The Adventure Class 11 Questions And Answers

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Get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Class 11 English, as we delve into the thrilling chapter titled "The Adventure." Are you a student curious about what makes this chapter so captivating? Or perhaps a parent or teacher looking for a reliable source for "The Adventure Summary" and comprehensive "The Adventure Question Answer"? Look no further! We offer an all-inclusive guide that covers "The Adventure Class 11 Questions and Answers," making your learning experience rewarding.

"The Adventure" is not just another chapter; it's an experience. Our "Class 11 The Adventure Question Answer" section simplifies complex ideas for easy understanding, whether you're a parent assisting your child or a teacher prepping for the next class. We know the questions that are on your mind—our "Adventure Question Answers" have got you covered from every angle. If you are hunting for "The Adventure Class 11th Question Answer" or "The Adventure Class 11 Question Answers," we have precise and easy-to-grasp solutions for you.

Perhaps you're aiming for an in-depth grasp of the chapter's intricacies. In that case, our "The Adventure NCERT Solutions" are designed to offer you a robust understanding. And we don't stop there! Our resources also include "Class 11 English Chapter 7 Question Answer" and "The Adventure Solutions," giving you a 360-degree perspective of Class 11 English. From "Adventure Class 11 Questions and Answers" to "The Adventure Questions and Answers," we have your learning needs sorted. So why wait? Dive into the excitement of "The Adventure" with our top-notch resources and prepare to ace your Class 11 English exams. Your adventure in mastering English starts here!

The adventure class 11 summary

Earlier Part of the Story (Not the Part of Text)

Professor Gangadharpant Gaitonde was an eminent historian and a leading public figure of Pune. He was much in demand for presiding over public functions. He had just completed his 999th occasion for presiding at a function. He had decided that his thousandth appearance on the stage would be for history. That occasion was to come two weeks later at a seminar devoted to the Third Battle of Panipat.

While he was walking home, a truck on the road hit him. He lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had transited to a parallel world (although he was not aware of this). He was in hospital. After recovering, he was discharged from the hospital the next morning. He tried to reach his home, but he found that it did not exist in the parallel world. He decided to go to Bombay because his son was working in a British company there. He went to Pune railway station and took a train to Bombay. The extract starts from here.

Gaitonde's Journey to Bombay

When Gaitonde had to get a permit to visit Bombay, he was told that Bombay was British territory while the rest of India was independent. On the journey in a first class compartment of the Jijamata Express, he sat beside Khan Sahib, who would be going on to Peshawar from Delhi on business. Then he realised that there had been no partition of India (in this parallel world). On the route, the train stopped only at Lonavala, Karjat and the border town of Sarhad, where the permits were checked. It did not stop at Kalyan, but finally terminated at Victoria Terminus in Bombay. While going through Bombay's suburbs, he observed that the carriages of the local trains had the British flag painted on them, indicating that they were passing through British territory.

Gaitonde Finds the Information he Needed

He visited the Town Hall building in which the library of the Asiatic Society was located. Luckily for him, it also existed in the parallel world. In the library he also found the five books on Indian history which he had written. On going through the fifth volume, which gave India's history after the death of Aurangzeb, he found that the result of the third battle of Panipat in 1761 was written differently from what he knew, although he was the author of this book in the parallel world.

It said that the Marathas had won the battle, whereas he knew that they had lost it. From here onwards, the history of India changed, which explained what Gaitonde had been experiencing for the last few hours.

He found confirmation in a Marathi journal about how exactly the Marathas had won the battle. The Marathi journal stated that a bullet fired by the Afghans in the battle just brushed the ear of the leader of the Marathas, Vishwasrao. Gaitonde in the real world had written in his fifth volume that Vishwasrao had been killed by a cannon shell in the battle and the Marathas lost their morale and the battle subsequently, because that was what earlier historians had written. In the parallel world, Vishwasrao survived, rallied his troops and won this battle.

