Exploring "The Happy Prince" Chapter 5 in NCERT Moments Class 9 - Check Out the Extra Questions and Answers!

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Step into the enchanting world of 'The Happy Prince' as we delve into Chapter 5 of the NCERT Moments Class 9. This captivating tale by Oscar Wilde continues to captivate readers with its poignant themes and timeless lessons.

In this chapter, young readers are taken on a journey through the intricate emotions and sacrifices made by the Happy Prince. But what makes this chapter truly engaging is the set of extra questions and answers we have for you.

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These thought-provoking questions will not only test your comprehension but also help you unravel the deeper meaning behind the story. From analyzing the characters to exploring the moral dilemmas faced by them, these questions will enhance your critical thinking skills and enable you to connect with the story on a profound level. Whether you're a student eager to unearth the hidden layers of 'The Happy Prince' or a teacher looking for additional learning resources, these extra questions and answers are bound to engage and enlighten. So, let's embark on this literary adventure and unravel the magic of Chapter 5 in 'The Happy Prince', a true masterpiece in the world of literature.

In Moments Class 9 Chapter 5, students encounter 'The Happy Prince', a heartwarming tale that is a significant part of the NCERT Class 9 English Moments curriculum. Our Moments Class 9 Chapter 5 PDF brings this beautiful story to life, making it easy for students to access and understand. The chapter unfolds the story of the Happy Prince, a statue that stands tall in a city, witnessing the sorrows and hardships of the people. Despite his own past as a prince who never experienced sorrow, the statue feels deep compassion for the citizens.

This Class 9 English Supplementary Chapter 5 is much more than a story; it's a lesson in empathy, kindness, and selflessness. For those looking to explore deeper, we have compiled comprehensive resources, including the Happy Prince class 9 question answer, and extra questions and answers. These materials are designed to help students grasp the intricate details of the story, understand its themes, and appreciate the moral values it imparts.

The Happy Prince Class 9th story is not only about the statue and his sacrifices but also about the little swallow who becomes his messenger, carrying out acts of kindness. This chapter, with its rich narrative and moral lessons, is essential for Class 9 students, providing insights into compassion and sacrifice. Students preparing for exams can benefit greatly from our collection of the Happy Prince short questions and answers, ensuring a thorough understanding of the chapter. Dive into the world of the Happy Prince in Class 9 Moments Chapter 5, a chapter that beautifully blends storytelling with profound life lessons.

Summary of The Happy Prince Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of Class 9 Moments, titled The Happy Prince, narrates the story of a majestic statue and a small swallow. The Happy Prince, once a living prince, is now a gold-leafed statue adorned with precious stones. He observes the suffering and poverty in the city from his high pedestal. The swallow, meant to fly to warmer lands, gets delayed and encounters the prince. Moved by the prince's compassion, the swallow assists in distributing the statue's gold and jewels to the needy. This partnership between the prince and the swallow unfolds into a tale of sacrifice, love, and kindness.

Analysis of the Characters in Chapter 5

In Chapter 5, the Happy Prince is a symbol of empathy and selflessness. His transformation from a carefree prince to a compassionate statue highlights the awakening of social conscience. The swallow represents loyalty and sacrifice, choosing to stay with the prince instead of migrating. Both characters, through their actions, display profound altruism and empathy.

Key Themes in Chapter 5

The chapter explores themes of compassion, sacrifice, and the disparity between wealth and poverty. It portrays how true happiness comes from helping others. The story also touches on the transient nature of beauty and the enduring quality of kindness.

Literary Devices Used in Chapter 5

The author employs literary devices like imagery, personification, and allegory in Chapter 5. Vivid descriptions bring the city and its inhabitants to life, while personification is evident in the Happy Prince and the swallow. The story itself is an allegory, conveying deeper moral and societal messages.

Discussion of the Symbolism in Chapter 5

The Happy Prince is rich in symbolism. The statue symbolizes nobility and self-sacrifice, while the swallow represents freedom and the joy of giving. The decay of the statue symbolizes the often-overlooked value of compassion over material wealth.

Extra Questions Based on Chapter 5

Extra questions might include: Why does the swallow choose to stay with the Happy Prince? or How does the Happy Prince help the poor of the city? These questions encourage deeper analysis of the story's characters and themes.

Answers to the Extra Questions

Answers should reflect the swallow's growing attachment to the prince and its role in distributing the prince's riches. The Happy Prince helps the poor by sacrificing his gold leaf and precious stones, showing that true nobility lies in selfless acts of kindness.

Importance of Studying The Happy Prince in NCERT Moments Class 9

Studying The Happy Prince in Class 9 is important as it introduces students to complex themes like empathy, selflessness, and the societal divide between rich and poor. The story's moral lessons are timeless and relevant, providing valuable life lessons.


The Happy Prince in Class 9 Moments is a poignant story that leaves a lasting impact. It teaches the importance of compassion and selflessness, qualities that are essential in today's world. The chapter is not just a story, but a moral compass guiding young minds towards empathy and kindness.

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  • Chapter 5 in ncert moments class 9

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