Villagers Towns and Trades Worksheet with Answers

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Embark on an enlightening voyage through the pages of Villagers, Towns and Trades, a captivating narrative that forms the core of Class 6 history curriculum. This insightful chapter, not merely a scholarly study, delves deep into the quintessence of ancient civilizations, unraveling the lifeblood of early societies through the lens of villagers, bustling towns, and the intricate trades that connected them. The Villagers, Towns and Trades Worksheet with Answers stands as a beacon of knowledge, meticulously designed to illuminate the minds of young scholars, guiding them through the complexities of historical economic systems with precision and clarity.

The study of Villagers Towns and Trades class 6 is more than an academic endeavor; it's a journey back in time, where students uncover the foundations of commerce and the mutual dependence between the agrarian villages and the thriving urban centers. Every page turned, every question answered, brings to life the vibrant tapestry of interactions that shaped the economies of yore. Through the Villagers Towns and Trades mcq with answer, learners are encouraged to apply their knowledge, challenging them to think critically about the past and draw parallels to the present.

But the exploration doesn't end there. The Villagers Towns and Trades extra questions answers push the boundaries of curiosity further, prompting students to delve deeper into the interconnectedness of societies and economies, fostering an appreciation for the complexities of historical development. As part of Class 6 history chapter 8, within the supportive framework of witknowlearn, this chapter does more than educate; it inspires a lifelong passion for history and its invaluable lessons.

Villagers, Towns and Trades is not just another chapter in a history textbook; it is a gateway to understanding the intricate web of economic relationships that has propelled human societies through the noted ages. It offers a profound insight into the evolution of trades and the burgeoning of towns, providing Class 6 students with a panoramic view of our shared past, enriched with the knowledge of how ancient villagers and townsfolk contributed to the tapestry of civilization.

Villagers Towns and kingdoms

Many kingdoms in ancient India flourished due to an increase in the agricultural production. The reasons which led to a substantial increase in the agricultural production are: • The increasing use of iron helped in the growth of agricultural production. Iron tools such as axes helped in the clearing of forests and iron ploughshares were used for plowing the land. • The system of transplantation of rice and irrigation works such as wells, canals, tanks etc. also led to an increase in the agricultural production. The increasing use of iron tools increased the agricultural production Other steps to increase production: irrigation The kings and kingdoms you have been reading about could not have existed without the support of flourishing villages. While new tools and the system of transplantation (Chapter 6) increased production, irrigation was also used. Irrigation works that were built during this time included canals, wells, tanks, and artificial lakes. Villages and People Villages were largely inhabited in the northern and southern part of the Indian subcontinent by mainly three kinds of people: • In the Tamil region, the big land owners were known as vellalar.

Uzhavar were the ordinary ploughmen while landless labourers including slaves were known as kadaisiyar and adimai. • In the north, the head of the village was known as the grama bhojaka. He was the largest landowner and generally collected taxes for the king. He also employed several slaves and workers to work on his farm.

archaeological sources. • The Jatakas were stories which were composed by ordinary people but were written down and preserved by the Buddhist monks. • These stories throw light on the occupations, social and economic conditions of the people of those times. •

Many images and scenes illustrating the lives of the people living in villages and cities were carved as sculptures. These were an important source of the past. • Many capital cities were surrounded by large walls and gates.

These helped the archaeologists in understanding the geographical and economic condition of the cities of the past.

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  • Villagers towns and kingdoms

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