Indias Remaining History in the Parallel World

The remaining history of India, as recounted in the fifth volume Gaitonde was reading, can be summarised by saying that India never went under British rule. The Marathas did not allow the East India Company to expand its influence in India. In fact, its influence was limited to a few places like Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. India gradually became a democracy but allowed the British to carry on in Bombay on a lease for commercial reasons. The lease was due to expire in the year 2001, 15 years after the time of this story.

Gaitonde Returns to the Real World

Gaitonde left the library when it closed in the evening, indicating to the librarian that he would come back next morning. After taking a meal, he went for a stroll to Azad Maidan. There was a lecture going on there. When Gaitonde saw a vacant presidential chair on the stage, he went and sat on it, thinking that it was for him, because in the real world he had been invited for such a seminar. The audience reacted by strongly protesting against Gaitonde sitting on the presidential chair.

The reason was that, in this world, the people had become sick of hearing long introductions, vote of thanks and remarks of the chair. They were only interested in what the speaker was speaking and had abolished the custom of having a chairman long ago.

The chair kept on the platform was only symbolic.

Gaitonde got up and started speaking, but the audience pelted him with tomatoes, eggs and other objects as they did not want any remarks from him. When Gaitonde still did not stop speaking, the audience swarmed on to the stage to remove him.

During the commotion, Gaitonde disappeared. Actually he had suffered another catastrophe by being knocked unconscious by the mob and returned to the real world, as he was found on the Azad Maidan the next morning with his clothes torn. He had no idea what had happened and so he returned to Pune.

Rajendra Deshpande Explains What Happened to Gaitonde

Gaitonde narrated his adventure to his friend Rajendra Deshpande, a mathematical and scientific expert. Rajendra tried to explain to him what had happened by explaining how the Catastrophe theory and the lack of determinism in Quantum theory applied to his adventure.

When Rajendra felt that Gaitonde had imagined things because he may have been thinking about the third battle of Panipat at the time the truck hit him, Gaitonde showed Rajendra the torn-off page of the history book from the other world, about Vishwasrao escaping death. In the book in the real world, the account was given as Vishwasrao being hit by a bullet and dying. So in the real world, the Marathas had not won, the East India Company had flourished and so on.

At first, Rajendra was perplexed by this new evidence. But, after further discussion with Gaitonde, Rajendra Deshpande explained that he had come to the conclusion that there could be many different worlds existing at different points of time'. They could all have a different history. Professor Gaitonde had been to another parallel world. The time was the present but its history was quite different.

Gaitonde Refuses to Chair any More Seminars

When Rajendra suggested that Gaitonde could recount his adventure at the thousandth seminar he was presiding over after a few days, Gaitonde told him that he had already declined the invitation, as he did not want to chair any more seminars. Probably he remembered the treatment he had received from the audience in the parallel world when he tried to chair a seminar.


the adventure class 11 questions and answers

Questions (Page No. 69-70)

(Understanding The Text)

Question 1. Tick the statements that are true.

a.     The story is an account of real events.

b.    The story hinges on a particular historical event.

c.     Rajendra Deshpande was a historian.

d.    The places mentioned in the story are all imaginary.

e.    The story tries to relate history to science.


a.     False

b.    True

c.     False

d.    False

e.    True

Question 2. Briefly explain the following statements from the text.

a.     “You neither travelled to the past nor the future. You were in the present experiencing a different world.”

Answer: “You did not travel to the past or the future. You were in the present, but you were in a different world.” These words were spoken by Rajendra Deshpande while attempting to explain his strange experience to Professor Gaitonde. When the professor was involved in an accident, he began to reflect on the Battle of Panipat and the consequences that occurred in his life. His thoughts wandered between what we know about history and what might have been. The professor was experiencing two worlds at the same time by thinking. According to the same theory, there must be many more different worlds emerging from unrealistic thoughts.

b.    “You have passed through a fantastic experience: or more correctly, a catastrophic experience.”

