Free Download: Visualizing Solid Shapes of Class 8 Worksheet

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To understand about 3D Shapes

For students in Class 8 who are learning about solid shapes, it can be helpful to have visual aids to better understand the concepts. This free downloadable worksheet provides a range of exercises and diagrams to aid in visualization and understanding of various types of solids, from cubes to cones and pyramids. It's a valuable resource for both classroom use and individual study.

It includes a variety of solid shapes, such as cubes, spheres, cones and pyramids, and provides students with the opportunity to practice identifying and drawing them. Here are some key features of this worksheet.

One of the key features of this free downloadable worksheet is the variety of solid shapes it covers. From cubes to spheres, cones, and pyramids, students will have the opportunity to practice identifying and drawing these various shapes. The exercises are designed to improve their visualization skills and enhance their understanding of each shape. Additionally, the worksheet provides ample space for students to draw each solid shape on their own, allowing them to hone their artistic abilities as well. Overall, this resource is an excellent tool for any Class 8 student looking to visualize solid shapes more effectively.

Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8 is an essential chapter in mathematics that focuses on the study of 3D or solid shapes. This chapter deals with the concepts of visualizing solid shapes, their properties, and their representations in different ways. To help students understand this chapter effectively, various resources such as solid shapes worksheets, visualising solid shapes class 8 solutions, and visualizing solid shapes class 8 pdf files are available.

Solid shapes worksheets are a useful tool for students to practice and improve their understanding of solid shapes. These worksheets cover a wide range of questions and exercises related to the concepts covered in this chapter. They include problems on identifying the types of solid shapes, calculating their surface area and volume, and visualizing them from different angles.

Visualising solid shapes class 8 is an important skill that is developed in this chapter. Students learn how to visualize 3D shapes from 2D representations, and how to represent 3D shapes in different ways. This includes understanding the concept of nets, which are 2D representations of 3D shapes that can be folded to form the actual shape.

To supplement their learning, students can refer to visualising solid shapes class 8 pdf files and visualizing solid shapes class 8 solutions. These resources provide additional support to students by providing detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions to problems. They also help students to revise and consolidate their learning, and prepare for exams.

NCERT class 8th maths chapter 10, Visualising Solid Shapes, is an important chapter that builds a foundation for understanding geometry in higher classes. Students must develop a strong understanding of the concepts covered in this chapter to excel in mathematics. By practicing solid shapes worksheets, referring to visualising solid shapes class 8 solutions and visualizing solid shapes class 8 pdf files, and working through class 8 maths chapter 10 problems, students can strengthen their understanding of visualising solid shapes and related concepts.

In conclusion, the chapter on Visualising Solid Shapes in Class 8 mathematics is an important and fascinating topic that teaches students how to visualize and understand 3D shapes. With the help of solid shapes worksheets, visualising solid shapes class 8 solutions, and visualizing solid shapes class 8 pdf files, students can improve their understanding and achieve success in this subject. By mastering the concepts covered in this chapter, students can build a solid foundation for future learning in geometry and other related subjects.

Visualising solid shapes class 8 Important formulas

  1. Surface Area of Cube: The surface area of a cube is equal to six times the area of one face. So, if the length of one side of the cube is 'a', then the surface area of the cube will be 6a².

  2. Volume of Cube: The volume of a cube is equal to the cube of its side length. So, if the length of one side of the cube is 'a', then the volume of the cube will be a³.

  3. Surface Area of Cuboid: The surface area of a cuboid is equal to twice the sum of the areas of its adjacent faces. So, if the length, breadth, and height of the cuboid are 'l', 'b', and 'h' respectively, then the surface area of the cuboid will be 2(lb + bh + hl).

  4. Volume of Cuboid: The volume of a cuboid is equal to the product of its length, breadth, and height. So, if the length, breadth, and height of the cuboid are 'l', 'b', and 'h' respectively, then the volume of the cuboid will be lbh.

  5. Surface Area of Cylinder: The surface area of a cylinder is equal to the sum of the areas of its curved surface and two circular bases. So, if the radius of the cylinder is 'r' and the height of the cylinder is 'h', then the surface area of the cylinder will be 2πrh + 2πr².

  6. Volume of Cylinder: The volume of a cylinder is equal to the product of the area of its circular base and its height. So, if the radius of the cylinder is 'r' and the height of the cylinder is 'h', then the volume of the cylinder will be πr²h.

  7. Surface Area of Cone: The surface area of a cone is equal to the sum of the area of its curved surface and the area of its circular base. So, if the radius of the base of the cone is 'r' and the slant height of the cone is 'l', then the surface area of the cone will be πr² + πrl.

  8. Volume of Cone: The volume of a cone is equal to one-third of the product of the area of its base and its height. So, if the radius of the base of the cone is 'r' and the height of the cone is 'h', then the volume of the cone will be 1/3 πr²h.

    Visualising solid shapes class 8 Extra Questions and Answers

    1. Find the surface area and volume of a cube whose side measures 5 cm.

      Solution: Given, the side of the cube = 5 cm Surface area of cube = 6a² = 6 × 5² = 150 cm² Volume of cube = a³ = 5³ = 125 cm³

    2. Find the surface area and volume of a cuboid with dimensions 4 cm, 6 cm, and 8 cm.

      Solution: Given, the dimensions of the cuboid are l = 4 cm, b = 6 cm, and h = 8 cm Surface area of cuboid = 2(lb + bh + hl) = 2(4×6 + 6×8 + 8×4) = 2(24+48+32) = 208 cm² Volume of cuboid = lbh = 4×6×8 = 192 cm³

    3. Find the surface area and volume of a cylinder whose radius is 7 cm and height is 10 cm.

      Solution: Given, the radius of the cylinder is r = 7 cm and height is h = 10 cm Surface area of cylinder = 2πrh + 2πr² = 2π(7×10) + 2π(7²) = 440π + 98π = 538π cm² Volume of cylinder = πr²h = π(7²)×10 = 490π cm³

    4. Find the surface area and volume of a cone whose base radius is 4 cm and height is 6 cm.

      Solution: Given, the radius of the cone is r = 4 cm and height is h = 6 cm Surface area of cone = πr² + πrl = π(4²) + π(4×√(6²+4²)) = 16π + 20π = 36π cm² Volume of cone = 1/3 πr²h = 1/3 π(4²)×6 = 32π/3 cm³


    Q: What is Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8?

    A: Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8 is a chapter in the CBSE Class 8 Mathematics syllabus. This chapter teaches students about various 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, and hemispheres. It also teaches students how to calculate their surface areas and volumes.

    Q: What are the topics covered in Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8?

    A: The topics covered in Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8 include basic concepts of 3D shapes, their properties, nets of 3D shapes, and calculation of surface area and volume of 3D shapes.

    Q: Why is Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8 important?

    A: Visualising Solid Shapes Class 8 is an important chapter as it introduces students to the world of 3D shapes, which are prevalent in real-life scenarios. The chapter lays the foundation for more advanced concepts in higher classes.

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  • Visualising solid shapes

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