A Little Turtle Class 1 Worksheet from NCERT Marigold

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A Little Turtle class 1 English Worksheet chapter number 16 Marigold NCERT Book

The poem is about a little turtle who quickly tucks his head, legs, and tail inside his shell when he is scared or wants to hide. This is a relatable action for young children who may feel the need to hide or seek comfort in a safe space when they are scared. The poem serves as a means to teach children about the natural behavior of turtles while also providing a fun, engaging, and memorable rhyme for them to recite and enjoy.

A little turtle is a charming character that has captured the hearts of young children through a delightful poem called "A Little Turtle." This poem is part of the curriculum for Class 1 students studying the NCERT English textbook, Marigold, in India. The little turtle poem highlights the natural behavior of turtles and creates a memorable learning experience for the young minds.

One of the questions that often come up when discussing the little turtle is, "What is the turtle house called?" The turtle's house is referred to as its shell. This protective covering serves as a safe haven for the little turtle when it feels threatened or scared. The shell not only provides a sanctuary for the turtle but is also an essential part of its body structure. In the poem "A Little Turtle," the turtle is known for quickly tucking its head, legs, and tail inside its shell when it wants to hide.

The "A Little Turtle" poem is an integral part of the Marigold Class 1 Chapter 15 curriculum. This chapter focuses on teaching young students about the natural world and its inhabitants while also introducing them to the world of poetry. A Little Turtle Class 1 poem is a perfect example of how the NCERT Class 1 curriculum aims to engage children in learning through fun and interactive content.

For those who are interested in exploring the poem further, a little turtle question answer activity can be an excellent way to enhance their understanding. Questions about the poem can range from simple inquiries like, "What does the turtle carry on its back?" to more complex discussions about the turtle's behavior and how it relates to human emotions.

When a young child asks, "Where does the turtle go when it is tired?" this can be an opportunity to explain how the little turtle finds solace and safety within its shell. The turtle poem is not only an entertaining piece for children but also serves as a gentle introduction to the natural world and its wonders.

In addition to the poem, the Marigold Class 1 textbook also includes valuable educational materials like the "is am are worksheet for class 1 with answers." This worksheet helps children practice grammar skills in a structured and easy-to-understand format, which is perfect for CBSE Class 1 English students.

The turtle poem has been adapted into various versions, such as the "Little Turtle Poem" and "The Turtle Poem," all of which celebrate the fascinating world of turtles. These different adaptations make it even more enjoyable for young children to learn about these fascinating creatures while also developing their language and poetry appreciation skills.

In conclusion, the "A Little Turtle" poem is a delightful and educational piece that captures the essence of the natural world and introduces Class 1 students to the joys of poetry. Through the NCERT Class 1 curriculum and the Marigold textbook, children are exposed to a variety of engaging learning materials designed to foster a love for learning and understanding of the world around them. The little turtle, with its unique shell and endearing behavior, serves as a gentle reminder of the wonders that nature has to offer and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

Here are a few questions and answers based on the "A Little Turtle" poem from the NCERT Class 1 English textbook: (extra questions and answers)

  1. Question: What does the little turtle do when it is scared or wants to hide?

    Answer: When the little turtle is scared or wants to hide, it tucks its head, legs, and tail inside its shell.

  2. Question: How many legs does the little turtle have?

    Answer: The little turtle has four legs.

  3. Question: What is the turtle's shell used for?

    Answer: The turtle's shell is used for protection and hiding when the turtle feels scared or threatened.

  4. Question: Can you name a body part that the turtle tucks inside its shell?

    Answer: The turtle tucks its head, legs, or tail inside its shell.

  5. Question: Why do you think the turtle hides in its shell?

    Answer: The turtle hides in its shell to protect itself from danger or to feel safe when it is scared.

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