Diary Entry Format and Samples For Class 9

Premium Diary Entry Format and Samples For Class 9
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What is a Diary Entry?

A diary entry is a personal record of events and feelings affecting the writer. It is written for personal record and reflection; therefore, it may not always be objective in its view. It almost always details the events occurring in the present. It includes facts, observations, perceptions and descriptions all according to the writer’s world view.

Format of a Diary Entry

Tips for Writing a Diary Entry:

  • The word limit of a diary entry is 150 words. Everything you wish to say should be encompassed within this limit.
  •  Remember that a diary entry is not a documentary. Include only those things which were the highlight of the day.
  • Spend a few moments going over the entire day and categorising the events which affected you the most.
  • Focus on the emotions, feelings and thoughts that the day’s event(s) triggered.
  •  Use a personal confessional tone as the entry is a record of your personal life and past.
  • Maintain the correct chronological order while noting things. Avoid skipping from one thought to the other.
  • An anticipatory note at the end of the entry and looking forward to the following day is a good way of concluding an entry.
  • Use grammatically correct sentences and avoid spelling mistakes. Also avoid using long complex sentences.

Sample Diary Entries:

Sample 1

Sunday, 21st July 2024

9.00 pm

Picnic to Shangrila Resort

Dear Diary,

am very sorry for not writing in you last night. I was extremely tired after enjoying the entire day at Shangrila Resort. I could not even keep my eyes opened. The place was so huge that by the end of the day we still felt like we did not see the entire place. It had one large pool for adults, two pools for children over 10 years and a really shallow yet very cute pool for small children. There was a large waterfall as well. The entire place was surrounded with grass and trees. It felt as if we were in a real jungle. They also had speakers hidden in the trees giving sound effects of wild animals. The food too was fresh and filling. It gave us energy to go on playing. We had a great time and wished we could stay there forever.


Sample 2

Friday, 5th September 2024

8.00 pm

Struggle for Admission

Dear Diary,

Our board exam results have not yet been declared and already the news of malpractice is making the rounds. There are cases of attempted bribery reported for admissions into esteemed colleges. Such news is really very disheartening. Especially when coupled with the various reservation schemes already existing. This leaves no scope for children like me who do not fit in any minority groups nor can sum up large amounts for donation. This is a very serious problem, and I am really threatened by it. Even if the malpractices are ignored or hushed up, as very often they will be, the fact that these students will not excel in their courses is inevitable, thus causing a loss of the country’s resources employed in their training. I do not know what to look forward to anymore. I just hope and pray that such practices are tracked and nipped in the bud.


Sample 3

Saturday, 18th July 2024

8.00 PM

My first visit to a bank

Dear Diary,

Today my father sent me all alone to the bank. He called me this morning and asked me to get his

passbook updated. When I heard him I panicked for a moment. But the look in his eyes told me that he trusted me with the job. This brought me immense joy and I set out to prove him right. I had been to the bank many times before but never alone and surely never to get a job done. Once I stepped in, I regretted not paying attention to my dad when I accompanied him. I had to spend some time asking around to figure out how to get a pass book updated. A kind man showed me what exactly I had to do and I got the job done. I returned home to the treat of my favourite milkshake. I will never forget this trip to the bank.


Sample 4

Friday, 20th November 2024

8.40 PM

Picnic to EsselWorld

Dear Diary,

We arrived at EsselWorld at about 9.30 AM today. Our school had booked the entire place so there were no outsiders. Since all the students in our school had come for the picnic, the place looked liked a second school, but one where we could have a lot of fun. There were so many rides that we were sure to miss at least a few by the end of the day. As the school had arranged everything in advance, we did not have to pay for anything, even the rides. I enjoyed the pendulum and the rainbow the most. The food was delicious and filling too. There were a few handicrafts on sale. I bought a jute handbag for my mom. It was the best picnic I have ever attended. I would love to go there again.


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  • Diary entry format and samples for class 9

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