Tansen Class 6 Question Answer

Tansen Class 6 Question Answer
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Welcome to your ultimate guide for 'Tansen Class 6', an important chapter from the Class 6 English syllabus. Our platform meticulously provides Tansen Class 6 question answers, enabling a thorough understanding of this intriguing tale. If you are keen on learning about Tansen's exceptional talent as explained by Swami Haridas, we offer comprehensive 'why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was talented' discussions, delving into the profound story and the character's unique attributes.

To clarify the events that led Tansen to Akbar's court, we elaborate on 'why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court' and further offer insights into 'why did Tansen agree to sing Raga Deepak'. Explore the Tansen questions and answers section to test your comprehension and cement your understanding of the story. Moreover, our analysis of 'what steps did he take to save himself' unravels Tansen's wisdom and resourcefulness. Round off your learning with our Tansen Class 6 summary, providing a concise overview of the chapter. Dive into the world of Tansen with us, discovering the art of music and the resilience of an exceptional artist, all while enriching your literary knowledge.




Tansen class 6 question answer

Question 1. Why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was ‘talented’?

Answer: Tansen, as a child, learnt to imitate the calls of birds and animals. One day he roared like a tiger in the forest. He intended to frighten the travellers. Swami Haridas was impressed by the skill of the boy. So, he called Tansen ‘talented’.

Question 2. Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

Answer: Tansen learnt music from Swami Haridas for eleven years. He himself be­came a famous singer. Sometimes he sang before Emperor Akbar. Akbar was so impressed that he asked Tansen to join his court in 1556.

Question 3. How do we know that Akbar was fond of Tansen? Give two reasons.

Answer: Tansen became the favourite of the Emperor. Akbar used to visit Tansen’s house to hear him practise music. He asked Tansen to sing whenever he had the mood. He also gave Tansen many presents.

Question 4. What did the other courtiers feel about Tansen?

Answer: Tansen’s popularity made other courtiers jealous of him. They made up their mind to ruin Tansen somehow.

Question 5.

a.     What happens if Raga Deepak is sung properly?

b.    Why did Tansen’s enemies want him to sing the Raga?


a.     If Raga Deepak was sung properly, the air became so hot that the singer was burnt to ashes.

b.    The courtiers who were Tansen’s enemies, wanted the singer to sing Raga Deepak and die of heat.

Question 6. Why did Tansen agree to sing Raga Deepak?

Answer: Tansen agreed to sing Raga Deepak because he dared not disobey the Em­peror. Secondly, he wanted to prove his ability.

Question 7.

a.     What steps did he take to save himself?

b.    Did his plan work? How?


a.     Tansen was a little worried as well as afraid. He took two steps for his safety. He requested the king to give him some time. Next, he taught his daughter and her friend to sing Raga Megh.

b.    Yes, Tansen’s plan worked. His singing made the environment hot. Flames shot up and lighted the lamps. Just then, the two girls started singing Raga Megh. The rains came down suddenly and saved Tansen’s life.

In conclusion, journey with us as we explore the life of Tansen, a great musician who graced the court of Emperor Akbar. Understand the essence of his name with our insightful exploration of Tansen meaning. For our senior learners, we also cover Tansen poem class 9 for a broader perspective. Facilitating our Hindi-speaking audience, we translate courtiers meaning in Hindi, and provide the Hindi meaning of courtiers, enriching your vocabulary and enhancing comprehension.

Delve into the history with Who was Tansen and understand his early life influences with our deep dive into Tansen's Guru. Our Tansen information in English provides a comprehensive look into his life and accomplishments. We also translate the jealous feel meaning in Hindi, a crucial theme in Tansen's story. Additionally, explore Tansen was in the court of to appreciate his influence in Akbar's court. Learn the talented Hindi meaning and Tansen meaning in Hindi to facilitate bilingual learning. As a bonus, we offer a lesson plan for English Class 6 NCERT Honeysuckle, perfect for educators mapping out their teaching strategies. Here, you can immerse yourself in the melodious journey of Tansen, and experience the rhythm of this fascinating historical tale.

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