Printable Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet

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With this getting to know plants class 6 worksheet, you can learn more about the amazing world of plants! This worksheet covers a range of topics, from identifying different types of plants, their features and how they grow. Print out this free worksheet and use it with your students for a fun and educational activity.

Click to download Notes, MCQs and Extra Q&A

Identify the different parts of a plant.

Plants have a variety of different parts that help them grow, survive and reproduce. With this worksheet, you can identify the different parts of a plant, such as stems, leaves, flowers and roots. Learn about the important functions these parts play, so you can understand more about how plants work.

Understand different plants’ growing habits.

Every plant has its own specific growth habits to ensure it survives and reproduces. Some plants are annuals, meaning they complete their life cycle in a single year. Other plants may be perennials that grow year after year, or biennials which take two years to mature before dying off. Examine the different types of plants featured on this worksheet and recognize how an annual, perennial, or biennial’s life cycles might differ.

Learn about photosynthesis and pollination.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn light energy from the sun into chemical energy they can use to survive. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from one part of a plant to another so that it can produce seeds and eventually expand its population. These two processes are essential for life on Earth and you’ll be able to test your knowledge after completing this printable worksheet!

Differentiate between annuals, perennials and biennials.

An annual is a plant that completes its life cycle in one year, while a perennial is a plant that lives for more than two years and often many decades. Lastly, biennials live for two years and will complete their lifecycle over these two years. Biennials primarily produce vegetative growth during the first year followed by flowers and seeds in the second before dying off. Knowing these basic definitions will help you better identify different plants!

Getting to Know Plants class 6 (points to remember)

Based on these characters most plants can be classified into three categories: herbs, shrubs and trees. Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs. They are usually short and may not have many branches. Some plants develop branches near the base of stem. The stem is hard but not very thick. Such plants are called shrubs. Some plants are very tall and have hard and thick stem. The stems have branches in the upper part, much above the ground. Such plants are called trees.

Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright but spread on the ground are called creepers, while those that take support and climb up are called climbers. These are different from the herbs, shrubs and trees.

The part of leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called a petiole. The broad, green part of the leaf is called lamina

lines on the leaf are called veins, a prominent line in the middle of the leaf This is called the midrib The design made by veins in a leaf is called the leaf venation If this design is net-like on both sides of midrib, the venation is reticulate In the leaves of grass you might have seen that the veins are parallel to one another. This is parallel venation.

As a student in class 6, learning about plants is an important part of your science curriculum. Chapter 7 of your science textbook focuses on getting to know plants, including their different parts and functions. To reinforce your understanding of this topic, your teacher may assign you getting to know plants class 6 worksheets.

These worksheets are designed to help you better understand the material covered in class and prepare for exams. There are different types of worksheets available, including those that focus on identifying the different parts of plants, their functions, and their importance in the ecosystem. Some worksheets may also have questions related to class 6 science chapter 7 worksheet answers, which can help you test your knowledge and assess your understanding of the material.

If you are looking for getting to know plants class 6 worksheets with answers, there are many resources available online. Some websites offer free worksheets that you can download and print, while others may require a small fee. These worksheets with answers can be helpful in reviewing the material covered in class and ensuring that you have a good grasp of the concepts.

One way to prepare for class 6 science chapter 7 is to review the different parts of plants. This includes understanding the functions of the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds. Worksheets on parts of plants class 6 can help you identify these different parts and understand their roles in the plant's life cycle. You can also use getting to know plants class 6 worksheets to review and reinforce your understanding of the material covered in class.

If you are looking for getting to know plants class 6 pdf resources, the internet is an excellent source of information. There are many websites that offer downloadable PDFs of worksheets, as well as other resources such as study guides and quizzes. These resources can be especially useful if you are looking for additional practice or if you want to review the material on your own.

NCERT class 6 chapter 7 science is an important resource for students learning about plants. This chapter covers a range of topics, including the structure and function of different plant parts, the importance of plants in the ecosystem, and the role of photosynthesis in plant growth. Using class 6 science chapter 7 notes pdf can be a helpful way to review the material covered in class and prepare for exams.

In summary, getting to know plants class 6 worksheets are an important tool for students learning about plants. These worksheets can help reinforce the material covered in class, test your knowledge, and prepare you for exams.

Whether you are looking for worksheets on parts of plants class 6 or getting to know plants class 6 worksheets with answers, there are many resources available online to help you succeed. Additionally, using resources such as class 6 science chapter 7 notes pdf can help you review the material covered in class and deepen your understanding of the subject.

Water comes out of leaves in the form of vapour by a process called transpiration. Plants release a lot of water into the air through this process. The innermost part of the flower is called the pistil.

Getting to know plants questions and answers

Q: What are the different parts of a plant? A: The different parts of a plant include the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds.

Q: What is the function of the roots in a plant? A: The roots of a plant are responsible for absorbing water and nutrients from the soil and anchoring the plant in place.

Q: What is the function of the stem in a plant? A: The stem of a plant provides support for the plant and allows nutrients to travel from the roots to the leaves.

Q: What is photosynthesis? A: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

Q: What is the function of the leaves in a plant? A: The leaves of a plant are responsible for photosynthesis and the exchange of gases with the atmosphere.

Q: What is the function of the flowers in a plant? A: The flowers of a plant are responsible for reproduction and the production of seeds.

Q: What is the importance of plants in the ecosystem? A: Plants are important in the ecosystem because they produce oxygen, provide food for animals, and help to regulate the climate.

Q: How can you identify the different parts of a plant? A: You can identify the different parts of a plant by observing its structure and function. For example, roots are typically found underground and are responsible for absorbing water and nutrients, while leaves are usually found above ground and are responsible for photosynthesis.

Q: What is the life cycle of a plant? A: The life cycle of a plant begins with the seed, which germinates and grows into a seedling. The seedling grows into a mature plant, which produces flowers and seeds. The seeds are then dispersed and the cycle begins again.

Q: What are some examples of plants that humans use for food? A: Examples of plants that humans use for food include fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.


Q: What is the best way to study getting to know plants in class 6? A: The best way to study getting to know plants in class 6 is to read the textbook and take notes, practice with worksheets and other resources, and engage in hands-on activities such as observing plants and conducting experiments.

Q: What are the different parts of a plant? A: The different parts of a plant include the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds.

Q: What is photosynthesis? A: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

Q: Why are plants important in the ecosystem? A: Plants are important in the ecosystem because they produce oxygen, provide food for animals, and help to regulate the climate.

Q: What are some examples of plants that humans use for food? A: Examples of plants that humans use for food include fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.

Q: What is the life cycle of a plant? A: The life cycle of a plant begins with the seed, which germinates and grows into a seedling. The seedling grows into a mature plant, which produces flowers and seeds. The seeds are then dispersed and the cycle begins again.

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