Rights Class 11 Questions And Answers

Premium Rights Class 11 Questions And Answers
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Embarking on the quest to understand rights, especially in Class 11, is like stepping into a world that melds philosophy, law, and ethics. Are you seeking comprehensive rights class 11 questions and answers? Or perhaps you're on the lookout for reliable rights solutions? WitKnowLearn is your beacon in this journey, guiding you through every twist and turn. The concept of rights in Class 11 is multifaceted, diving deep into the kinds of rights and their significance in our society.

One intriguing question that often piques the curiosity of students is, "Where do rights come from in Class 11th?" This question is not just about legal provisions, but delves into the very fabric of human existence and dignity. At the heart of Class 11's exploration of rights is the quest to understand the essence of what rights are. In Class 11, students are introduced to various perspectives that answer the crucial question: "What are rights?" These are not just legal entitlements but are intrinsically tied to our identity as individuals and as members of a community.

But the journey doesn't stop at understanding. The topic further unravels the origins, asking "Where do rights come from in Class 11?" It's a deep dive into history, philosophy, and the social constructs that have shaped our understanding of rights. WitKnowLearn offers a platform where these topics are explored, questioned, and understood in depth.

For students eager to gain insights, for educators aiming to impart knowledge, and for anyone curious about the realm of rights, WitKnowLearn is the go-to platform. Dive into this captivating world of rights, understand their origins, types, and implications, and be part of a learning journey that shapes informed, empowered individuals.




Discuss briefly some of the new rights claims which are being put forward in our country today for example the rights of tribal people to protect their habitat and way of life, or the rights of children against bonded labour.


The claim of rights of tribal people to protect their habitat and way of life has emerged with the new conception of a secure and respectful life of individuals along with preserving their traditional way of life and access to resources.

This is a result of change in society and its beliefs and providing special provisions or rights to people to protect indigenous culture.

Tribal people are given rights to own a part of land of the forest to which they belong.

They are given special facilities in education, job, medicine etc. so that they can compete with the rest of the society on equal terms.

The rights of children against bonded labour are necessary to prevent their exploitation and ensure a safe childhood for them.

The right to education is a new right given in the Indian Constitution.

This right helps in preventing the violation of the basic right of children to education.

Right to information is a new right that helps the citizens to know the status or the procedure of the services that they are entitled to receive.





Rights place some limits on the authority of the state. Explain with examples.


No doubt we need the support of government to make our rights available to us. The support of government and law, make our right accessible to us, i.e. if we need one right to education, the state makes the provision for basic education.

Right to life obliges the state to make laws to protect from being injured by others. A society can expect the state to pursue policies to provide clean environment to be essential for good quality food.

Rights not only indicate what a state must do,they also suggest what a state must refrain from doing, i.e. the state cannot simply arrest any person as per own will, the state is supposed to give proper reasons for curtailing one’s liberty before a judicial court.

Right ensure that the authority of state is exercised without violating the sanctity of individual life and property.





Differentiate between political, economic and cultural rights. Give examples of each kind of right.


Political rights are those rights that ensure equality before law and the right to participate in the political process. Right to contest election is a political right.

Economic rights are those rights that ensure the entitlement of basic needs of food, shelter etc.

Economic rights helps in fulfilling the political rights. Right to minimum wage is an economic right.

Cultural rights are given to citizens to preserve their culture, its essence and its dignity.

Political rights and economic rights help in ensuring cultural rights for citizens. Right to establish institutions to preserve one’s language is a cultural right.




On what grounds are some rights considered to be universal in nature? Identify three rights which you consider universal. Give reasons.


Some rights are considered to be universal in nature on the grounds to be equally important for all human beings who live in a society.

The following three rights can be identified as universal:

The right to livelihood.

Right to freedom of expression.

Right to education.



Economic independence is the most important dignity in one’s life and considered necessary for leading a life of respect and dignity across the world.

Right to freedom of expression provided an opportunity to be creative and original in any field of one’s choice. And government also comes to know of its failure and success. Right to education develops capacity to improve useful skills and to enable citizen to make choices in life, hence it can be designated as a universal right.




What are rights and why are they important? What are the bases on which claims to rights can be made?


Rights are primarily those state-recognised claims that every individual regards to be necessary for leading a life of respect and dignity. These are essentially a justified claim or an entitlement.

Rights are important as they help individuals to develop their capacity to reason, develop their skills and enable them to make informed choices in life.


The bases on which claims to rights can be made are:

The representation of conditions that individuals collectively see as a source of self-respect and dignity.

The necessity for every individual’s well being.


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