Class 7 Symmetry Worksheet- Enhancing Problem Solving Skills

Class 7 Symmetry Worksheet- Enhancing Problem Solving Skills
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Symmetry: A Maths Worksheet For Grade 7 Students

Are you looking for worksheets to help teach your 7th graders about symmetry? Look no further! This collection of PDFs is perfect for introducing your students to the basics of symmetry in a classroom setting. Covering topics such as reflectional and rotational symmetry, these worksheets are a great way to teach your students more about this fascinating concept

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Symmetry is a fascinating concept in mathematics that has practical applications in various fields such as art, design, and architecture. In the context of class 7 mathematics, symmetry is a fundamental topic that students need to understand to advance their mathematical skills. In this article, we will explore the concept of symmetry class 7, including what it is, its types, and how to solve symmetry problems. Additionally, we will provide useful resources such as symmetry worksheets for class 7, symmetry class 7 NCERT solutions, symmetry class 7 worksheets pdf, symmetry class 7 lesson plan, symmetry class 7 questions, and symmetry class 7 extra questions with answers.

First, let's define what symmetry class 7 is. In simple terms, symmetry refers to the balanced distribution of shapes, forms, or objects. In mathematics, symmetry is the idea that a figure can be moved in a way that preserves its shape or appearance. In class 7, students are introduced to two main types of symmetry: reflection and rotational symmetry.

Reflection symmetry, also known as line symmetry, occurs when an object can be divided into two equal halves by a line or a plane. For example, the letter X is an object that has reflection symmetry, as it can be divided into two equal halves by a vertical line. On the other hand, the letter Y does not have reflection symmetry, as it cannot be divided into two equal halves by a line.

Rotational symmetry occurs when an object can be rotated about a fixed point without changing its appearance. A figure can have rotational symmetry of order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, depending on the number of times it can be rotated to look exactly the same. For example, a square has rotational symmetry of order 4, as it can be rotated by 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or 270 degrees to look exactly the same.

Now that we have defined symmetry class 7 and its types, let's discuss how to solve symmetry problems. To solve a symmetry problem, students need to identify the type of symmetry that the figure has, and then apply the appropriate transformation. For example, to find the line of symmetry of a figure with reflection symmetry, students need to draw a line that divides the figure into two equal halves. Similarly, to find the angle of rotation for a figure with rotational symmetry, students need to rotate the figure by the smallest possible angle until it looks exactly the same.

To help students practice their symmetry skills, there are various resources available, such as symmetry worksheet for class 7, symmetry class 7 worksheet with answers, class 7 symmetry worksheet, questions on symmetry for class 7 with answers, symmetry class 7 worksheets pdf, reflection and rotational symmetry class 7 worksheet, worksheet of symmetry for class 7, and grade 7 symmetry worksheets. These resources provide exercises and problems that allow students to develop their symmetry skills, practice identifying types of symmetry, and solve symmetry problems.

In addition to these resources, there are also symmetry class 7 NCERT solutions available online. NCERT solutions provide detailed and step-by-step explanations of various concepts, including symmetry, and help students understand how to approach different types of problems. Additionally, symmetry class 7 lesson plan is available online, which provides a structured approach to teaching symmetry to students. The lesson plan includes learning objectives, activities, and assessment strategies that enable teachers to effectively teach symmetry to their students.

Finally, it is worth noting that symmetry is not just a topic for class 7 mathematics. It is also a topic that is introduced in earlier classes such as class 4. In class 4, students are introduced to basic concepts of symmetry such as mirror symmetry and rotational symmetry. Therefore, if students have a good understanding of symmetry in class they will score good and understand the concepts in higher class.


  1. What is symmetry in mathematics? Symmetry in mathematics is a property of an object that remains unchanged under a certain transformation. This means that the object can be moved or transformed in some way and still retain its original shape and size.

  2. What is reflection symmetry? Reflection symmetry is a type of symmetry where an object or shape can be divided into two equal halves by a line or plane of reflection. The two halves are mirror images of each other.

  3. What is rotational symmetry? Rotational symmetry is a type of symmetry where an object or shape can be rotated around a fixed point and still maintain its original shape and size. The angle of rotation is the smallest angle through which the shape can be rotated and still appear unchanged.

  4. What is the difference between reflection and rotational symmetry? Reflection symmetry is a type of symmetry where an object or shape can be divided into two equal halves by a line or plane of reflection, while rotational symmetry is a type of symmetry where an object or shape can be rotated around a fixed point and still maintain its original shape and size.

  5. What is the line of symmetry? The line of symmetry is the line or plane that divides a shape or object into two identical halves. It is also known as the axis of symmetry.

  6. What is the order of rotational symmetry? The order of rotational symmetry is the number of times a shape or object can be rotated around a fixed point and still maintain its original shape and size.

  7. What is a symmetry worksheet? A symmetry worksheet is a set of exercises or problems that helps students practice and master the concepts of symmetry. It usually includes questions on identifying lines of symmetry, rotational symmetry, and reflection symmetry.

  8. Where can I find symmetry class 7 worksheets? you can find symmetry worksheets, notes, mcq, and extra questions and answers on witknowlearn

  9. What are the NCERT solutions for symmetry class 7? NCERT solutions for symmetry class 7 are the solutions to the exercises and problems in the NCERT math textbook for class 7. They provide step-by-step solutions to help students understand and master the concepts of symmetry.

  10. How can I improve my symmetry skills? To improve your symmetry skills, you can practice solving symmetry worksheets and exercises, work with a tutor or study group, and review the concepts and definitions of symmetry. You can also look for real-life examples of symmetry in art, nature, and architecture to help you understand the practical applications of symmetry.

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  • Symmetry worksheet for grade 7

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