Worksheet On Components Of Food Class 6

Worksheet On Components Of Food Class 6
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Embark on an enlightening gastronomic adventure with the Class 6 Components Of Food worksheet, a meticulously crafted educational resource that promises to nourish the young minds of Class 6 with a rich understanding of nutritional science. As the introductory chapter unfolds, students are invited to explore the wonders concealed within various foods, unraveling the secrets of their nutritional content through an engaging array of exercises and visual charts.

An essential piece of this exciting educational puzzle is the Class 6 Science Chapter 1 worksheet, which beckons learners to examine the foundations of their diet. Educators have thoughtfully assembled an assortment of questions and activities, encouraging students to delve deep into the essential micronutrients and macronutrients that sustain human health. This worksheet, much like an appetizing starter before a main course, sets the stage for a deeper comprehension of the vital roles proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals play in our daily lives.

Transitioning to the Components Of Food Class 6 MCQ with answers, students can engage with a challenging yet entertaining set of multiple-choice questions. This component of their learning journey evaluates and strengthens their knowledge, while also providing instant feedback through the included answers, fostering an environment of self-assessment and continuous improvement.

Not to be understated, the Components Of Food Class 6 notes are akin to a master chef's recipe book—a streamlined collection of key points and summaries that students can reference to enrich their understandings. These notes act as a handy go-to guide for revision, ensuring all the major concepts are well digested and readily accessible for future reference.

The comprehensive worksheet on components of food class 6 incorporates visual aids, such as the components of food worksheet, which invites students to visualize and categorize the diversity of nutrients. Similarly, the carefully structured 6th components of food class 6 materials blend theoretical knowledge with practical applications, fostering an intuitive grasp of nutritional principles.

To top off this smorgasbord of educational resources, the components of food class 6 chart serves as a captivating infographic. It lays out the intricate web of food components in a visually appealing manner, aiding memory retention and making complex information easier to digest.

Collectively, these crafted materials weave a captivating tale of dietary exploration that hook students' curiosities from the get-go. Engaging, educational, and interactive, the class 6 Components Of Food worksheet and accompanying tools provide a full-course meal of knowledge, setting the table for a lifelong appreciation of the science behind what we eat.

Click to download Notes, MCQs and extra Q&A


  1. What are the components of food?

    The components of food include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

  2. What are the functions of carbohydrates?

    Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and help in the growth and repair of tissues.

  3. What are the functions of proteins?

    Proteins help in the growth and repair of tissues, production of enzymes and hormones, and maintain the body's immune system.

  4. What are the functions of fats?

    Fats provide energy to the body and help in the absorption of vitamins. They also provide insulation to the body.

  5. What are the functions of vitamins?

    Vitamins help in the growth and repair of tissues, maintain the immune system, and help in the absorption of minerals.

  6. What are the functions of minerals?

    Minerals help in the formation of bones and teeth, regulate the body's fluid balance, and help in the production of enzymes.

  7. Why is water an important component of food?

    Water is important for the digestion of food and helps in the absorption of nutrients. It also helps in regulating body temperature and removing waste from the body.

  8. What are the sources of carbohydrates?

    Sources of carbohydrates include rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables.

  9. What are the sources of proteins?

    Sources of proteins include meat, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, and nuts.

  10. What are the sources of fats?

    Sources of fats include butter, oil, nuts, and fatty fish.

  11. What are the sources of vitamins?

    Sources of vitamins include fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products.

  12. What are the sources of minerals?

    Sources of minerals include milk, cheese, meat, fish, and green leafy vegetables.

  13. How can a balanced diet be achieved?

    A balanced diet can be achieved by consuming a variety of foods from all food groups in appropriate proportions. It is important to include all components of food in the diet to maintain good health.

    Vitamins and their deficiency's chart

    VitaminDeficiency Disease
    Vitamin ANight blindness, dry skin, increased infections
    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Beriberi, fatigue, muscle weakness
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)Skin disorders, anaemia, sore throat
    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Pellagra, dementia, diarrhoea
    Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)Numbness and tingling in hands and feet
    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)Anaemia, skin disorders, depression, confusion
    Vitamin B7 (Biotin)Hair loss, brittle nails, skin rash
    Vitamin B9 (Folate)Anaemia, birth defects
    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)Anaemia, nerve damage, dementia
    Vitamin CScurvy, poor wound healing, weakened immune system
    Vitamin DRickets, weak bones, muscle weakness
    Vitamin EMuscle weakness, poor coordination, vision problems
    Vitamin KBleeding, poor bone health
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  • Components of food

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