NCERT Class 6 Urban Livelihoods worksheet with answer

Premium NCERT Class 6 Urban Livelihoods worksheet with answer
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Understanding urban livelihood is an essential part of class 6 social science, and it's a topic full of interesting insights. Are you curious about urban livelihood class 6? It's all about the various ways people earn their living in cities. The subject includes exploring different jobs and roles that people have in urban areas.

If you are a student or a teacher looking for urban livelihoods class 6 worksheet with answer, we have comprehensive resources to enhance your learning and teaching experience. Interested in some challenging questions? Try the urban livelihoods class 6 mcq to test your knowledge! Perhaps you need detailed information for your study; in that case, urban livelihoods class 6 notes are the perfect companion for you.

And if you want to dive even deeper, don't miss the urban livelihood class 6 extra question answer section. With class 6 chapter 8 civics, you'll get a complete picture of the ways people work and live in cities. It's a fascinating part of class 6 social science worksheets that opens a window into the bustling life of urban areas. Explore, learn, and grow with this engaging subject!

Urban Livelihood class 6

Urban livelihood refers to the various ways people make a living in cities. In many Indian cities, around 12% of all workers operate on the streets, running their own businesses without being employed by anyone else. These street vendors may set up temporary shops on sidewalks or use carts, and they sell products like snacks, pickles, and other items often prepared at home by their families.

Street vendors' shops might be simple setups like a few boards spread over boxes or a canvas sheet hung up on poles. They have the constant challenge of potentially having to dismantle their shops at any time if instructed by the police, leaving them with no security or stable place to work. Recently, the government has recognized the rights of these nearly one crore street vendors and is considering modifying laws to provide specific zones for them to work without obstructing traffic.

In addition to street vendors, cities have various marketplaces with numerous shops selling everything from daily necessities to electronics and clothing. Some shops are permanent structures, licensed by the municipal corporation, and employ others as salespeople and helpers. You might also find services like doctors' clinics, banks, and courier services in these markets.

The urban livelihood landscape is vast and varied, reflecting the vibrancy and dynamism of city life. It includes both the informal sector of street vendors, striving for recognition and stability, and the formal sector of established shops and services. Together, they form a complex tapestry that fuels the bustling life of urban areas.

People Working in Factories

In cities, a large number of people find employment in factories or workshops, adding another dimension to urban livelihood. These workers can be skilled, like masons and plumbers, or unskilled laborers. Many of them gather in busy market areas, looking for temporary jobs or someone who needs their services.

A significant number of people work on a casual basis, particularly in industries like garments and mills. Being a casual worker means that employment is neither permanent nor well-paid. These workers are hired when employers get large orders or need extra help. They might only work for seven to eight months in a factory, often with long and tiring hours.

During the times when there's not much work in the factories, known as the lean season, casual workers have to look for other types of employment to sustain themselves. The uncertainty and instability of casual labor in factories present challenges for these workers, reflecting the complex and often precarious nature of urban livelihoods.

The working conditions in factories and the need for better wages and job security are critical issues for urban workers. The diverse landscape of urban employment, ranging from street vendors to factory workers, paints a picture of the hustle and challenges faced by the city's inhabitants as they strive to make a living.

People Working in Offices

In cities, many people find work in offices, big factories, government departments, and even call centers. This area of employment is different from casual labor, as those working in offices often have permanent and regular positions with the company.

People working in offices usually have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. They receive regular salaries and enjoy benefits such as fixed paid holidays, medical facilities, and provident funds, which they can use after retirement. These factors contribute to greater job stability and financial security.

Call centers have become a prominent part of the urban work landscape. A call center is a centralized office that handles customer inquiries related to products and services offered by various companies. Workstations in call centers are typically equipped with computers, telephone sets, and supervisor's chambers.

India has become a hub for call centers, attracting not only domestic but also foreign companies. The availability of proficient English speakers ready to work long hours at lower wages makes India an attractive destination for these businesses.

Overall, people working in offices, factories, and call centers represent a significant portion of the urban workforce. Their roles and benefits reflect the structured and more formalized segment of urban livelihood, contrasting with the informal and sometimes unpredictable nature of street vending or casual labor in factories. The diversity of jobs and work environments in the city highlights the complexity of urban life and the various opportunities and challenges that come with it.

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