Mystery Of The Talking Fan Question Answers From NCERT Class 7

Ah, gather round, my keen learners and wise wanderers of the written word, for we have before us a tale most peculiar and riveting! Enter the realm of Mystery of the Talking Fan, a saga that whispers (and occasionally, proclaims loudly) from the pages of NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 6. 

Imagine, if you will, a fan that speaks - not in the language of breezes and sighs, but in puzzles and mysteries that tickle the mind! Yes, you heard right. In the Mystery of the Talking Fan, we have an enigma that swirls and twirls above our heads, beckoning us to unravel its secrets. But fear not, for you're not alone on this quest! With Mystery of the Talking Fan question answers firmly in hand, you're more equipped than a knight facing a dragon.

Dive headfirst into the Mystery of the Talking Fan Question and Answers, where each query you encounter is a stepping stone towards unraveling the fantastical puzzle. And oh, what joy lies in discovery, as you navigate through Class 7 Mystery of the Talking Fan question answer, a path littered with clues and aha moments!

But wait, there's more to this adventure! The Mystery of the Talking Fan class 7 worksheet with answers awaits, a trusty map that guides you through treacherous valleys of doubt and over mountains of confusion, ensuring no learner is left behind in the fog of misunderstanding.

Seek further enrichment? Cast your curious eyes upon the Mystery of the Talking Fan class 7 extra questions and MCQs, where each challenge faced sharpens your wits like a sword against stone, preparing you for greater mysteries ahead.

By the end of this captivating journey, armed with the Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question Answer, you'll not only have unraveled The Mystery of the Talking Fan summary but also broadened your horizons, ready to sail the vast oceans of English literary exploration. So, buckle up, scholars, for an expedition where our fan doesn't just cool the room but ignites the flames of curiosity and learning! 

Mystery of the talking fan summary

The poem "Mystery of the Talking Fan" is written by Maude Rubin. It deals with the speaker wondering about a ceiling fan in the room. The fan makes a lot of noise. The speaker refers to the fan as a human being and addresses it as "he". The noise is referred to as an electrical chatter. The speaker is curious as to what the fan is trying to convey. He assumes that the noise is the fan's way of communicating its emotions. It remains a mystery to the speaker. But one day, someone pours some oil into the motor of the fan. Oil makes the fan less squeaky. It runs as still as water. The speaker is worried that he will never know what the fan was trying to say. He is disappointed that he will never unravel the mystery of the talking fan.

mystery of the talking fan question answer

The mystery of the talking fan is a fascinating poem from the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Poem 6 in the Honeycomb book. If you're struggling to understand the deeper meanings behind the poem, our NCERT Solutions can help. We provide detailed question and answer sections that cover all aspects of the poem, from its themes and motifs to its use of language and imagery. With our help, you can unravel the mystery of the talking fan and gain a deeper appreciation for this intriguing poem.


Questions (Page No. 97-98)

(Working with the Poem)

Question 1. Fans don’t talk, but it is possible to imagine that they do. What is it, then, that sounds like the fan’s chatter?

Answer: The noise produced by the fan’s motor with less oil sounds like the fan’s chatter.

Question 2. Complete the following sentences.

a.     The chatter is electrical because 

b.    It is mysterious because 


a.     The chatter is electrical because the noise is being produced by electrical motor of the fan.

b.    It is mysterious because we cannot understand what the fan is speaking.

Question 3. What do you think the talking fan was demanding?

Answer: The talking fan was demanding some oil. It was seeking attention of the people at home to put oil into the motors. Once it got oiling, it became silent.

Question 4. How does an electric fan manage to throw so much air when it is switched on?

Answer: An electric fan manages to throw so much air when it is switched on as it has an electric motor which rotates and makes the three blades of the fan move round and round at a specified speed.

Question 5. Is there a ‘talking fan’ in your house? Create a dialogue between the fan and a mechanic.

Answer: Mechanic: Hey! I just realized that you are a talking fan.

Fan: Oh, thank God! Yes, I do talk. It’s just that people don’t listen.

Mechanic: Alright, so tell me. What is the matter?

Fan: I need some oiling. My motor is struggling to rotate.

Mechanic: Oh. I will put oil in the motor now.

Fan: Thank you so much!
