Dialogue Writing Format and Samples For Class 9

Premium Dialogue Writing Format and Samples For Class 9
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Dialogue Writing

What is a Dialogue?

A dialogue is a conversation between two individuals on a topic understood and related to by both. It is an exchange of thoughts and opinions on any kind of topic or issue. A dialogue may either aim to form a concurrence of thought or differentiate one’s point of view from the others.

Format of a Dialogue writing:

A dialogue does not have any distinct format. However, some rules need to be followed in order to avoid confusion while pairing a statement with its speaker.

  • When the names of speakers are not mentioned, the dialogues should be written within quotation marks.

     Example: “I have an appointment today.”

                   “What time is it?”

  • In such cases, attributions like he said, she replied etc. should also be included

      Example: “I do not trust that man,” he said

  • An attribution when used at the beginning of a sentence should always be followed by a comma (,).

     Example: She said, “This is the clue we were looking for.”

  • When names of the speakers are included, they should be followed by a colon mark (:).

     Example:    Rita:        How may I help you?

                          Mr Rao:  Could you tell me the way to the boardroom?

  • Every time the speaker changes, a new line should be used.

      Example:     Mother:               What time will you be back?

                             Sara:                     The class will get over by 4, so I should be home by 4.30

                            Mother:               I may not be home when you come, but I will make some snacks for you before leaving.

Tips for Writing a Dialogue:

  • A written dialogue should appear spontaneous; therefore, do not include elaborate sentences.
  • While writing a dialogue, ensure that thoughts are expressed clearly.
  • Make a short outline at the beginning so that all important points are given sufficient credit.
  • Arrangement of ideas in the logical sequence is equally important. Jumping back and forth with thoughts makes the piece appear immature

Sample Dialogues:

Sample 1

Bank Manager: Good morning! Please come in. How may I help you?

Rohan Singh: Good Morning! I would like to open a savings account with your bank, but I find the process very confusing.

Bank Manager: Please take a seat. The process is very simple actually. All you have to do is fill a savings account opening form and submit it with photocopies of your ID proofs and two passport-sized photographs.

Rohan Singh: Which ID proofs should I get along?

Bank Manager: We will need one photocopy each of your ration card, pan card and Aadhar card. Rohan Singh: Ok, that sounds easy. Where will I get the account opening form?

Bank Manager: The clerk sitting at the desk opposite the cash counter will give it to you. Rohan Singh: What is the minimum deposit amount for opening an account?

Bank Manager: For savings account, it is only 500 rupees. However, this amount cannot be withdrawn unless you wish to close your account permanently.

Rohan Singh: What are the other facilities that I would be provided if I open an account?

Bank Manager: Apart from your cheque book, SBI will provide you with an ATM/debit card, internet banking and phone banking facility.

Rohan Singh: Thanks a lot! You have really simplified the procedure for me. Bank Manager: The pleasure is entirely mine.

Sample 2

Mother: Looks like you had a lot of fun at school today. How was the Christmas party?

Priya: It was truly spectacular mother. The children from the primary section enacted the Christmas story at the assembly.

Mother: Oh! That must have been really beautiful.

Priya: It was! Not only that; after a short speech by our school leader on the significance of Christmas, the school band played carols on their instruments. Mumma, you should have heard them, for a moment I felt like the heaven had come down to Earth.

Mother: That does sound exceptional. I understand what you mean. Your school has the reputation of excelling in whatever it does.

Priya: Yes mumma, it was! After that we went to our class. There we played games with our teacher. It was great fun. We also had crib making and classroom decoration competitions.

Mother: So, they kept y’all busy the whole day. Did they give y’all any snacks to eat?

Priya: Yes, they gave us Fruity, samosas, wafers, cake and chocolates. I got many gifts from Santa Claus as well. He kept throwing them in all directions.

Mother: Well Priya, I’m glad that you had so much fun.

Priya: That I did, wait mumma there is more. I forgot to show you the gift I got. Every standard received a different toy. We received Brainvita. Playing this game is so much fun.

Mother: So, I see you opened it in school itself.

Priya: Yes! Everyone did. We were so engrossed in it that we did not even realise when the bell rang at the end of the day.

Mother: That’s very nice. Be sure to thank your teachers when you go to school next for all the effort they put in.

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  • Dialogue writing format and samples for class 9

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