Nutrition in Plants Class 7 Notes and Mindmap For CBSE

NCERT Class 7 chapter 1 Science Nutrition in plants - Printable Notes, MCQ's and Extra Questions and Answers

The NCERT curriculum for Grade 7 includes a chapter on Nutrition in Plants, imparting students with knowledge about the plant's need for nourishment, and how the process of photosynthesis provides them with the required nutrition. Additionally, learning materials such as printable notes, MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), and extra questions plus answers are included to help further understand this complex subject.

Nutrition in plants is a crucial concept covered in class 7 science. It deals with the various processes through which plants obtain their nutrients and energy to grow and thrive. The chapter covers different types of nutrition, including autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition, and focuses on the process of photosynthesis.

The chapter starts by introducing students to the different types of plants and the nutrients they require to grow. It explains the process of photosynthesis and the role of chlorophyll in capturing light energy. The chapter also covers the factors that affect photosynthesis, such as temperature, light intensity, and the availability of water and nutrients.

Students also learn about the different parts of a plant and their functions, including the leaves, stem, and roots. The chapter explains how these parts work together to enable plants to carry out the process of photosynthesis and absorb nutrients from the soil.

Additionally, the chapter covers the importance of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for plant growth and the role of fertilizers in providing these nutrients. It also touches on the various types of heterotrophic nutrition, including parasitic, saprophytic, and insectivorous nutrition.

In summary, the chapter on nutrition in plants provides students with a fundamental understanding of how plants obtain their nutrients and energy. It covers various topics, including types of nutrition, photosynthesis, factors affecting photosynthesis, plant parts and their functions, and the importance of nutrients and fertilizers. By the end of the chapter, students should be able to understand the role of plants in the ecosystem and appreciate the importance of a balanced and healthy diet for human nutrition.

Our printable notes are designed to provide students with a clear understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter. The notes are easy to read and contain explanations that are simple to comprehend. Additionally, the notes come with examples that help students practice what they have learned. These notes are an excellent resource for students who want to revise the chapter quickly.
