for numerous marine species.

    Addressing global warming requires concerted global action and a fundamental shift in our relationship with the environment. Mitigation strategies primarily involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, is a key part of this process. Energy efficiency in buildings, vehicles, and industry can also significantly cut emissions.

    In addition to energy changes, we need to rethink our land use practices. Protecting and expanding forests, which absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, is crucial for tackling global warming. Similarly, sustainable agriculture practices can reduce methane emissions while also improving food security.

    Public policy plays a critical role in driving these changes. Governments worldwide need to implement and enforce regulations that limit greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and incentivize sustainable practices. International cooperation is also vital, as global warming is a borderless problem requiring a borderless solution.

    However, the responsibility does not solely lie with governments and corporations. Individuals can make a difference by making lifestyle choices that reduce their carbon footprint, such as minimizing car usage, reducing consumption of meat, or choosing products with lower environmental impact.

    In conclusion, global warming presents an existential threat to our planet, but it is a problem of our own making, and therefore, within our power to solve. Addressing it requires immediate, collective action and a commitment to sustainability at every level of society. The future of our planet depends on our ability to rise to this challenge, making the fight against global warming the defining task of our generation.

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