NCERT Class 6 Civics Rural Livelihoods worksheet with Answer

Premium NCERT Class 6 Civics Rural Livelihoods worksheet with Answer
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Discover the fascinating world of Rural livelihoods with our comprehensive learning materials designed specifically for Class 6. Delve into the heart of rural communities with our Rural livelihoods class 6 worksheets and activities. Our Class 6 Rural livelihoods resources offer everything from rural livelihood class 6 questions and answers to engaging rural livelihood class 6 fill-in-the-blanks exercises.

Want to understand the contrasts between rural and urban lifestyles? Our rural and urban livelihood class 6 notes provide insights that bridge the gap between city and countryside. Test your knowledge with our rural livelihood class 6 mcq or explore deeper with our Rural livelihoods class 6 extra question and answer section. Class 6 Chapter 7 Civics brings the world of rural life to your fingertips, offering an engaging and educational exploration of life outside the urban hustle. Whether you're a student aiming to excel or a teacher looking for creative ways to educate, our resources open a window to the diversity and richness of rural life, creating a captivating learning experience that resonates with young minds.

Rural Livelihoods

Rural Livelihoods means the way people in villages make a living. Most of the folks in villages work in farming, but that's not all they do! Some people have other jobs, too. Here's what some villagers might do:

  • Making Things: Some people create things with their hands like baskets, pots, and utensils.
  • Helping Others Look Good: You'll find barbers who cut hair and tailors who sew clothes.
  • Fixing Things: If your bicycle is broken, a cycle repair mechanic can fix it.
  • Building and Driving: Some villagers work in construction or drive big trucks called lorries.
  • Selling Things: Shopkeepers sell all sorts of stuff, from groceries to yummy snacks like upma and poha.
  • Trading: There are also traders who buy and sell different things to make money.

So, even though farming is a big job in villages, there are many other ways people work and help each other out!

Agricultural Activities

In villages, farming or agricultural activities are a big part of people's lives. Here's what you might find:

  • Daily Chores: Poor people often do tasks like gathering firewood, getting drinking water from far places, and looking after their animals. These jobs are mostly for their own family's needs.
  • Working on Farms: More than two out of every five families in villages work as farm laborers.
  • Land Owners and Landless Laborers: Some farm workers have small pieces of land, but others don't have any land at all. The ones without land work on big landowners' farms and get paid daily.
  • Farm Work: Farming includes many jobs like getting the land ready, planting seeds, pulling out weeds, and picking the crops when they're ready.
  • Looking for Work: Sometimes, there's no farm work all year, so landless laborers have to go to different places to find work.
  • Big Farmers: Only a small part of farmers, like 20%, have lots of land. These big farmers might also have small businesses like tiny factories or lending money.

So, in villages, farming isn't just planting and picking crops. It's many different jobs and ways people try to make a living. Some have their land, while others work for bigger landowners, and they might even travel to find work.

When do Farmers Face the Burden of Debt?

Farmers might face a tough situation called a "debt trap," where they owe a lot of money. Here's how it can happen:

  • Not Enough Money: Farmers sometimes don't have the money they need to buy seeds or fertilizers to grow their crops.
  • Taking Loans: Since they don't have enough cash, they borrow money from people called moneylenders.
  • Bad Luck with Crops: Sometimes things go wrong, like no rain (drought) or bugs eating the crops (pests). If the crops don't grow well, farmers can't sell them to pay back the loans.
  • Borrowing More: To keep going and feed their families, farmers might need to borrow even more money.
  • Interest Makes it Worse: The moneylenders charge extra money called "interest" on the loans. If farmers can't pay it back quickly, the amount they owe gets bigger and bigger.
  • Stuck in a Debt Trap: This can create a situation where the farmers owe so much money they can never pay it back. This is called a "debt trap."
  • A Very Serious Problem: In some cases, this problem has become so bad that some farmers have felt so hopeless they have even taken their own lives.

It's a really sad and tough situation, where needing just a little money for seeds or fertilizer can turn into a big problem that affects the whole family.

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  • Rural livelihoods class 6 worksheet

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