Vocation Poem Class 6 Questions And Answers

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Immerse yourself in the profound world of the Vocation Poem Class 6, an enchanting poem that explores the dreams and aspirations of a young heart. As part of our Vocation Class 6 resources, we strive to create a meaningful learning journey that stimulates curiosity and deepens your understanding of the poem.

With our comprehensive Vocation Question Answer guide, we unravel the nuanced layers of this captivating poem, providing you with insightful perspectives. We cater to students studying Class 6 English Vocation Question Answer, with resources designed to clarify and enhance your grasp of the poem. We offer the Vocation Poem Class 6 Questions and Answers PDF for a smooth, offline learning experience. Our Vocation Class 6 Questions and Answers cover every aspect of the poem, facilitating a thorough understanding of its themes and symbolism.

Delve deeper with our Class 6 English Chapter Vocation Question Answer and Class 6 English Poem Vocation Question Answer resources. Whether you're exploring Poem Vocation or intrigued by the Vocation Poem, we're here to guide your literary voyage, fostering a love for poetry and a deeper appreciation for the magic of words.



-by Rabindranath Tagore

The poem has two scenarios; the child is on the way to school, and the child is at home. In these two scenes, the child saw three people in a day. The poem conveys the child's mindset and the wish towards the people who hide their struggles and pain behind their works.

One morning, when the child rushed to the school, the child saw a hawker selling bangles. In the evening, the child saw a gardener digging the soil, where he never bothered the stain on his clothes. At night, the child peeped out through the window and saw a watchman who will never sleep at night and enjoy the whole night with his shadows.

The child feels jealous of those people as they are happy without any time restrictions. From all those works of the people, the child wished to be a hawker, a gardener, and a watchman. He doesn't want to push himself to go to school on time and follow the time restrictions, whereas the child needs a peaceful life.


class 6 English vocation question answer

Question 1. Your partner and you may now be able to answer these questions.

       i.          Who is the speaker in the poem? Who are the people the speaker meets? What are they doing?

     ii.          What wishes does the child in the poem make? Why does the child want to be a hawker, a gardener, or a watchman?

Pick out the lines in each stanza, which tell us this.

   iii.          From the way the child envies the hawker, the gardener and the watchman, we can guess that there are many things the child has to do, or must not do.

Make a list of the dos and don’ts that the child doesn’t like.

The first line is done for you.

The child must The child must not

come home at a fixed time. get his clothes dirty in the dust.

Now add to the list your own complaints about the things you have to do, or must not do.

   iv.          Like the child in the poem, you perhaps have your own wishes for yourself. Talk to your friend, using “I wish I were…”


       i.          The speaker in the poem is a little school-going child. In the poem, he meets three people- a hawker, a gardener and a watchman.  He observed all three of them and saw that the hawker was selling bangles and was saying “Bangles, crystal bangles!” while selling. While returning from school, he saw a gardener, who was digging the ground. At night, when it got dark and his mother sent him to bed, he saw the watchman walking up and down, through his window. The child in the poem has an innocent mind. He watches all the people around him keenly. He strongly wishes  he could lead his life his own way and enjoy the freedom just as a hawker, a gardener or a watchman.

     ii.          The child in the poem wishes to lead his life as per his wish because being a child, he cannot do as he wishes. He has to follow particular rules which he does not like.

The child in the poem wants to be a hawker, a gardener, and a watchman. It is so because when he looks at the hawker, he wishes that he could also spend his day on the road crying “Bangles, crystal bangles!”. He feels that the hawker is in no hurry for anything. He can take any road he wishes; can go to any place he wants and have no fixed time to return home. Such freedom cannot be exercised by him as a child, and so he wishes to be a hawker so that he could do all these things. Next, he wishes to be a gardener because a gardener can do anything he likes with his spade. He can soil his clothes with dust. No one will scold him if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet. Therefore, to be able to dig anytime and do what he wants, the child if the little child wishes that he could be a gardener. Finally, when he sees the watchman, he wants to be like him so that he can roam around in the streets at night. He will be able to walk through dark and lonely streets all night with his lantern and chase shadows. This wish emerges when he is put to bed and is not allowed to roam outside by his mother. He even wonders that the watchman had never even once gone to bed in his entire life. Therefore, he wants to be a hawker, a gardener, and a watchman so that he will be able to do these things which are not possible for a little child like him to do.


The Child Must

The Child Must Not

Come home at a fixed time

Get his clothes dirty in the dust

Go to bed on time, when it got dark 

Get baked in the sun or get wet

Go to school every day

Walk on dark and lonely street at night

Question 2. Find out the different kinds of work done by the people in your neighbourhood. Make different cards for different kinds of work. You can make the card colourful with pictures of the persons doing the work.

Answer: Activity to be done by yourself.

As we conclude our exploration of the Vocation Poem Class 6, our hope is that you have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of this captivating piece. Our resources, including Vocation Class 6 Questions and Answers, Class 6 English Chapter Vocation Question Answer, and Class 6 English Poem Vocation Question Answer, are carefully designed to deepen your engagement with the text. If your interest has been piqued by Poem Vocation or Vocation Poem, you'll find our collection of English Poems for Class 6 to 8, Vocation Poems, and Vocation Poem Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers invaluable.

We also offer the Vocation Poem Class 6 PDF for an easy, offline learning experience. Our Poems About Vocation, Vocation Poem Class 6 Summary, and Vocation Poem Summary provide an enriched understanding of the poem's themes and symbolism. We cater to a range of preferences with resources like an 8 Line Poem in Hindi, Poem Comprehension for Class 6, Everyone is Differently Abled Poem, and translations such as Vocation Hindi Meaning and Meaning of Vocation in Hindi. For a more contextual understanding, we also provide Vocation in Hindi and Vocation Example. Continue exploring with us and foster a deeper love for literature.

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