Equality Class 11 Question Answers From NCERT

Class 11 Chapter 3 Equality question Answer from Political science 

Unpacking the concept of equality, especially in Class 11, can be a journey full of insights and revelations. Are you curious about equality in Class 11? Or perhaps you're looking for a clear breakdown of class 11 political science chapter 3 question answers? At WitKnowLearn, we've dedicated our platform to help you navigate these academic waters seamlessly.

One of the key discussions in Class 11 is understanding what social equality is. Social equality in Class 11 delves deep into ensuring every individual, irrespective of their background, has an equal standing in society. It challenges us to question biases, confront disparities, and champion a world where everyone gets an equal shot at success.

But, why does equality matter, especially in Class 11? Equality is not just a term; it's a pillar of modern society. Recognizing the significance of equality helps students prepare for a world that is ever-evolving. Understanding political science equality forms the backbone of democratic societies, ensuring that governance is by the people, for the people, and of the people.

When exploring what equality means in political science, we learn that it's not just about ensuring everyone is treated the same. It’s about acknowledging differences and ensuring that systems and structures are in place to offer everyone an equal opportunity. This academic voyage will make you question, analyze, and appreciate the nuances of equality political science.

A burning question many students have is, how can we promote equality? In Class 11, students are not only taught about the theoretical aspects but are also encouraged to be active agents of change. Promoting equality is a collective effort. Whether it's in the classroom, at home, or in society, each one of us has a role to play. At WitKnowLearn, we equip you with the knowledge and tools on how to promote equality, be it in Class 11 or beyond.

Q1. There is a view that absolute economic equality is neither possible nor desirable. It is argued that the most a society can

do is to try and reduce the gaps between the richest and poorest members of society. Do you agree?

Ans: It refers to availability of equal opportunities to one and all present in the society, without any discrimination.

Absolute economic equality of income has never existed in society. But democratic set up provides equal opportunities

to at least those who are capable and possess potential with equal opportunities, inequalities may exist between

individuals, but one’s position may be improved with the sincere efforts in the society.

1. Economic Inequalities:

1. Economic inequalities exist if there are differences in wealth, property or income between different sections of


2. It enhances the gap between the upper, middle,poor-rich and persons living below the poverty line

2. Measurement of economic inequalities:

1. To estimate the number of people who are living below the poverty line.

2. To find out the differences between the rich and poor.

3. Importance of economic equality:

1. Economic equality guarantees each and everybody equal opportunities.

2. Economic equality reduces the gap between the rich and the poor or high or middle class,etc.

3. Economic disparities can make society more violent because the reforms cannot take place in such a society.

Q2. Some people argue that inequality is natural while others maintain that it is equality which is natural and the inequalities

which we notice around us are created by societ. Which view do you support? Give reasons.

Ans: Equality is natural and the inequalities which we notice around us are created by society.

People are naturally equal because of the common humanity.

Inequality exists because of unequal opportunities and exploitation of one group from other groups in the society.

Natural inequalities are those that emerge between people as a result of their different capabilities and talents.

Social circumstances, situations and conditions help the individual to grow and develop her/ his talents and


Different status and roles are essential for smooth running of the society but these status and roles are decided by

the society that shows inequality.

Society categorises the people on the basis of race, gender, caste, class etc that create inequality.

Thus, society labels certain race, gender, caste, class to be treated inferior or superior by creating stereotypes.

Q3. A government report on farmers’ problems says that small and marginal farmers cannot get good prices from the market.

It recommends that the government should intervene to ensure a better price but only for small and marginal farmers. Is

this recommendation consistent with the principle of equality?

Ans: The recommendation of the government is consistent with the principle of equality as the intervention is necessary to

secure the interests of small and marginal farmers.

Small and marginal farmers do not have access to adequate resources to sustain themselves during the off season.

Therefore, they need better compensation for their produce.

Q4. Match the following concepts with appropriate instances:

a.Affirmative action i. Every adult citizen has a right to vote.


Equality of opport



Banks offer higher rate of interest to seni

or citizen.

c. Equal Rights



Every child should get free education.

Ans: a. Affirmative action ii. Banks offer higher rate of interest to senior citizen.

b. Equality of opportunity iii. Every child should get free education.

c. Equal Rights i. Every adult citizen has a right to vote.

Q5. Which of the following violate the principles of equality? And why?

Every child in class will read the text of the play by turn.

Ans: This does not violate the principle of equality because every child is asked to perform the same activity without any


Q6. Which of the following violate the principles of equality? And why?

The Government of Canada encouraged white Europeans to migrate to Canada from the end of the Second World War till 1960.

Ans: This violates the principle of equality due to discrimination on the basis of colour.

Q7. Here are some arguments in favour of the right to vote for women. Which of these are consistent with the idea of

equality? Give reasons.

Not granting women the right to vote will cause disharmony in the family.

Ans: It is not consistent with the idea of equality as it is concerned more with the disintegration of family rather than giving

women equal opportunity to choose their representatives.

Q8. Here are some arguments in favour of the right to vote for women. Which of these are consistent with the idea of

equality? Give reasons.

Decisions of the government affect women as well as men, therefore they also should have a say in choosing the rulers.

Ans: It is consistent with the idea of equality as this argument is based on the impact of decision making process on women

and hence, their right to choose the decision makers.

Q9. Here are some arguments in favour of the right to vote for women. Which of these are consistent with the idea of

equality? Give reasons.

Women are our mothers. We shall not disrespect our mothers by denying them the right to vote.

Ans: It is not consistent with the idea of equality as this is not based on the principles of equality but this argument

emanates from our emotions.

Q10. Here are some arguments in favour of the right to vote for women. Which of these are consistent with the idea of

equality? Give reasons.

Women constitute half of humanity. You cannot subjugate them for long by denying them the right to vote.

Ans: It is consistent with the idea of equality as this argument is based on rational thinking. Women are considered as equal

to men in the composition of society and are therefore given equal importance and opportunity to cast their vote.

Q11. Which of the following violate the principles of equality? And why?

There is a separate railway reservation counter for the senior citizens.

Ans: It is not violating the principle of equality because senior citizens should be honoured and every individual one day can

enjoy the same privileges.

Q12. Which of the following violate the principles of equality? And why?

Access to some forest areas is reserved for certain tribal communities.

Ans: This do not violates the principle of equality because all tribal people have right to maintain their own culture
