Class 6 Living Organisms and Surroundings Worksheet

Premium Class 6 Living Organisms and Surroundings Worksheet
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Get your child ready to explore the fascinating world of living organisms with our free living organisms and surroundings Grade 6 worksheet! Designed for a range of exciting activities, this worksheet will help your child learn about the natural environment, discover different life forms, and gain an understanding of the interconnections between all living creatures.

Introduction to Living Organisms and their Surroundings.

This worksheet will introduce your child to the concept of living organisms and their surroundings. They'll learn about different types of living organisms, such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. Your child will also discover the important role that these organisms play in our global ecosystems and the importance of preserving them for future generations.

Learn About Different Types of Living Organisms.

From plants to animals, fungi to bacteria, your child will explore the world of living organisms and discover the role these organisms play in our global ecosystems. As your child goes through this worksheet, they'll learn about different types of living organisms, their characteristics and features, and how they interact with each other and their environment.

Find Examples of Different Ecosystems Around the World.

Help your child find examples of different ecosystems around the world by asking them to identify different types of habitats. Encourage them to research different environments, from rainforests and deserts, to mountains and oceans, so that they can learn about the living organisms found in each ecosystem. In addition, help your child understand how human activity has affected the balance of nature in certain ecosystems, such as the impact of deforestation on the environment or overfishing on wildlife.

Study the Habits, Behaviors, and Adaptations of Living Organisms in Different Environments 

Encourage your child to discover how living organisms adapt to different environments by studying their behavior and habits. Ask them to research what kinds of plants or animals prefer colder or hotter climates, as well as the habitats and food sources they depend on for survival. Additionally, have them explore how organisms’ adaptations help them employ different strategies for surviving in their environment such as migration, hibernation, or estivation.

If you are a student of Class 6 and looking for a comprehensive resource to help you understand Chapter 9 of your Science syllabus, you have come to the right place. This chapter deals with the topic of Living Organisms and their Surroundings.

It is an important subject as it introduces you to the different habitats of living organisms and their characteristics. You will learn about the interaction between living and non-living things in nature and how they impact the environment.

To help you master this topic, the Class 6 Science Chapter 9 worksheet is an excellent resource. It is available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free from several educational websites.

The worksheet contains a set of questions and answers that cover all the topics that you need to know in this chapter. These questions are designed to test your knowledge and help you identify areas where you may need more practice. The worksheet also includes diagrams and illustrations that will help you understand the concepts better.

One of the key advantages of using the Class 6 Science Chapter 9 worksheet is that it is an interactive tool that makes learning fun and engaging. The questions are designed to challenge you and help you think critically. By working on the worksheet, you will develop your problem-solving skills and become more confident in your ability to understand complex scientific concepts.

The worksheet is also a great resource for teachers who want to assess their students' knowledge of the subject. The questions are carefully designed to cover all the important topics in the chapter, and the answers are provided to help teachers check the accuracy of their students' responses.

Some of the topics covered in the Class 6 Science Chapter 9 worksheet include the definition of a habitat, the different types of habitats, and the characteristics of living organisms. You will also learn about the interaction between living and non-living things, the concept of adaptation, and how changes in our surroundings can affect living organisms.

In addition to the worksheet, there are several other resources that can help you master the subject of Living Organisms and their Surroundings. These include online quizzes, videos, and interactive games that can make learning more enjoyable. Some of these resources are available for free, while others require a small fee.

If you are looking for a comprehensive and engaging way to learn about the topic of Living Organisms and their Surroundings, the Class 6 Science Chapter 9 worksheet is an excellent resource to consider. It will help you develop your problem-solving skills, enhance your understanding of scientific concepts, and prepare you for future exams. So why wait? Download the worksheet today and take the first step towards becoming a science expert!

The living organisms and their surroundings question answers

Q: What is meant by a habitat?

A: A habitat is the natural environment in which an organism lives and thrives.

Q: What are the characteristics of a good habitat?

A: A good habitat should provide food, water, shelter, and space for the organism to live, grow, and reproduce.

Q: What are the biotic and abiotic components of a habitat?

A: Biotic components are living things such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria that interact with each other. Abiotic components are non-living things such as air, water, soil, and sunlight that affect living things.

Q: What is adaptation?

A: Adaptation is the ability of an organism to adjust to its surroundings to survive.

Q: How do organisms adapt to their surroundings?

A: Organisms can adapt by changing their physical characteristics, their behaviour, or by developing special abilities to cope with their environment.

Q: What is the difference between living and non-living things?

A: Living things can grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, adapt to their surroundings, and have a metabolism. Non-living things do not have these characteristics.

Q: Give an example of a living and a non-living thing.

A: A plant is a living thing, while a rock is a non-living thing.

Q: What is a stimulus?

A: A stimulus is any change in an organism's environment that causes a response.

Q: What is a response?

A: A response is any action or behavior that an organism exhibits in reaction to a stimulus.

Q: Give an example of a stimulus and response.

A: A bright light is a stimulus that can cause a response in a person's eye, causing them to blink or turn away.


Q: What is a habitat?

A: A habitat is the natural home or environment of a living organism. It includes all the abiotic and biotic factors that influence the survival and growth of the organism.

Q: What are the abiotic components of a habitat?

A: Abiotic components of a habitat include non-living things such as air, water, soil, temperature, light, and humidity.

Q: What are the biotic components of a habitat?

A: Biotic components of a habitat include living organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms.

Q: What is an ecosystem?

A: An ecosystem is a community of living and nonliving things interacting with each other in a particular environment.

Q: What is adaptation?

A: Adaptation is the process by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment through changes in its physical or behavioral characteristics.

Q: What are the characteristics of living organisms?

A: The characteristics of living organisms are growth, reproduction, responsiveness, adaptation, movement, respiration, and excretion.

Q: What is the difference between living and non-living things?

A: Living things have the characteristics of life, such as growth, reproduction, and responsiveness to stimuli, while non-living things do not have these characteristics.

Q: What is a stimulus?

A: A stimulus is a change in the environment that causes an organism to respond in a particular way.

Q: What are the different types of habitats?

A: Different types of habitats include forests, grasslands, deserts, oceans, rivers, ponds, and wetlands.

Q: What is the importance of conservation of habitats?

A: Conservation of habitats is important for the preservation of biodiversity, maintenance of ecological balance, and the survival of many species that depend on these habitats for their survival.

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  • Living and non living things

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