Article Writing Format and Examples For Class 9 PDF

Introduction to Article Writing

An article is a piece of writing that is included in newspapers, magazines or journals alongside other written works.

Functions of an article:

  • Inform the reader about an idea, phenomenon and piece of news or information.
  • Present an opinion.
  • Present an objective analysis.
  • Used for descriptive purposes.

Characteristics of an article:

  • Can be formal or informal depending on who the readers are
  • Is less formal than a report
  • Is well researched and the facts are true

Format of an Article

Format example for Article writing:

How to Write an Article effectively:

Before writing, ask four questions:

1.  What is the topic?

2.  What is the purpose of the article?

3.  What tone should be employed?

4.  What is the word limit?


Topic: ‘Space Problem in the City’

Purpose: To highlight the housing problems faced by the citizens due to space constraints in the city.

Tone: Serious as the topic addresses a grave problem. Word Limit: 120–150 words

Brainstorm for ideas. Ask questions

  • What do you mean by ‘Space Problem?
  • What causes this problem?
  • What are the various problems faced by people in the city?
  • What can this lead to?
  • Who all are affected?
  • What is the extent of the problem?
  • How can it be tackled?

Create an outline on the basis of the questions.

Space problems mean lack of space for habitation purposes in big cities—urbanisation, overpopulation and crowding cause overpopulation—space problems cause problems such as overcrowding, lack of sanitation and diseases—it can lead to more problems such as real estate mafia and crimes—the ones who are affected are the middle and the lower classes— people are deprived of amenities such as water, open spaces and parks—congestion—can add to more pollution—can be tackled by managing resources adeptly—vertical expansion of the city can house more people.
  • Think of a suitable title that reflects the main idea of the article.
  • Use transition words and phrases to connect the points of your article
  • Structure your article by dividing your points into three parts—introduction, body and conclusion.

Examples of Article writing


Fresh Water Pollution

by Neha Gupta

Water that contains less than 1,000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids is known as freshwater. When the level of oxygen in the water decreases because of human activities, we face the problem of freshwater pollution.

Commercial activities of humans such as industrialisation and tourism have caused the level of pollutants in these freshwater resources to rise. Freshwater sources become the dumping ground for industrial waste products and other biomedical wastes. Reckless tourist activities also contribute to pollution. While it is obvious that living things need potable water to survive, freshwater pollution also threatens the habitat of a wide variety of flora and fauna.

People may not realise the gravity of the situation unless it affects them in profound ways. Creating awareness through government programmes may be helpful as it may capture the attention of the people. Corporates should also pitch in and try to take up the problem as a social responsibility. Along with the reduction of carbon footprint, freshwater preservation should be promoted. Tourist organisations should also lay some ground rules for reckless tourists. Together, we should battle this problem lest we see a day when living things die for the want of water. Let us take small steps to effect big changes in the future.


E-Judiciary in India

by Amir Shaikh

E-Judiciary or e-courts in India will revolutionise the way justice is dispensed by employing the use of technology at various levels of the litigation process. These processes include electronic case filing, online case submission and evidence production.

The main aim of starting this service in India is to speed up the judicial proceedings without cluttering the system. The e-judiciary manages cases automatically, provides online services, establishes the proper flow of information between courts and other government agencies, and lastly declutters the system by creating an easily accessible data grid. The e-court Mission Mode Project hopes to develop this efficient electronic system across India and all the union territories.

Through this system, we can be assured that problems such as the lack of transparency and delay in dispensing justice can be addressed efficiently
