Download Free Sources of Food Worksheet For Class 6

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Sources of food class 6 - Worksheet and extra questions and answers

Sources of food class 6. Download Sources of food class 6 worksheet based on the latest CBSE syllabus including questions answers, define based questions, and more.

Sources of food are the various ways in which we obtain the nutrients necessary for our survival. It is an essential topic covered in Class 6 Science, as it helps students understand the sources and types of food we eat. The chapter "Food: Where Does it Come From?" provides an overview of different sources of food from both plants and animals. This article will provide information on sources of food class 6, including questions and answers, worksheets, and related topics.

What are the sources of food class 6? The primary sources of food are plants and animals. Both plants and animals are classified into different groups based on their feeding habits. The food we eat comprises various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are necessary for our body's growth and development.

The sources of food class 6 in Hindi can be found in the chapter "Bhojan: Yeh Kahan Se Aata Hai?" The chapter covers various topics such as food chain, food webs, and different types of food. It also provides information on different plant and animal sources of food and their nutrients.

Sources of food class 6 worksheets with answers can help students practice and understand the chapter better. These worksheets provide questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks, multiple-choice questions, and match the following. Sources of food class 6 worksheets with answers are available in both pdf and worksheet format. Students can download and practice them to improve their knowledge and understanding of the topic.

Class 6 Science Chapter 1 sources of food worksheet provides a detailed overview of the chapter. This worksheet includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including diagrams and pictures. The worksheet covers different topics such as the food chain, food webs, and different sources of food from plants and animals.

Food where does it come from class 6 worksheet pdf is a useful resource for students to practice their understanding of the chapter. This worksheet provides a detailed overview of different sources of food from plants and animals. It also includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks and match the following.

Food we get from animals worksheet provides information on different types of food we get from animals. This worksheet includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks and match the following. Students can practice this worksheet to understand the different types of food we get from animals.

Sources of food class 6 worksheet covers different topics related to the chapter, including food chains and webs, different types of food, and nutrients. This worksheet includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks and match the following. Students can practice this worksheet to understand the different types of food we get from plants and animals.

Food where does it come from class 6 worksheet pdf provides information on different types of food we get from plants and animals. This worksheet includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks and match the following. Students can practice this worksheet to understand the different types of food we get from plants and animals.

Food we eat worksheets cover different topics related to the chapter, including different types of food, nutrients, and their sources. These worksheets include different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks, match the following, and multiple-choice questions. Students can practice these worksheets to understand the sources and types of food we eat.

Worksheet on food we eat covers different topics related to the chapter, including different types of food and their sources. This worksheet includes different types of questions related to the chapter, including fill in the blanks and match the following. Students can practice this worksheet to understand the sources of the food we eat.

Parrots eat only dash products is a question related to the feeding habits of animals. This question is based on different aspects.

Sources of food class 6 Summary

The process by which our body takes in food and uses it for growth and development is called nutrition. Food has some chemical substances called nutrients. These components of food are needed by our body for maintaining good health.

Food is essential for living because food provides nutrients for the growth of our body, it also helps in the repair or replacement of worn-out cells. Food protects the body from various diseases and keeps our body fit. 

The substances from which the food is made are called ingredients.

Green plants prepare their own food so they are called producers. Animals cannot produce their own food they depend on green plants for their food and they are called as consumers.

Fruits, pulses, rice, wheat, and vegetables are some of the food products that we obtained from plants.

Roots-based foods: Carrot, radish, beetroot, and turnip are the edible roots of the plants. The food is stored in the root of these plants that we eat.

Leaves-based foods: Spinach, cabbage, coriander are examples of some common edible leaves. Many green leaf vegetables are eaten raw.

Steams-based foods: Potato, yam, and ginger are modified stems that grow underground. We eat steam of certain plants such as sugarcane and lotus. Turmeric is also an underground stem.

Flowers-based food: We eat cauliflower and broccoli, which are the flowers of the plants. Saffron or Kesar is obtained from the flowers of the plant. A clove is a flower bud.

Foods which we get from animals.

Different animals provide us a different type of food products. We get eggs from hen, duck, and quail, we get meat from hen, goat, and fish. Honey bees provide us with honey.

Based on the types of food consumed, people are categorized as vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Vegetarian do not eat meat.

Sources of food class 6 extra questions and answers.

  1. What is the primary source of food for humans? The primary source of food for humans is plants and animals.

  2. Name some food items that are obtained from animals. Some food items obtained from animals include meat, eggs, milk, and cheese.

  3. Name some food items that are obtained from plants. Some food items obtained from plants include fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.

  4. What is the importance of a balanced diet? A balanced diet is important because it provides the necessary nutrients required for the proper growth and functioning of the body.

  5. What are the different types of nutrients required by the body? The different types of nutrients required by the body are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

  6. What are the different modes of nutrition in organisms? The different modes of nutrition in organisms are autotrophic and heterotrophic.

  7. Define autotrophic nutrition. Autotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which organisms produce their own food through photosynthesis.

  8. Define heterotrophic nutrition. Heterotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which organisms obtain food from other organisms.

  9. What are the different types of heterotrophs? The different types of heterotrophs are herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

  10. What is a food chain? A food chain is a series of organisms in which each organism is the food of the next organism in the chain.

  11. What is a food web? A food web is a complex network of interconnected food chains.

  12. What is a scavenger? A scavenger is an organism that feeds on dead and decaying organisms.

  13. Name some scavengers. Some scavengers include vultures, hyenas, and certain species of beetles and flies.

  14. What is the difference between a predator and a prey? A predator is an organism that hunts and kills other organisms for food, while prey is an organism that is hunted and killed by other organisms for food.

  15. What are the different types of herbivores? The different types of herbivores are frugivores, granivores, and folivores.

  16. Name some examples of herbivores. Some examples of herbivores include cows, sheep, deer, and rabbits.

  17. What are the different types of carnivores? The different types of carnivores are obligate carnivores and facultative carnivores.

  18. What is the difference between obligate carnivores and facultative carnivores? Obligate carnivores are organisms that require a strictly carnivorous diet, while facultative carnivores are organisms that can survive on both plant and animal food.

  19. Name some examples of carnivores. Some examples of carnivores include lions, tigers, wolves, and eagles.

  20. What are the different types of omnivores? The different types of omnivores are generalists and specialists.

  21. What is the difference between generalists and specialists? Generalists are organisms that can eat a wide variety of food items, while specialists are organisms that are adapted to eat specific types of food.

  22. Name some examples of omnivores. Some examples of omnivores include humans, bears, and pigs.

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