Ace Your Math Skills with These Free Printable Percentage Worksheets for Class 8

Ace Your Math Skills with These Free Printable Percentage Worksheets for Class 8
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Class 8 Percentage Worksheets - Free PDF Download

Looking for a free worksheet with multiple-choice questions and word problems to help your class 8 students with percentages? Check out our percentage class 8 worksheet! It's the perfect tool to reinforce their understanding of percentages, whether they need extra practice or are preparing for an exam. Download it today and watch your students brush up on this important math concept.

If you are looking for comprehensive and effective resources for teaching and learning percentages in Class 8, then you have come to the right place. In this paragraph, we will cover all aspects related to percentage and its applications in Class 8.

Percentage is an important topic in mathematics and is widely used in various fields such as finance, statistics, and science. In Class 8, students learn about the basic concept of percentage, its calculation, and its application. To help students master this concept, teachers often use various resources such as worksheets, exercises, and practice questions.

A percentage worksheet for Class 8 is a great resource for practicing percentage questions. These worksheets typically contain a range of problems based on different real-life scenarios. Students can use these worksheets to practice percentage calculations, solving word problems, and understanding percentage applications. These worksheets can be easily found online or can be provided by the teacher.

The percentage chapter for Class 8 is an important chapter that covers various concepts such as calculating percentages, percentage increase and decrease, finding the percentage of a given quantity, and solving percentage word problems. Students also learn about the application of percentages in different fields such as finance, sales, and discounts.

To help students prepare for exams, teachers often provide percentage questions for Class 8. These questions are designed to test the student's understanding of percentage concepts and their ability to apply them in different situations. Class 8th percentage questions can be found in textbooks, reference books, or online resources.

It is also important to note that the percentage is not limited to Class 8 but is also taught in Class 5. There are many percentage questions for Class 5 with answers that can be used to teach percentage concepts to younger students. A percentage class 5 worksheet can also be used to provide extra practice to students.

In addition, exercises on percentage for Class 6 can be helpful in preparing students for more advanced percentage concepts in Class 8. A worksheet on percentage for Class 6 typically includes problems such as calculating percentage increase and decrease, finding the percentage of a quantity, and solving percentage word problems.

To summarize, percentage is an important concept in mathematics that is widely used in various fields. In Class 8, students learn about the basic concept of percentage, its calculation, and its application. Teachers use various resources such as percentage worksheets, exercises, and practice questions to help students master this concept. It is also important to note that percentage is also taught in Class 5 and Class 6, and there are many resources available for teaching and learning percentages in these classes as well.

Percentage class 8th important formulas

  1. Percentage Formula: Percentage is calculated as a fraction of 100. Therefore, the percentage formula is:

Percentage = (Part/Whole) x 100

Where "Part" refers to the part of the whole, and "Whole" refers to the entire quantity.

  1. Percentage Increase Formula: When a quantity increases by a certain percentage, the new value can be calculated using the following formula:

New Value = Old Value x (1 + Percentage Increase/100)

  1. Percentage Decrease Formula: When a quantity decreases by a certain percentage, the new value can be calculated using the following formula:

New Value = Old Value x (1 - Percentage Decrease/100)

  1. Finding the Percentage of a Quantity Formula: To find the percentage of a quantity, the following formula can be used:

Percentage = (Given Quantity/Total Quantity) x 100

  1. Profit and Loss Formula: The profit or loss percentage can be calculated using the following formulas:

Profit Percentage = (Profit/CP) x 100 Loss Percentage = (Loss/CP) x 100

Where "CP" refers to the cost price.

  1. Discount Formula: The discount percentage can be calculated using the following formula:

Discount Percentage = (Discount/Marked Price) x 100

Where "Marked Price" refers to the original price before the discount.

Percentage class 8 Extra Questions and answers for students.

  1. If the price of a shirt is increased from ₹ 20 to  25, what is the percentage increase?

Solution: Increase in price = 25 - 20 = 5

Percentage increase = (Increase in price / Original price) x 100 = (5/20) x 100 = 25%

Answer: The percentage increase in price is 25%.

  1. A student scored 420 out of 500 in an exam. What is his percentage score?

Solution: Percentage score = (Score obtained / Total marks) x 100 = (420 / 500) x 100 = 84%

Answer: The student's percentage score is 84%.

  1. If the original price of a watch is $120 and it is sold at a discount of 20%, what is the selling price?

Solution: Discount amount = 20% of $120 = $24 Selling price = Original price - Discount amount = $120 - $24 = $96

Answer: The selling price of the watch is $96.

  1. A car dealer sold a car for $60,000, making a profit of 20%. What was the cost price of the car?

Solution: Profit percentage = (Profit / Cost price) x 100 20% = (Profit / Cost price) x 100 Profit = 20/100 x Cost price $60,000 = Cost price + Profit $60,000 = Cost price + (20/100 x Cost price) $60,000 = Cost price + $12,000 Cost price = $48,000

Answer: The cost price of the car was $48,000.

  1. A school has 800 students, of which 60% are girls. How many girls are there in the school?

Solution: Number of girls = (Percentage of girls / 100) x Total number of students = (60/100) x 800 = 480

Answer: There are 480 girls in the school.

FAQs on Percentage and its application class 8

Q. What is percentage? A: Percentage is a way of representing a number as a fraction of 100. It is denoted by the symbol "%".

Q: What are the different ways of expressing percentages? A: Percentages can be expressed in different ways, such as as fractions, decimals, and ratios. For example, 25% can be expressed as 1/4, 0.25, or 25:100.

Q: What are some applications of percentages in daily life? A: Percentages are used in many real-life situations, such as calculating discounts, taxes, tips, and interest rates. They are also used in analyzing data and making comparisons.

Q: How do I calculate percentage increase or decrease? A: To calculate percentage increase or decrease, you need to find the difference between the new and old values, divide the difference by the old value, and then multiply the result by 100. If the result is positive, it represents percentage increase, and if it is negative, it represents percentage decrease.

Q: What is the formula for simple interest? A: The formula for simple interest is: Simple Interest = (Principal x Rate x Time) / 100, where Principal is the initial amount, Rate is the interest rate per year, and Time is the time period in years.

Q: How do I calculate percentage profit or loss? A: To calculate percentage profit or loss, you need to find the difference between the selling price and the cost price, divide the difference by the cost price, and then multiply the result by 100. If the result is positive, it represents percentage profit, and if it is negative, it represents percentage loss.

Q: What is the formula for discount? A: The formula for discount is: Discount = List Price x Discount Rate, where List Price is the original price and Discount Rate is the percentage of discount.

Q: How do I calculate percentage of a number? A: To calculate percentage of a number, you need to multiply the number by the percentage and then divide the result by 100.

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  • Percentage and its applications for class 8

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