A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Question Answers

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A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal, a deeply touching poem, is part of the Class 9 English curriculum. It's penned by the renowned poet William Wordsworth and presents themes that touch the heart and stir the mind. If you're a student or a parent looking to understand this poem, here's an easy and engaging guide.

First off, the meaning of this poem is profound. Wordsworth shares his feelings about the loss of a loved one and how it impacts him. The title itself, A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal, suggests a deep emotional state, like the poet’s spirit is locked in a sleep, unable to grasp the reality of loss.

The Class 9 summary of this poem is essential for students. It breaks down the poem's two stanzas into simpler concepts, making it easier to understand the poet’s emotions and thoughts. The summary also helps in grasping how Wordsworth deals with themes like mortality and the human connection to nature.

Understanding this poem also involves diving into its questions and answers. These are not just about what is written, but why it's written that way. Whether it’s extra questions or specific ones from the textbook, each question guides students to think deeper about the poem’s meaning and the poet's message.

A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal for Class 9 is more than just a poem to study. It's a journey into the human heart and mind. The poem invites students to think about life, love, and loss in ways they might not have before. Wordsworth's use of simple language to convey deep emotions makes this poem relatable and impactful.

For students seeking solutions and answers, A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal offers a rich ground for learning. It encourages students to explore emotions, question the nature of existence, and understand the beauty of poetry. This poem is not just a part of the English curriculum; it's a lesson in life and the complexities of human feelings.

So, as you dive into this poem, whether for studying, teaching, or just exploring, remember it's a journey. A journey through emotions, through the brilliance of Wordsworth’s words, and a journey that connects us all to the universal experiences of love and loss. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal is indeed a precious part of Class 9 English, one that leaves a lasting impression.





-by William Wordsworth

Stanza- 1

A slumber did my spirit seal

I had no human fears.

She seemed a thing that could not feel

The touch of earthly years.


Explanation: In the stanza, the poet has expressed his grief over the death of a loved one. He says that he had no usual human fears now as death is the ultimate fear for human beings. When a person is alive, then he has many apprehensions and many fears like disease, famine etc. But death makes the end of all these fears because earthly years or usual fears seem to have no effect on his beloved. She has passed away peacefully leaving everything behind.




Stanza- 2

No motion has she now, no force

She neither hears nor sees

Rolled round in earth's diurnal course

With rocks and stones and trees.


Explanation: In this stanza, the poet mentions that there is no motion in the body of his beloved as death has overcome her. Also, death has deprived her of her strength. She is unable to see and unable to hear. All her senses are dead now. She has adjusted herself with the routine activity of earth now. As the earth completes its routine of day and night with the rocks, stones and trees; so does the beloved of the poet now. She has become a part of the nature. The poet concludes with her afterlife.

Conclusion of A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Class 9

A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal summary tells us about the pain of the author due to his beloved’s death and how he comes to the acceptance of this harsh reality.


Questions (Page No. 136)

(Thinking about the Poem)

A slumber did my spirit seal question answer

Question 1. “A slumber did my spirit seal,” says the poet. That is, a deep sleep ‘closed off’ his soul (or mind). How does the poet react to his loved one’s death? Does he feel bitter grief? Or does he feel a great peace?

Answer: “A slumber did my spirit seal” says the poet. It is a little difficult to decide if the poet felt bitter grief or a peace. He says that his soul has been sealed due to his loved one’s death and that he does not have any human fears. He talks about how his loved one seemed now- motionless and beyond the passage of time.

Question 2. The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say this?

Answer: The lines of the poem that say this are:

“She seemed a thing that could not feel

The touch of earthly years.”

Question 3. How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person living in a very happy state (a ‘heaven’)? Or does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the poem do you find your answer?

Answer: The poet imagines her to be immersed in the earth. He feels that she has become a part of earth’s daily course and rolled along with the rocks, stones and trees.

The lines of the poem that we find our answer in are:

“Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course

With rocks and stones and trees.”

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