Separation of Substances Class 6 Notes and Mind map

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CBSE Extra Questions For Class 6 Science Separation of Substances


Learning about separation of substances in grade 6 can be made easier with our comprehensive range of study resources. Our notes, extra questions and answers, and MCQs help to provide a better understanding of this important class 6 chapter 5 topic. With these tools, you'll have all the information you need to confidently handle this subject in the classroom and in exams.

If you are a student of class 6 science, you must have studied the chapter on Separation of Substances. This chapter covers important concepts related to methods of separating substances based on their physical and chemical properties. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed overview of Separation of Substances class 6 notes, including important concepts, examples, and exercises.

Introduction: Separation of Substances Separation of Substances is the process of separating different components of a mixture using various physical and chemical methods. In class 6 science chapter 5, you will learn about various methods of separating substances based on their properties. Separation of substances is an important process in science and engineering and is critical for manufacturing various products.

Separation of Substances Class 6 Notes: Concepts

  1. Mixtures: A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined. Mixtures can be of different types, such as solid-solid, solid-liquid, and gas-liquid mixtures.

  2. Methods of Separation: There are various methods of separating substances based on their properties, such as handpicking, winnowing, sieving, sedimentation, decantation, filtration, evaporation, and distillation.

  3. Solid-Solid Mixtures: Solid-solid mixtures can be separated using methods such as handpicking, sieving, and magnetic separation.

  4. Solid-Liquid Mixtures: Solid-liquid mixtures can be separated using methods such as sedimentation, decantation, and filtration.

  5. Gas-Liquid Mixtures: Gas-liquid mixtures can be separated using methods such as evaporation and distillation.

Separation of Substances Class 6 Notes: Examples

  1. Which method is used to separate bacteria from water?

    a. Sedimentation b. Decantation c. Filtration

  2. What is the property that forms the basis of sieving?

    a. Density b. Solubility c. Particle size

  3. What are some examples of solid-solid mixtures?

    a. Sand and salt b. Iron and sulfur c. Sugar and water

Separation of Substances Class 6 Notes: Exercises

  1. Which method is used to separate a mixture of salt and water? a. Sedimentation b. Filtration c. Distillation

  2. What is the process used to separate alcohol from a mixture of alcohol and water? a. Evaporation b. Sedimentation c. Filtration

  3. Which method is used to separate a mixture of iron filings and sand? a. Handpicking b. Magnetic separation c. Filtration

Conclusion Separation of Substances is an important chapter in class 6 science, which covers various methods of separating substances based on their properties. By studying this chapter, you will gain a better understanding of the importance of separation in science and engineering. We hope this article on Separation of Substances class 6 notes has been informative and helpful to you.


  1. What is meant by the separation of substances?

Answer: Separation of substances refers to the process of separating different components of a mixture based on their properties.

  1. Why is the separation of substances important?

Answer: The separation of substances is important because it allows us to isolate and purify specific components of a mixture, which is essential in various industries such as food processing, mining, and pharmaceuticals.

  1. What are some common methods of separating substances?

Answer: Some common methods of separating substances include filtration, evaporation, distillation, chromatography, and magnetism.

  1. What is filtration and how does it work?

Answer: Filtration is a method of separating solid particles from a liquid by passing the mixture through a filter paper. The solid particles get trapped in the filter paper, while the liquid passes through.

  1. What is evaporation and how does it work?

Answer: Evaporation is a method of separating a solute from a solvent by heating the mixture and allowing the solvent to evaporate, leaving behind the solute.

  1. What is a distillation and how does it work?

Answer: Distillation is a method of separating a mixture of liquids with different boiling points by heating the mixture and collecting the vapors that are produced. The collected vapors are then condensed back into a liquid.

  1. What is chromatography and how does it work?

Answer: Chromatography is a method of separating different components of a mixture based on their ability to move through a stationary phase. The mixture is passed through the stationary phase, and the different components are separated based on their movement through the stationary phase.

  1. What is magnetism and how does it work?

Answer: Magnetism is a method of separating magnetic substances from non-magnetic substances by using a magnet. The magnetic substances get attracted to the magnet and can be easily separated from the non-magnetic substances.

  1. What are the factors that determine the choice of a method of separation?

Answer: The factors that determine the choice of a method of separation include the physical and chemical properties of the mixture components, the efficiency and effectiveness of the method, and the cost and practicality of the method.

  1. What are some real-life applications of separation of substances?

Answer: Some real-life applications of the separation of substances include water purification, separation of crude oil into different components, and purification of pharmaceutical drugs.

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  • Separation of substances

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