A Shirt in the Market Class 7 Worksheet With Answer

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 A Shirt in the Market Class 7 worksheet with answers

Looking for a comprehensive guide to Class 7 Chapter 8 Civics, A Shirt in the Market? You've landed on the perfect platform to boost your understanding and grades. This chapter not only educates students about the journey of a shirt from the cotton fields to the marketplace but also provides fascinating insights into the economics behind it. Our A Shirt in the Market Class 7 notes are the key to unlocking a wealth of information, making it easier than ever for students to grasp complicated concepts. Want to test your knowledge? The A Shirt in the Market Class 7 MCQ offers a series of questions that challenge your understanding of the chapter, providing instant feedback to help you improve.

But what if you need focused practice? We've got you covered. Our A Shirt in the Market Class 7 worksheet with answer gives you a hands-on approach to learning, with exercises designed to cement your understanding of the chapter's key concepts. You can also dive into A Shirt in the Market Class 7 extra question answer for a more in-depth view, enabling you to become an expert in the subject. So why wait? Get access to all these premium educational materials now and take the first step in mastering Class 7 Chapter 8 Civics, A Shirt in the Market. Whether you're a student looking to ace your exams or a parent seeking valuable resources for your child, our platform has something for everyone.

Class 7 A Shirt in the Market

The Struggles of Cotton Farmers

Life for a cotton farmer can be tough. They often have small farms and face challenges in getting a good price for their harvest. Many farmers have to rely on traders for loans, which come with high interest rates and conditions that force them to sell their cotton at a low price to those specific traders. This results in a cycle of debt and poverty for farmers.

Weavers: The Middlemen with Challenges

The role of weavers in making cloth is complex. They usually get their yarn from merchants, who also take care of selling the finished cloth. This is known as the putting-out system. However, this arrangement makes the merchant very powerful and often, weavers are underpaid for their labor. Many weavers struggle with long working hours and low income, earning as low as Rs. 3,500 a month.

The Role of Garment Factories

Garment factories are the next step in the process, turning the cloth into clothing like shirts and dresses. These factories often try to keep costs low to maximize profits, which usually means paying very low wages to workers. The conditions can be hard, and workers often lack job security. Women, especially, are often relegated to low-paying roles in these factories.

Who Benefits the Most?

The biggest winners in this chain are the merchants and garment factories, who make large profits by selling high and buying low. On the retail end, stores that sell the final products at high prices also make hefty profits, while those who do the most work, like the cotton farmers and weavers, are left struggling.

The Issue of Market Equality

In the textile market, there's a glaring disparity between the rich and the poor. Factory workers and cotton farmers are at a significant disadvantage, barely making enough to meet daily needs. Rich merchants and business owners tend to exploit this imbalance for their own gains. To address these issues, laws and cooperatives are necessary to protect the interests of the less privileged, ensuring that market practices are fair for everyone involved.

A Shirt in the Market Class 7 Worksheet with Answer

Worksheets are a great way for students to understand the complex chain involved in the production of a shirt. The Class 7 worksheet on 'A Shirt in the Market' comes with answers, helping students to grasp key points like the role of cotton farmers, weavers, and garment factories. It helps kids engage with the topic in a hands-on way and allows them to check their understanding with the provided answers.

A Shirt in the Market Class 7 Notes

Class 7 notes on 'A Shirt in the Market' serve as a condensed guide to the chapter. These notes highlight the critical roles of different stakeholders like cotton farmers, weavers, and merchants in the cloth-making process. They offer quick bites of information, making it easier for students to review before exams or class discussions.

A Shirt in the Market Class 7 MCQ

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are an excellent tool for quick revision and to test your understanding level. The Class 7 MCQs on 'A Shirt in the Market' focus on key aspects such as the putting-out system, the struggles of cotton farmers, and the economics of garment factories. These MCQs are great for practice and help you become familiar with the types of questions you might face in exams.

A Shirt in the Market Class 7 Extra Question Answer

Additional questions and answers about 'A Shirt in the Market' help deepen your understanding of the chapter. These extra questions often explore the social and economic dimensions that the chapter touches on, such as inequality in the market or the challenges faced by farmers and weavers. They're beneficial for students who wish to delve deeper into the topic beyond what's covered in the textbook.

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