Answer: “You’ve had a fantastic experience, or, more accurately, a catastrophic experience.” Professor Gaitonde was told by Rajendra Deshpande that he had an exciting experience. He claimed that we lived in a one-of-a-kind world with a one-of-a-kind history. Gangadhar Pant’s mind jumped to another world as a result of the accident, which was unrealistic. History took a different turn in that world after the Marathas won the Battle of Panipat. Rajendra explained this using the catastrophic theory, which holds that reality is full of misinterpretations.

c.     Gangadharpant could not help comparing the country he knew with what he was witnessing around him.

Answer: “Gangadhar Pant couldn’t help but compare his home country to what he was seeing around him.” Gangadhar Pant witnessed two different perspectives on the same reality, albeit one at a time, during his extraordinary experience. The India he knew was described in history books as the result of the 1761 Battle of Panipat, in which the Marathas were defeated. The other India he saw was the result of the Marathas’ victory in the battle. In this version, he saw India as a prosperous country that can meet its own needs.

d.    “The lack of determinism in quantum theory!”

Answer: Quantum theory’s lack of determinism. If a bullet is fired from a gun in a specific direction at a specific speed, one can predict where it will end up, but the same cannot be said for an electron. When an electron is emitted by a source, it can come from anywhere. This is due to quantum theory’s lack of determinism. According to this theory, reality is never one-sided. At the same time, alternate worlds may exist.

e.    “You need some interaction to cause a transition.”

Answer: To cause a transition, some interaction is required. According to Rajendra Deshpande, Professor Gaintonde made a change as a result of the interaction that occurred in the professor’s mind at the time of the collision. The professor was thinking about catastrophic theory and its role in wars at the time of the collision. He was thinking about the Battle of Panipat and its aftermath. The transition was caused by the interaction in his brain.

Questions (Page No. 70)

(Thinking about language)

Question 1. In which language do you think Gangadharpant and Khan Sahib talked to each other? Which language did Gangadharpant use to talk to the English receptionist?

Answer: Gangadharpant and Khan Sahib communicated in Marathi, and they used a translator to communicate with the English-speaking receptionist.

Question 2. In which language do you think Bhausahebanchi Bakhar was written?

Answer: Bhausahebanchi Bakhar was written in Maratha language.

Question 3. There is mention of three communities in the story: the Marathas, the Mughals, the Anglo-Indians. Which language do you think they used within their communities and while speaking to the other groups?

Answer: When they spoke to each other, they used their traditional slang, but when they spoke to other groups, they used the language that is understood by people from all three communities.

Question 4. Do you think that the ruled always adopt the language of the ruler?

Answer: Write your answer.

Questions (Page No. 70-71)

(Working with words)

I. Tick the item that is closest in meaning to the following phrases.

Question 1. to take issue with

a.     to accept

b.    to discuss

c.     to disagree

d.    to add


c.     to disagree

Question 2. to give vent to

a.     to express

b.    to emphasise

c.     suppress

d.    dismiss


a.     to express

Question 3. to stand on one’s feet

a.     to be physically strong

b.    to be independent

c.     to stand erect

d.    to be successful


b.    to be independent

Question 4. to be wound up

a.     to become active

b.    to stop operating

c.     to be transformed

d.    to be destroyed


b.    to stop operating

Question 5. to meet one’s match

a.     to meet a partner who has similar tastes

b.    to meet an opponent

c.     to meet someone who is equally able as oneself

d.    to meet defeat


c.     to meet someone who is equally able as oneself

II. Distinguish between the following pairs of sentences.

Question 1.

       i.          He was visibly moved.

     ii.          He was visually impaired.


       i.          In a way that can be noticed.

     ii.          Related to one’s seeing or appearance

Question 2.

       i.          Green and black stripes were used alternately.

     ii.          Green stripes could be used or alternatively black ones.


       i.          Occur in turn repeatedly

     ii.          As an option or possibility

Question 3.

       i.          The team played the two matches successfully.

     ii.          The team played two matches successively.


       i.          Achieving aim or result

     ii.          Immediately one after another

Question 4.

       i.          The librarian spoke respectfully to the learned scholar.

     ii.          You will find the historian and the scientist in the archaeology and natural science sections of the museum respectively.


       i.          With deference and respect

     ii.          Separately or individually and in the order already mentioned.

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