Answers to All Your Questions About Playing With Numbers Class 6 - MCQ's, Notes and Extra Q &A

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Playing with Numbers - Maths Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers, Notes, Mindmap and MCQs

In Maths Class 6, Playing with Numbers is an extra question and answer activity that provides learners with a fun and entertaining way to learn basic mathematical concepts.

It allows students to interact with numbers in a creative and engaging manner, by exploring patterns and trends whilst solving problems. From discovering prime numbers and understanding factors to exercising problem-solving skills with equations - Playing With Numbers can help improve your maths skills as well as your understanding of the subject.

Chapter Summary: Playing with Numbers (Class 6 NCERT)

Chapter 3 of the Class 6 NCERT Mathematics textbook focuses on the concept of playing with numbers. It aims to develop the student's understanding of numbers and their properties and to provide them with the necessary skills to perform various operations on them.

Factors and Multiples: The chapter begins by introducing the concepts of factors and multiples of a number. It explains what factors and multiples are and how they can be used to solve mathematical problems. It also discusses the concept of prime and composite numbers and how to identify them.

Divisibility Rules: The chapter then moves on to the concept of divisibility rules. It explains the rules for determining whether a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. It also provides examples to help students understand how to apply these rules.

Properties of Numbers: The chapter then discusses the properties of numbers, such as the distributive property, the associative property, and the commutative property. It explains how these properties can be used to simplify mathematical expressions and solve problems.

Patterns in Numbers: The chapter then focuses on the concept of patterns in numbers. It explains what patterns are and how to identify them. It also provides examples to help students understand how patterns can be used to solve mathematical problems.

Playing with Numbers: The chapter then combines all the concepts discussed in the previous sections to demonstrate how to play with numbers. It provides various examples of mathematical puzzles and problems that can be solved using the concepts of factors, multiples, divisibility rules, properties of numbers, and patterns in numbers.

The internet has become a valuable resource for students looking to enhance their learning experience, especially in subjects like mathematics. One such area of focus is mcqs on playing with numbers, which offers students an engaging way to practice and test their understanding of key concepts.

The playing with numbers mcq provides a series of multiple-choice questions designed to challenge and stimulate young minds while also reinforcing the crucial lessons covered in class 6 mathematics. In addition, many online platforms offer playing with numbers class 6 notes, which serve as a comprehensive reference guide for students and help them grasp the fundamentals of this topic more effectively.

Another innovative and useful resource for students is the playing with numbers mind map. Mind maps have gained popularity for their ability to simplify complex information and present it visually, making it easier to understand and remember. 

mind maps for class 6 can be a great supplement to the playing with numbers mcq, as they help students organize and assimilate concepts in a more coherent manner. These mind maps can cover various topics, such as factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers, LCM, HCF, and the BODMAS rule, among others.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Chapter 3 of the Class 6 NCERT Mathematics textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of playing with numbers. It covers the basic concepts of factors and multiples, divisibility rules, properties of numbers, patterns in numbers, and their application in solving mathematical problems.

It also provides various examples of mathematical puzzles and problems to help students develop their skills. Overall, this chapter is an essential resource for developing a strong foundation in mathematics.

Also, the combination of MCQs on playing with numbers, playing with numbers class 6 notes, and mind maps for class 6 can significantly enhance a student's learning experience. These resources, along with regular practice and dedication, can help students excel in their mathematics journey, ultimately fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of the subject.

Extra sums and solutions on playing with numbers class 6th

  1. Extra Question 1:

Determine if the number 3,507 is divisible by 3.


To check if a number is divisible by 3, add its digits and see if the sum is divisible by 3.

3 + 5 + 0 + 7 = 15

Since 15 is divisible by 3 (15 ÷ 3 = 5), the number 3,507 is also divisible by 3.

  1. Extra Question 2:

Find the prime factors of 84.


84 ÷ 2 = 42 42 ÷ 2 = 21 21 ÷ 3 = 7

The prime factors of 84 are 2 × 2 × 3 × 7.

  1. Extra Question 3:

Solve the expression using the BODMAS rule: 4 × (8 – 5) + 2 × 3


According to the BODMAS rule:

4 × (8 – 5) + 2 × 3

Step 1: Brackets 4 × 3 + 2 × 3

Step 2: Multiplication 12 + 6

Step 3: Addition 18

The result of the expression is 18.

  1. Extra Question 4:

Find the LCM of 12, 16, and 20.


Prime factors of 12: 2 × 2 × 3 Prime factors of 16: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 Prime factors of 20: 2 × 2 × 5

LCM (12, 16, 20) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 240

The LCM of 12, 16, and 20 is 240.

  1. Extra Question 5:

Determine the HCF of 50 and 75.


Prime factors of 50: 2 × 5 × 5 Prime factors of 75: 3 × 5 × 5

HCF (50, 75) = 5 × 5 = 25

The HCF of 50 and 75 is 25.

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  • Playing with numbers class 6

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