English Grammar Determiners For Class 9

Premium English Grammar Determiners For Class 9
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What are Determiners?

  • A determiner is a word which is used to modify a noun or a noun phrase.
  • It is a word which provides context or reference to a noun.
  • It can also show the quantity, quality, position or specificity of the noun.
  • Various parts of speech can function as determiners to the noun.
  • Articles
  •  Demonstrative adjectives
  • Numeral adjectives
  • Adjectives of quantity
  • Possessive adjectives


Definite Articles

  • Definite articles are used as determiners to express the specificity of the noun.
  • They can be used to refer to singular or plural nouns.
  • They can be used to refer to countable and uncountable nouns.


  • The man in the car wants to know where Hotel Piccadilly is.
  • There is a slight change in the temperature.
  • Mr Sreekumar knows where the files are.
  • Sharad is the captain of the team.
  • The ship sets sail from the harbour.

Indefinite Articles:

  • Indefinite articles are used to refer to the noun in the general sense.
  • They are used to refer to the noun for the first time.

       Example: There is a lady on the phone. (The noun phrase 'a lady' is mentioned for the first time.)

  • They are used to refer to a particular group or class of nouns.
  • They are used with singular nouns.
  • They are used to refer to countable nouns only.


  • Mr Manekchand hired a clerk.
  • She is a woman of great strength.
  • There is a difference in the way she conducts herself.
  • Try an egg sandwich.
  • I want to buy a cupboard.

Demonstrative Adjectives:

  • Demonstrative adjectives are used are words to point out a specific noun or noun phrase.
  • That and This are used with singular nouns. Those and These are used with plural nouns.
  • This and These are used to point towards nouns which are nearby.
  • That and Those are used to point towards nouns which are far away.


  • Grace lives in this house.
  • Can you please clear these plates?
  • Those bonbons sure look tempting.
  • Manisha was talking to that girl.
  • This book is mine.

Numeral Adjectives:

  • Numeral adjectives are words which specify the number of the noun.
  • Cardinal numeral adjectives are numbers. (one, two, three)
  • Ordinal numeral adjectives are numerical rankings. (first, second, third)


  • There were five people in the room.
  • Every second building here is painted blue.
  • Christopher is three steps behind you.
  • Complete these two assignments tomorrow.
  • The tenth house from the left is Mr Mahmood’s house.

Adjective of Quantity:

Adjectives of quantity are words which suggest the quantity of the noun.


  • Little knowledge is a bad thing.
  • Most workers are paid less.
  • Several residents came forward to protest.
  • I have read every novel by Stephen King.
  • He had fewer friends by the end of his career.

Possessive Adjectives:

  • Possessive adjectives are used to indicate the possession or ownership of a noun to another.
  • They can be confused with pronouns, but they are actually adjectives.


  • My house is near the railway station.
  • The dog has injured its snout.
  • Kiran forgot her watch at home.
  • Swami was consulted for his wise counsel.
  • May I use your phone?
  • Tags :
  • English grammar determiners for class 9

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