NCERT Class 6 What is Government Worksheet with Answer

NCERT Class 6 What is Government Worksheet with Answer
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Are you looking for NCERT Class 6 Chapter 3 civics resources? Check out our latest What is Government Class 6 Worksheet with Answer which includes MCQ questions, Very short questions, fill up, match the following, long question. We also provide complete answers along with each worksheet so that students can not only score good marks but also it will boost their confidence level toward civics subject and during any quiz competition for class 6.

 Here at witknowlearn, we have everything a young mind needs to understand the concept of government and its types. With our specially designed what is government class 6 worksheet and what is government class 6 notes, students can easily grasp the core ideas of civics class 6 chapter 3. If you're a parent or teacher in search of materials for what is government class 6th, our platform offers not only the class 6 civics chapter 3 extra questions and answers but also what is government class 6 mcq and what is government class 6 extra questions. By using these resources, learning about types of government will become a fun and engaging experience. So don't hesitate, and explore our class 6 chapter 3 civics resources today, and unlock the door to an enriching learning journey!

What Is Government

Government is a group of people who govern a country or a state and manage its affairs. Every country needs a government to make decisions and administer its affairs. Following are the functions of a government:

• All the administrative functions such as building railways, postal services, roads, public schools and hospitals are performed by the government.

• The government of a nation protects its boundaries and maintains peaceful relations with other countries.

• The government works for the upliftment of the poor section of the society. It formulates various programmes to help the poor.

• It also ensures that every section of society has food to eat and basic health care facilities.

• During natural calamities such as earthquakes and floods, the government organises various relief programmes for the people of the affected regions.

• Those people who violate any laws are punished by the courts, which are also part of the government. It thus maintains law and order in the state.

• Various decisions such as protecting the interests of the country on an international level or controlling the resources are taken by the government on behalf of the people.

• The government has the power of making and implementing laws. If any person feels that laws are not being followed by an individual or a group, he/she can approach the court and file a case.

Levels of the Government

National Level: The Central Government manages the administration of the entire country and protects its boundaries.

State level: Various State Governments look after the administration of their own state.

Local level: Village panchayats and municipal bodies look after various affairs like education, health, cleanliness etc in their own villages or districts.

Types of Government

1. Monarchial form of government: In a monarchy, the ruler takes all the decisions. There is a small council of ministers to advise him on certain policies, but he has the final say in all matters of the state. His position is hereditary, and he does not have to explain or defend his actions.

List of countries which have a Monarchial form of government

  1. United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II is the queen, and the country follows a constitutional monarchy.

  2. Saudi Arabia: This country has an absolute monarchy where the king has significant powers.

  3. Japan: It has a constitutional monarchy with an Emperor as a symbolic figure.

  4. Sweden, Norway, Denmark: These countries also have constitutional monarchies where the kings and queens have limited powers.

  5. Brunei: Here, the Sultan is both the head of state and the head of government, making it an absolute monarchy.

Some monarchies, like the United Kingdom, have limited the power of the royal family and have democratic practices, while others, like Saudi Arabia, give more power to the ruling monarch. So, the Monarchical form of government can be different in each country.

2. Dictatorial form of government: In a dictatorial form of government, a person or a group of people assume power without the consent of the people. Basic fundamental rights are denied to the people in a dictatorship.

List of countries which have a Dictatorial form of government

  1. North Korea: Led by Kim Jong-un, North Korea is often considered a dictatorship due to the absolute control exercised by the ruling family.

  2. Syria: President Bashar al-Assad's regime has been characterized as dictatorial due to the extensive power held by him and his associates.

  3. Zimbabwe: Under former President Robert Mugabe's rule, Zimbabwe was considered to have a dictatorial government.

  4. Belarus: President Alexander Lukashenko's regime is often described as dictatorial, with widespread control over various aspects of the country.

    3. The democratic form of government: In a democratic form of government, the ultimate power lies in the hands of the people as they vote for candidates during elections. Only those candidates who win become a part of the government. The government has to take full responsibility for the actions which are taken by it.

    List of countries which have democratic form of government

    1. United States: Known for its presidential system, the United States has regular elections where citizens vote for their leaders.

    2. India: It is the largest democracy in the world, with a parliamentary system. Citizens have the right to vote and choose their representatives.

    3. Germany: This country follows a parliamentary democracy, where the Chancellor is elected by members of the Bundestag, the federal legislative body.

    4. Brazil: As a federal republic, Brazil holds elections and allows citizens to choose their president and other representatives.

    5. South Africa: With a constitutional democracy, South Africa's citizens have the right to vote for their leaders, and there is a clear separation of powers between branches of government.

    6. Australia: Following a parliamentary system, Australia holds regular elections, and citizens have the right to vote for their leaders.

    7. Canada: With a federal parliamentary democracy, Canadian citizens have the power to elect their representatives.

      Types of Democracy

      1. Direct Democracy: In this type, citizens directly participate in making laws and decisions. There's no need for representatives; instead, people vote on issues themselves. Switzerland is an example where some cantons practice direct democracy.

      2. Representative Democracy: This is the most common type, where citizens elect representatives to make laws and decisions on their behalf. The United States and many European countries follow this model.

      3. Presidential Democracy: In this system, the President is directly elected by the people and acts as both the head of state and government. The United States uses a presidential system.

      4. Parliamentary Democracy: Here, the government is headed by a Prime Minister, who is usually the leader of the majority party in the parliament. India and the United Kingdom follow this system.

      5. Hybrid Democracy: Some countries combine elements of direct and representative democracy. Citizens might vote on some issues directly, while also electing representatives for others.

      6. Constitutional Democracy: This type emphasizes the rule of law and often includes a written constitution to protect individual rights. Countries like Germany and South Africa practice constitutional democracy.

      7. Social Democracy: This model focuses on social equality and often includes government involvement in providing welfare and reducing income inequality. Scandinavian countries like Sweden often exhibit features of social democracy.

        As per the class 6 syllabus, the direct and Representative Democracy syllabus is only there.

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  • What is government class 6

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