Printable Exponents and Powers Worksheet For CBSE Class 8 - Free Download!

Premium Printable Exponents and Powers Worksheet For CBSE Class 8 - Free Download!
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Are you struggling with exponents and powers in class 8? Download this free worksheet that contains examples and practice questions to help you get comfortable and master this tricky math concept.

Click here to download exponents and powers notes, extra sums with solutions and MCQ Questions

Understand the Basics of Exponents

An exponent is the number of times a base number is multiplied by itself. For example, if you have 2^3, it means you're multiplying 2 three times (2 x 2 x 2). By understanding this basic concept, you'll be better prepared to tackle the more complex problems found in the worksheet

Identify and Evaluate Terms with Exponents.

Start by looking through the worksheet and identifying any terms with exponents. Once you've identified the terms, evaluate them to discover the answer. To do this, think through each step of a problem and simplify it using laws of exponents. For example, if you have (4^2) x (4^-3), use the law for multiplication to start solving the problem. Rewrite 4^2 as (4 x 4) and 4^-3 as (1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4). This will help you understand how much your need to multiply or divide when evaluating expressions with exponents

Exponents and powers are fundamental concepts in mathematics that are introduced to students in Class 8. These concepts form the basis of many advanced topics in mathematics, and it is crucial for students to have a firm grasp of them. A variety of worksheets and exercises are available to help students develop their understanding of exponents and powers. These worksheets are designed to challenge students and help them master the concepts they are learning.

Exponents and powers class 8 worksheets cover a range of topics, including the definition of exponents, laws of exponents, negative exponents, and scientific notation. These worksheets also help students understand the relationship between exponents and multiplication, division, and powers. Additionally, the worksheets cover the use of exponents in real-world applications, including finance and physics.

The exponents and powers class 8 worksheets come in various formats, including PDFs, with answers, hot questions, and HOTS questions. These formats provide students with different levels of difficulty and depth to develop their understanding of the subject. Students can work through the worksheets at their own pace, and teachers can use them to supplement classroom instruction.

The class 8 exponents and powers worksheets are an excellent resource for students to prepare for exams, practice problem-solving, and reinforce the concepts they learn in class. They also help students develop their critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for their future academic and professional success.

In conclusion, exponents and powers are critical concepts in mathematics, and class 8 worksheets on these topics are an excellent resource for students to improve their understanding and skills. These worksheets provide students with a range of exercises and problems to solve, helping them develop their critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. With these resources, students can excel in their academic endeavors and beyond.

Power and Exponents class 8 - Important formulas for students of class 8

  1. Product of Powers Rule: When two powers with the same base are multiplied, the base remains the same and the exponents are added. a^m × a^n = a^(m+n)

  2. Quotient of Powers Rule: When two powers with the same base are divided, the base remains the same and the exponents are subtracted. a^m / a^n = a^(m-n)

  3. Power of a Power Rule: When a power is raised to another power, the base remains the same and the exponents are multiplied. (a^m)^n = a^(m×n)

  4. Power of a Product Rule: When a product is raised to a power, each factor is raised to the power. (ab)^m = a^m × b^m

  5. Power of a Quotient Rule: When a quotient is raised to a power, the numerator and denominator are raised to the power separately. (a/b)^m = a^m / b^m

  6. Negative Exponent Rule: When an exponent is negative, the base is inverted and the exponent is made positive. a^(-n) = 1 / a^n

  7. Zero Exponent Rule: Any non-zero number raised to the power of zero equals one. a^0 = 1

    Exponents and powers class 8 extra questions and answers for class 8th CBSE

    1. Evaluate: (a) 2^4 × 2^3 Solution: 2^4 × 2^3 = 2^(4+3) = 2^7 = 128

    2. Evaluate: (a) 5^2 ÷ 5^4 Solution: 5^2 ÷ 5^4 = 1/5^(4-2) = 1/5^2 = 1/25

    3. Evaluate: (a) (2^3)^4 Solution: (2^3)^4 = 2^(3×4) = 2^12 = 4096

    4. Evaluate: (a) 7^2 × 7^3 Solution: 7^2 × 7^3 = 7^(2+3) = 7^5 = 16807

    5. Evaluate: (a) 8^2 ÷ 2^3 Solution: 8^2 ÷ 2^3 = 64 ÷ 8 = 8

    6. Evaluate: (a) (3^2)^3 ÷ 3^5 Solution: (3^2)^3 ÷ 3^5 = 3^(2×3-5) = 3^1 = 3

    7. Simplify: (a) (4^3 × 2^4) ÷ (4^2 × 2^2) Solution: (4^3 × 2^4) ÷ (4^2 × 2^2) = 4^(3-2) × 2^(4-2) = 4 × 16 = 64

    8. Simplify: (a) (3^4 × 5^3) ÷ (3^2 × 5^2) Solution: (3^4 × 5^3) ÷ (3^2 × 5^2) = 3^(4-2) × 5^(3-2) = 9 × 5 = 45

    9. Simplify: (a) 2^5 × 2^(-3) Solution: 2^5 × 2^(-3) = 2^(5-3) = 2^2 = 4

    10. Simplify: (a) 4^(-2) ÷ 2^(-2) Solution: 4^(-2) ÷ 2^(-2) = (1/4^2) ÷ (1/2^2) = (1/16) ÷ (1/4) = 1/4


      Q: What are exponents and powers? A: Exponents and powers are mathematical concepts used to represent the repeated multiplication of a number. The exponent is a small number written above and to the right of a number, while the power is the value that results from raising a number to a given exponent.

      Q: What is the difference between exponents and powers? A: The exponent is the small number written above and to the right of a number, while the power is the value that results from raising a number to a given exponent. Exponents and powers are related concepts used in mathematics to represent repeated multiplication of a number.

      Q: What are the basic rules of exponents and powers? A: The basic rules of exponents and powers include:

      • Any number raised to the power of 1 is itself
      • Any number raised to the power of 0 is 1
      • The product of two numbers with the same base can be written as the base raised to the sum of the exponents
      • The quotient of two numbers with the same base can be written as the base raised to the difference of the exponents
      • A number raised to a power raised to another power can be simplified by multiplying the exponents
      • The power of a product can be simplified by distributing the exponent to each factor in the product.

      Q: How do you simplify expressions with exponents? A: To simplify expressions with exponents, use the basic rules of exponents to combine and simplify terms. For example, if you have an expression with two terms that have the same base, you can add the exponents together. If you have a product raised to a power, you can distribute the power to each factor in the product.

      Q: What are some real-world applications of exponents and powers? A: Exponents and powers are used in many real-world applications, including finance, science, and technology. For example, compound interest in finance can be modeled using exponents, and exponential growth and decay are commonly used in biology and chemistry. In computer science, exponents and powers are used in algorithms for encryption and compression.

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