Easy Math Integers Worksheet for Class 7 Students

Easy Math Integers Worksheet for Class 7 Students
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Learning Integers can be fun for your class 7 students with this easy and engaging worksheet! This worksheet covers all the basics of Integers and will help build their mathematical understanding.

Click here to download Integers Notes, Mindmap, MCQs and Extra Questions and Answers

Identify Positive and Negative Integers
In this exercise, students will be asked to identify whether a number is positive or negative. They are given a list of numbers and must determine which ones are positive and which are negative. This activity encourages them to think about the concept of Integers and how they apply in different situations. It also provides an excellent opportunity for discussion, as students work through each problem together.

Name the Integers between -5 & 5
The Integers between -5 and 5 are -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. These numbers represents the complete range of Integers from negative five to positive five. This worksheet can help your students practice identifying these Integers and apply them in different contexts.

Find the Absolute Value of integers
Integers can also be expressed as their absolute values. To get the absolute value of an integer, you need to subtract the number from zero. For example, if an integer is -5, its absolute value will be 5 (0- (-5) = 5). In this worksheet, your students have to identify the absolute value of Integers in different questions. Encourage them to use examples to help them understand how to calculate the absolute value of Integers more easily.

Perform Addition & Subtraction on Integers
This worksheet is also a great place for your students to practice their addition and subtraction on integers. An integer is considered positive if it’s greater than zero and negative if it’s less than or equal to zero. Make sure your students understand that Operations of Addition & Subtraction applied to Integers will result in the same sign as the Integer with the greatest absolute value from their equation. For example, 4+(-10)=-6 because -10 has a greater absolute value than 4.

Differentiate between Odd & Even Integers
When teaching your students about integers, it’s also important that they can differentiate between odd and even numbers. To classify an integer as either odd or even, simply divide the number by two. If the remainder is zero, then the number is even; if the remainder is one (1), then the integer is odd. For example, 8/2 has a remainder of 0 (no remainder) making 8 an even number while 7/2 has a remainder of 1 making it odd.

Looking for comprehensive resources to help you understand and solve problems related to integers and rational numbers? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the most popular keywords associated with integers and rational numbers for Class 7, along with tips and tricks on how to solve these problems with ease.

If you are a Class 7 student, you will know that integers are one of the fundamental concepts in mathematics. An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero. Understanding the properties of integers and how to perform operations on them is crucial for solving more advanced mathematical problems.

To help you master the topic of integers, we have prepared a range of worksheets for Class 7 that cover everything from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division. Our worksheets are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of integers and are suitable for both ICSE and CBSE boards.

In addition to integers, rational numbers are another critical topic in mathematics that Class 7 students should be familiar with. Rational numbers are those numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, with both the numerator and the denominator being integers. This includes decimals that terminate or repeat after a certain number of digits.

Our rational numbers worksheets for Class 7 include questions related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers, along with word problems to help students understand how to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. We also provide detailed explanations of the properties of rational numbers and how they can be used to solve complex mathematical problems.

So if you are looking for resources to help you understand integers and rational numbers for Class 7, our worksheets are an excellent place to start. Whether you need practice problems to sharpen your skills or detailed explanations of the concepts, our worksheets have got you covered. So start exploring today and take your mathematics skills to the next level!

Integers class 7th Extra questions for revision

  1. The sum of two consecutive integers is 25. Find the integers.
  2. The difference between two integers is 18. If their sum is -20, find the integers.
  3. A submarine is at a depth of -50 m from sea level. If it rises 30 m, what will be its new position?
  4. The temperature at noon was -5°C. If the temperature drops by 8°C, what will be the new temperature?
  5. Two opposite integers have a difference of 35. Find the integers.
  6. Find the opposite of 68.
  7. If the sum of three consecutive integers is -3, find the integers.
  8. The temperature at 6 a.m. was -3°C. If the temperature rises by 10°C, what will be the new temperature?
  9. If the sum of three consecutive odd integers is 33, find the integers.
  10. A football team scored -5, 8, and -3 goals in three games. What was the total score of the team?
  11. A bank account had a balance of -500. If a deposit of 700 is made, what will be the new balance?
  12. A flight descends from an altitude of 20,000 m to 12,000 m. What is the change in altitude?
  13. If the product of two integers is -80 and one of the integers is 10, find the other integer.
  14. If the sum of two integers is -18 and their difference is -6, find the integers.
  15. The temperature at noon was -8°C. If the temperature rises by 7°C, what will be the new temperature?

  1. What are integers in math? Integers are the set of whole numbers and their negative counterparts, including zero.

  2. What is the difference between positive and negative integers? Positive integers are greater than zero, while negative integers are less than zero.

  3. What is the smallest integer? The smallest integer is -infinity as integers go on infinitely in both positive and negative directions.

  4. How do you add integers? To add integers with the same sign, you can add the absolute values and keep the sign. To add integers with different signs, you can subtract the absolute values and keep the sign of the larger number.

  5. How do you subtract integers? To subtract integers, add the opposite of the second integer.

  6. How do you multiply and divide integers? To multiply integers, you can multiply the absolute values and keep the sign of the product. To divide integers, you can divide the absolute values and add a negative sign if the integers have different signs.

  7. What are rational numbers? Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, with a numerator and denominator both integers.

  8. How are integers and rational numbers related? Integers are a subset of rational numbers, as any integer can also be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 1.

  9. What is the difference between rational and irrational numbers? Rational numbers can be expressed as a fraction, while irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction and have an infinite number of non-repeating decimals.

  10. What are some real-world examples of integers? Examples of integers in the real world include counting money, keeping track of temperature, measuring distance, and keeping track of time.

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  • Integers

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