English Speech Writing Format and Samples For Class 9

Premium English Speech Writing Format and Samples For Class 9
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Introduction to Speech Writing

What is a Speech?

A speech is a spoken discourse or an expression of ideas that is delivered in front of an audience by the speaker.

A speech can perform one or more of the following functions:

  • To provoke the audience to take action: Report Corruption to Kill Corruption‟
  • To inspire the audience: Do One Good Deed A Day‟
  • To inform the audience: Beauty Magazines Promote Low Self-esteem.

Format of a Speech writing:

Like other forms of composition, a speech also comprises an introduction, supporting ideas and a conclusion.

Example of speech writing:

Farewell speech example and format:

How to Write a Speech:

Before one starts writing, ask three questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the speech?
  2. Who is the audience?
  3. How long will the speech last?


Topic: The Curse of Global Warming

Purpose: To enlighten the audience about the harms of global warming

Audience: Classmates and teachers

speech writing format and examples:

Sample 1

Reservation: Hindrance to Democracy

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends,

Today I am going to speak whether the Reservation system should be abolished in India or not.

In India, reservation was introduced to uplift the lower strata of society. However, over the years, the reserved classes have been enjoying privileges offered by the government without really contributing to the country‟s progress. The equality of opportunity has turned into a chance to misuse the relaxations offered to the lower classes. The result: the lower classes glorify their so-called „low‟ status and eat into the positions at various levels in the country.

In the modern times, people receive education irrespective of their caste; they are informed and can fight for their rights. The current reservation system then becomes an obsolete way of evaluating who needs aid from the government. The government should amend the reservation system and make a person‟s financial status the parameter to offer or withdraw privileges. Positions in schools and government offices should be filled taking into account a candidate‟s education and financial background.

This is a huge change, but if brought about, will only produce better citizens who could do the nation proud at the national and the global level. It is time that the present reservation system is abolished in India.

Thank you.

Sample 2

Terrorism can only be countered by War

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends,

Today I am going to speak for the motion terrorism can only be countered by war. The prime goal of the defence system of a country is the safety of the regions and the people. Terrorism has always been jeopardising lives. Therefore, if a country needs to fight against such groups, war is justified. Attack is the best form of defence.

Terrorist groups have a strong and sophisticated network, which can be counteracted only with an equally strong defence system. Therefore, military operation is crucial in breaking the network completely.

Terrorist groups have no regard for rules of international harmony and concord. Therefore, the use of force in the form of war is justified. The number of terrorists and terrorists groups present in the world today is mind-boggling. The world can be freed from their grips only if they are attacked and wiped out completely.

With this, I conclude my speech. I would like to thank you all for being a patient audience.

Sample 3

Television an Entertainer or an Educator?

Respected Principal, learned teachers and my dear friends,

I am glad to have the opportunity to talk about the role of television as a mode of entertainment and education.Ever since its invention in the early twentieth century, television has been used to both inform and entertain people. The broadcasting machine TV may once have been limited to entertaining households, but it has gradually evolved into a medium that also provides edutainment. Be it the UGC programmes on Doordarshan or private DTH channels airing shows for children, television has found followers from all age groups.

DD Kisan is a channel intended for the benefit of farmers by telecasting appealing and informative content. DD Gyandarshan relays programmes from various Doordarshan Kendras in different Languages. It is organised and administered by NCERT, IGNOU and the National Institute of Open Schools. Apart from Doordarshan, many other channels like Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet and History Channel air educational and informative shows for all age groups. Children can learn about the environment, climate change and the latest innovations to explore and understand their ancestral traces.

News channels also play an important role in informing their audience about current affairs around the world. Children learn to form opinions at an early age when they see news programmes exposing malpractices or activities that disturb peace. Television, hence, is not an idiot box anymore. It actually depends on how we use the broadcasting machine. With this, I would like to reiterate that television is plays a significant role in informing, educating and entertaining the masses. The television is unparalleled in its ability to reach out to a wide audience. With this, I conclude my speech. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.

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  • English speech writing format and samples for clas

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