A Different Kind of School Question Answer

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Embark on a captivating journey into the unique world of A Different Kind of School in Class 6 English Chapter 5. Our comprehensive collection of resources gives you access to precise Class 6 English Chapter 5 Question Answer sections, perfectly tailored for an in-depth understanding of this intriguing story. We provide the NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 5 Question Answer key, designed as per the guidelines of the NCERT curriculum.

For a more comprehensive learning experience, avail the Class 6 English Chapter 5 PDF Question Answer that covers every aspect of the chapter. The Class 6 English Lesson 5 Question Answer further ensures all your queries are answered, making this chapter easier to comprehend. Alongside, you can also get a grasp on the complete storyline with A Different Kind of School summary. Embellish your learning journey with us and gain mastery over Class 6 English Chapter 5


The narrator visits a school run by Miss Beam. The school is famous for its unique system. Miss Beam explains that the main aim of the school is to teach thoughtfulness rather than thought. Hence, the curriculum is simple. They provide basic training in mathematics and language. The students learn the rest through interesting lectures and by reading.

There is a set of five special days for every student in each term. They are blind daydumb daydeaf daylame day, and injured day. During these days, students will live a life with their respective disability. The other students who are not on their special days will have the duty to help the needy. They are called the helpers.

The narrator then meets a girl who was on her blind day. She had her eyes covered in bandages. They took a walk around the garden conversing. The narrator became her helper, and also described the people around him to her. She, on the other hand, shared her experiences and thoughts about the special days.

When the time had come for the narrator to leave, he told Miss Beam that he was feeling sad to leave the school. He thought that he had become ten times more thoughtful than he thought he could become. Miss Beam becomes content in knowing that her system has made an impact on him.


Questions (Page No. 62-63)

A different kind of school class 6 question answer

Question 1. Put these sentences from the story in the right order and write them out in a paragraph. Don’t refer to the text.

·       I shall be so glad when today is over.

·       Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess.

·       I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day — at least not much.

·       But being blind is so frightening.

·       Only you must tell me about things.

·       Let’s go for a little walk.

·       The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this.


Let’s go for a little walk. Only you must tell me about things. I shall be so glad when today is over. The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this. Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess. I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day — at least not much. But being blind is so frightening.

Question 2. Answer the following questions

a.     Why do you think the writer visited Miss Beam’s school? (1)

b.    What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play? (9)

c.     “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day…” Complete the line. Which day was the hardest? Why was it the hardest? (9, 11, 15)

d.    What was the purpose of these special days? (5, 9)


a.     The writer had heard a lot of praise about the unique teaching methods of Miss Beam’s school. So, he visited her school to have a personal experience about the new methods of teaching.

b.    In Miss Beam’s school, every child had to play the role of being blind, deaf, mute, injured or lame for a particular day. This was like a ‘game’ that they had to play and this formed a key part of their training.

c.     “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day”. Among all the days, the blind day was the hardest day because that day students had to act blind without peeping from their blindfolds. They felt as though they were going to be hit or would bump into things every moment.

d.    The main purpose of these special days was to give the students a personal taste of misfortune. By enacting a disability for a day, this would help them understand the feelings of people born with such disabilities and have respect for the needy people in society. This training prepared the students to become good and responsible human beings.

Questions (Page No. 63-65)

(Working with the Language)

Question 1. Match the words and phrases with their meanings in the box below.


Paragraph numbers

1. homesick


2. practically


3. it pains me


4. appreciate


5. thoughtless


6. exercise


7. relief


8. ghastly




it hurts me


test the strength of

understanding the difficulties

wanting to be home

a welcome change

not very caring


1. homesick

wanting to be home

2. practically


3. it pains me

it hurts me

4. appreciate

understanding the difficulties

5. thoughtless

not very caring

6. exercise

test the strength of

7. relief

a welcome change

8. ghastly


Question 2. Re-word these lines from the story:

a.     I had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school.

b.    Miss Beam was all that I had expected — middle-aged, full of authority.

c.     I went to the window which overlooked a large garden.

d.    “We cannot bandage the children’s mouths, so they really have to exercise their will-power.”


a.     The writer had heard a lot of praise from people about the different teaching methods at Miss Beam’s school.

b.    The writer found Miss Beam to be a middle-aged woman full of authority.

c.     The writer looked out of the window and saw a large garden.

d.    The children had to use their will-power to keep quiet.

Question 3.

1. Given below is a page from a dictionary. Look at it carefully and

a.     find a word which means the same as ghastly. Write down the word and its two meanings.

b.    find a word meaning a part of the school year.

c.     find a word that means examination.

2. Now make lists of

a.     all the words on the page (plus any more that you can think of) that begin with terr-

b.    five words that may follow the last word on the page, that.

c.     write down your own meaning of the word thank. Then write down the meaning given in the dictionary.



a.     Ghastly: terrible – causing fear, very bad

b.    Term: a fixed length of time, a part of the school year

c.     Test: to look at something to see if it is correct or will work properly, to ask someone questions


a.     Terr: terrace, terrible, terribly, territory, terrify, terror, terrain

b.    That: show, given, after, bring, such, before

c.     Thank: To express gratitude to someone for help or service or show kindness

Question 4. A poem for you to read

All but Blind

All but blind

In his chambered hole

Gropes for worms

The four-clawed Mole.

All but blind

In the evening sky

The hooded Bat

Twirls softly by.

All but blind

In the burning day

The Barn Owl blunders

On her way.

And blind as are

These three to me,

So, blind to Someone

I must be.


Answer: Read the poem carefully.

Questions (Page No. 66)

(Speaking and Writing)

Question 1. Make a short list of things you find difficult to do.

For example:

turning a somersault

threading a needle

Compare your list with the other’s in the class. Can you explain why you find these things difficult to do?

Answer: Activity to be done by yourself.

Question 2. Look at your hands carefully. Now, write down for each finger one action for which that finger is particularly important. For example, the second (or index) finger helps to hold the knife down firmly when cutting.


Thumb: It helps in holding a pen or pencil while writing.

Second finger (Index finger): It helps in holding knife while cutting vegetables or fruits.

Third finger (Middle finger): It helps in sketching or holding a paint brush while painting.

Fourth finger (Ring finger): It is used for putting ring in the finger and supports other fingers too.

Fifth finger (Little finger/ Pinky finger): It helps in supporting other fingers and making a fist.

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  • Different kind of school

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