The Ultimate Collection of Free Cubes and Cube Roots Worksheets for Class 8 PDF

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With these great cubes and cube roots worksheets specifically designed for class 8 students, you can easily master the topics in no time! Download these free PDFs now to help your child score maximum marks in their exams.

Click here to download cubes and cube roots notes, mcqs and extra questions and answers

Solve Cubes and Cube Roots– Comprehensive Solutions.

Use these worksheets to boost your child’s understanding of solving cubes and cube roots. With comprehensive solutions and step-by-step explanations, these PDFs provide clear understanding so that your child can confidently solve even the most complex problems on cubes and cube roots with ease!

How to Apply Shortcut Methods for Quick Results? 

Cubes and cube roots can be quite challenging to solve. To make the calculations simpler and faster, there are several shortcut methods you can use. One such method is the Sridharan Formula, which makes solving cubes and cube roots a snap. All you need to do is enter the cube number into the formula, and it will output the resulting cube root in no time!

Cubes and cube roots are an important part of mathematics that is taught in class 8. Understanding the concept of cubes and cube roots is crucial as it is the foundation of many mathematical concepts. In this article, we will be discussing the importance of cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheet, how to solve them and provide some useful resources that can help students with their studies.

What are cubes and cube roots?

Cubes are the product of multiplying a number by itself three times. For example, the cube of 2 is 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. Similarly, the cube of 3 is 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.

On the other hand, cube roots are the inverse of cubes. It means that the cube root of a number is the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, gives the original number. For example, the cube root of 8 is 2, as 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

Why is it important to learn cubes and cube roots?

Cubes and cube roots are important because they form the basis for many mathematical concepts. They are used in geometry, physics, and engineering, and are essential for solving problems related to volumes, areas, and other geometric figures.

Moreover, understanding the concept of cubes and cube roots also helps in simplifying algebraic expressions. It enables students to solve complex equations and problems easily.

What is the importance of using cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets?

Worksheets are an essential tool for students to practice and reinforce their understanding of concepts taught in class. They help in improving their problem-solving skills and provide an opportunity to identify their areas of weaknesses and strengths.

Cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets provide an excellent opportunity for students to practice their understanding of the topic. These worksheets are designed to provide a variety of questions that cover the entire syllabus. Solving these worksheets helps students to get a good grasp of the subject, and they can learn how to approach different types of problems.

Moreover, cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets also provide an excellent opportunity for self-assessment. Students can check their answers and compare them with the correct answers provided. This helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

How to solve cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets?

Solving cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets require a good understanding of the concepts and a good approach to solving problems. Here are some steps that students can follow to solve these worksheets effectively:

Step 1: Read the instructions and questions carefully. It is important to understand what is being asked before attempting to solve the problem.

Step 2: Identify the key concepts and formulas. It is important to have a good understanding of the formulas and concepts related to cubes and cube roots.

Step 3: Solve the problem step by step. Break down the problem into smaller parts and solve each part one by one.

Step 4: Check your answers. Once you have solved the problem, check your answers and make sure they are correct.

Useful resources for cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets

  1. Cubes and Cube Roots Class 8 Worksheet by – This resource provides a free printable worksheet with a variety of questions covering the entire syllabus.

  2. Cubes and Cube Roots Class 8 Worksheets by – This resource provides a set of worksheets with a variety of questions covering different topics related to cubes and cube roots.

  3. Class 8 Mathematics Chapter 2 – Cubes and Cube Roots – This resource provides a comprehensive guide to the chapter, including formulas, examples, and practice questions.

  4. Cube and Cube Roots Class 8 Extra Questions with Answers by – This resource provides a set of extra questions

    Most common questions asked by students

    1. Cube root 2 to 20: The cube root of numbers 2 to 20 are as follows:
    • Cube root of 2 is 1.2599
    • Cube root of 3 is 1.4422
    • Cube root of 4 is 1.5874
    • Cube root of 5 is 1.7100
    • Cube root of 6 is 1.8171
    • Cube root of 7 is 1.9129
    • Cube root of 8 is 2.0000
    • Cube root of 9 is 2.0801
    • Cube root of 10 is 2.1544
    • Cube root of 11 is 2.2239
    • Cube root of 12 is 2.2894
    • Cube root of 13 is 2.3513
    • Cube root of 14 is 2.4101
    • Cube root of 15 is 2.4662
    • Cube root of 16 is 2.5198
    • Cube root of 17 is 2.5712
    • Cube root of 18 is 2.6207
    • Cube root of 19 is 2.6684
    • Cube root of 20 is 2.7144
    1. Cube root of 1024: The cube root of 1024 is 10.

    2. 2 ka cube: The cube of 2 is 8.

    3. 0.008 cube root: The cube root of 0.008 is 0.2.

    4. Cube root of 4096: The cube root of 4096 is 16.

    5. Cube root of 46656: The cube root of 46656 is 36.

    6. 7 cube: The cube of 7 is 343.

    7. 4096 cube root: The cube root of 4096 is 16.

    8. 686 cube root: The cube root of 686 is 8.1548.

    9. Find the cube of 8: The cube of 8 is 512.

    10. 1 to 20 cube and square:

      The cubes and squares of numbers 1 to 20 are as follows:


    1. Is 343 a perfect cube? Yes, 343
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  • Cubes and cube roots class 8

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