On the Grasshopper and Cricket Question Answers

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If you're a student studying On The Grasshopper and Cricket in Class 8, you may be looking for helpful resources to aid in your understanding of the text. Look no further than these free PDF NCERT solutions for Chapter 7 from Honeydew. Download them now to enhance your comprehension and excel in your studies.

Introduction to The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.

The Grasshopper and Cricket is a chapter from the Class 8 English textbook, Honeydew. It tells the story of a grasshopper who spends his summer singing and playing, while a cricket spends his summer preparing for the winter. The chapter explores themes of hard work, preparation, and the consequences of laziness. With the help of these free PDF NCERT solutions, students can deepen their understanding of the text and improve their academic performance.

Summary of The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.

The Grasshopper and Cricket is a chapter from the Class 8 English textbook, Honeydew. It tells the story of a grasshopper who spends his summer singing and playing, while a cricket spends his summer preparing for the winter. The chapter explores themes of hard work, preparation, and the consequences of laziness. The grasshopper learns a valuable lesson when winter arrives and he is unprepared, while the cricket is able to survive thanks to his hard work and preparation. Through this story, students can learn about the importance of planning ahead and working hard to achieve their goals.

On the Grasshopper and Cricket" is a sonnet written by John Keats. The poem uses two insects, namely grasshopper and cricket, to explain how nature's music is eternal.

During the hot summer, even when the birds known for their songs are worn out and hide among the cooling trees, nature's music is kept alive through a grasshopper's song. As the grasshopper sings, he moves through the meadows, pouncing from a hedge to another. As a result, his songs get carried around, and "the poetry of earth" survives through the blistering summer. Later, when the grasshopper is tired after all the fun he had, he goes to get some rest beneath some pleasant grass.

Soon, as the winter comes, nature's music is faced with another existential crisis. However, the frozen silence is broken through the song of a cricket. The cricket, whose song and appearance resembles that of a grasshopper, keeps the "poetry of earth" alive and reminds people of the warm summer evenings, which ignites warmth and hope in them.

Hence, the true poetry of earth is life in itself, and the two otherwise insignificant insects keep that poetry alive.

Analysis of The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.

The Grasshopper and Cricket chapter from the Class 8 English textbook, Honeydew, is a story that teaches valuable lessons about hard work, preparation, and the consequences of laziness. The story follows a grasshopper who spends his summer singing and playing, while a cricket spends his summer preparing for the winter. When winter arrives, the grasshopper is unprepared and suffers the consequences, while the cricket is able to survive thanks to his hard work and preparation. This chapter is a great resource for students to learn about the importance of planning ahead and working hard to achieve their goals. Download the free PDF NCERT solutions for The Grasshopper and Cricket Class 8 Chapter 7 from Honeydew to enhance your understanding of this story.

Explanation of Important Concepts in The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.

The Grasshopper and Cricket chapter from the Class 8 English textbook, Honeydew, teaches valuable lessons about hard work, preparation, and the consequences of laziness. The story follows a grasshopper who spends his summer singing and playing, while a cricket spends his summer preparing for the winter. The chapter highlights the importance of planning ahead and working hard to achieve goals. The free PDF NCERT solutions for The Grasshopper and Cricket Class 8 Chapter 7 from Honeydew provide an in-depth explanation of important concepts in the story, helping students to better understand the lessons taught in the chapter. Download the solutions now for free to enhance your understanding of this story.

Exercises and Solutions for The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.
The Grasshopper and Cricket chapter from the Class 8 English textbook, Honeydew, is a valuable lesson in hard work and preparation. To help students better understand the concepts taught in the chapter, free PDF NCERT solutions are available for download. These solutions provide exercises and explanations for important concepts in the story, helping students to enhance their understanding of the lessons taught. Download the solutions now for free and start improving your understanding of The Grasshopper and Cricket Chapter.

Question 1. Discuss with your partner the following definition of a poem.

A poem is made of words arranged in a beautiful order. These words, when read aloud with feeling, have a music and meaning of their own.

Answer: A poem is an artistic piece of speech or a few lines which are expressed by the poet like a song with rhythms and metaphors. There is a musical element in the arrangement of words in a poem. The beautifully arranged words in a poem enhance the essence and meaning of the poem. The rhythmic expressions in it carry several ideas and reflect the imaginative power of the poet. An interesting and musical poem has a lasting impact in the minds of the readers as it gives an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the lines in the poem.

Question 2. ‘The poetry of earth’ is not made of words. What is it made of, as suggested in the poem?

Answer: The poetry of earth is not just made of words, rather it is composed of the rhythmic songs produced by nature’s beautiful creatures. The musical element of nature never ceases to mesmerize us with its ever changing seasons. Summer and winter are considered to be the most difficult seasons for many creatures such as the grasshopper and cricket. These seasons bring with them a lot of joy, sorrow and excitement to such creatures. During summer, the grasshopper excitedly hops around tirelessly in joy and when he is tired, he rests beneath a pleasant weed. On the other hand, a cricket sings with a shrill voice during the dark and lonely nights of the winter season.

Question 3. Find in the poem lines that match the following.

a.     The grasshopper’s happiness never comes to an end.

b.    The cricket’s song has a warmth that never decreases.


a.     In summer luxury — he has never done

With his delights,

b.    The cricket’s song, in warmth increasing ever

Question 4. Which word in stanza 2 is opposite in meaning to ‘the frost’?

Answer: In stanza 2, the word that is opposite in meaning to ‘the frost’ is ‘warmth’. The word frost indicates a cold or chill experience. On the other hand, warmth in the poem refers to the cricket’s song which brings in warm feelings and can make one feel drowsy and sleepy.

Question 5. The poetry of earth continues round the year through a cycle of two seasons. Mention each with its representative voice.

Answer: The poetry of earth continues round the year through summer and winter. During summer season, the grasshopper hops with joy tirelessly depicting the beautiful poetry of earth. While in the winter season, the cricket’s song is like a mesmerizing poetry of earth. Hence, in the poem two different creatures are used as a reference to wisely explain the difference of the two seasons.

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  • The grasshopper and cricket

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