Solve the Puzzle: Printable Worksheet for Solving Linear Equation in One Variable Class 7

Premium Solve the Puzzle: Printable Worksheet for Solving Linear Equation in One Variable Class 7
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Take your math skills to the next level with this interactive worksheet on linear equations in one variable for Class 7 students. It's a great way to sharpen your problem-solving skills and practice solving real-life problems! Get ready to have fun – print out the worksheet now and start solving.

Understand what a linear equation is and its format.

A linear equation is an equation involving only one variable. It takes the form of ax + b = c, where a, b and c are constants, and 'x' is the unknown variable. Such equations can be solved by various algebraic methods such as substitution, elimination or graphing. It's important to understand the structure of a linear equation to correctly solve it – this worksheet provides questions helping you do just that!

Substitute values for the unknown variable to solve problems.

When working with one-variable linear equations, it can be helpful to substitute values for the unknown variable to solve. This is done by replacing the x in the equation with any value (sometimes called a guess) and then calculating the result. If necessary, several more guesses may be used until the correct solution is found. By doing this, students will develop a better understanding of how equations are solved.

Identify which techniques can be used to solve linear equations in one variable.

Linear equations in one variable can be solved using the following techniques: trial and error, substitution, graphing or plotting points on a graph, factoring, solving using the distributive property, elimination using addition or subtraction and cross-multiplying. With these various techniques available at their disposal, students are able to develop their problem-solving skills to solve linear equations with ease.

Linear equations in one variable are a fundamental concept in algebra that students learn in Class 7. The topic covers finding the value of an unknown quantity in an equation, where the equation has only one variable. To master this topic, students need to practice solving a variety of problems, which is where the linear equation in one variable class 7 worksheet comes into play. These worksheets provide a wide range of problems for students to solve, ranging from simple equations to word problems.

The linear equations for class 7 involve finding the value of a variable, such as "x," that satisfies an equation. The simple equations class 7 worksheet with answers is an excellent resource for students to understand how to solve these types of equations. The linear equations class 7 worksheet with answers provides practice for students to solve equations, which include integers, fractions, and decimals.

The linear equations in one variable class 7 worksheet with answers pdf is a comprehensive resource that provides a wide range of problems and solutions for students to practice. These worksheets cover topics such as linear equations with one variable, solving equations with the distributive property, and finding the value of a variable in an equation.

The linear equations in one variable class 7 extra questions provide students with more challenging problems that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These questions require students to apply their knowledge of linear equations in real-life situations, such as finding the cost of goods, determining the length of a rectangle, or finding the time it takes for a car to travel a certain distance.

The linear equations in one variable class 7 word problems worksheet provide students with practice problems that require them to translate word problems into equations and then solve them. These worksheets help students to develop their problem-solving and analytical skills while improving their understanding of linear equations.

The linear equations in one variable class 7 worksheet with answers cover a wide range of topics, including simplifying expressions, solving equations with fractions, and finding the value of a variable. These worksheets are an excellent resource for students to practice and improve their skills in solving linear equations.

In conclusion, the linear equations in one variable class 7 worksheet is an essential resource for students to master the concept of linear equations. With the help of these worksheets, students can practice solving a variety of problems and improve their problem-solving skills. These worksheets are available in both PDF and print formats, making it easy for teachers and students to access and use them. By practicing linear equations in one variable, students can improve their math skills and prepare themselves for more advanced topics in algebra.

Linear equations in one variable class 7 extra questions including word problems.

  1. If three times a number is decreased by 4, the result is 11. Find the number.
  2. Twice the sum of a number and 4 is 18. Find the number.
  3. The sum of two numbers is 48. If one number is twice the other, find the numbers.
  4. The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 50. If the father is twice as old as his son, find their ages.
  5. If the cost of 6 pencils and 4 pens is Rs. 60, and the cost of 3 pencils and 2 pens is Rs. 28, find the cost of each pen and pencil.
  6. The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 60 meters. If the length of the garden is twice its breadth, find the dimensions of the garden.
  7. A bus travels a distance of 300 km in 5 hours. If it travels at a uniform speed, find the distance it will travel in 8 hours.
  8. An alloy of copper and zinc contains copper and zinc in the ratio 5:3. If the alloy weighs 240 g, find the weight of copper and zinc in it.
  9. The cost of 8 mangoes and 12 oranges is Rs. 152, and the cost of 12 mangoes and 8 oranges is Rs. 184. Find the cost of one mango and one orange.
  10. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 24 cm, find its dimensions.


Q: What is a linear equation in one variable? A: A linear equation in one variable is an equation of the form ax + b = c, where a, b, and c are constants and x is the variable.

Q: What is the difference between an equation and an expression? A: An expression is a combination of variables, constants, and operations, while an equation is a statement that shows that two expressions are equal.

Q: How do you solve a linear equation in one variable? A: To solve a linear equation in one variable, use inverse operations to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. For example, to solve 2x + 3 = 7, subtract 3 from both sides to get 2x = 4, and then divide both sides by 2 to get x = 2.

Q: What is the solution of a linear equation? A: The solution of a linear equation is the value of the variable that makes the equation true. For example, the solution of 2x + 3 = 7 is x = 2.

Q: How many solutions can a linear equation in one variable have? A: A linear equation in one variable can have one solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions.

Q: What is the slope-intercept form of a linear equation? A: The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Q: How do you graph a linear equation in one variable? A: To graph a linear equation in one variable, plot the y-intercept and then use the slope to find additional points to plot. Connect the points with a straight line to graph the equation.

Q: What are word problems in linear equations? A: Word problems in linear equations involve using mathematical equations to solve real-world problems. For example, a word problem might involve calculating how many hours it will take to travel a certain distance at a given speed.

Q: How do you translate a word problem into a linear equation? A: To translate a word problem into a linear equation, identify the variable and write an equation that represents the relationship between the variable and the other quantities in the problem.

  • Tags :
  • Linear equations in one variable
  • Simple linear equations

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